How to reduce high pulse at normal pressure

The activity of the cardiovascular system is an indicator of the state of the whole organism. An increase in the pulse can indicate both functional changes in the physiological state and pathological ones.

What is pulse

Pulse is called cyclic oscillations of the arterial and venous walls under the influence of the incoming blood flow. By itself, the pulse is only a consequence of the activity of the heart, which, due to the contractile activity of the myocardium, ensures the blood filling of the vessels.

The cyclical filling of the arteries is determined by the volume of blood emitted by the heart ventricles. At the moment of ejection, the vessels are filled and the pulse wave rises. Then from the arteries the blood disperses through the capillaries and there is a decrease in pressure in the vessels.

Why can there be a high pulse at normal pressure

An increase in heart rate (HR), accompanied by stable arterial pressure, which is within the limits of acceptable values, is a symptom of a functional restructuring of the body associated with any factors. Causes that affect the increase in heartbeat, can be divided into:

  1. External;
  2. Internal.

The external factors include actions or events that, due to the nature of the effects on the body, can cause heart palpitations:

  • increased physical exertion;
  • high ambient temperature;
  • scare;
  • excitement.

Increased heart rate, which has arisen due to the above reasons, is a normal manifestation of the body. In the first two cases, he tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen, due to the increase in its consumption by organs and tissues.

Emotional manifestations, such as fright or excitement, cause an adrenaline rush of the adrenal cortex, which, in turn, causes heart palpitations.

As a rule, such manifestations are short-lived, and the increase in pulse occurs within the limits of permissible values.

The maximum allowable HR values ​​for loads can be calculated using the formula: 220 is the age in full years = maximum HR

Internal factors causing heart rhythm disturbances, as a rule, are a sign of an existing pathology. The reasons for the increase in heart rate can be:

  • disorders of the sinus node of the heart. There is a systematic failure of the conduction of electrical impulses that stimulate the contractile activity of the ventricles;
  • inflammatory heart disease (myocarditis);
  • conduction disturbance of the autonomic nervous system;
  • endocrine disorders. Along with the autonomic nervous system, they cause uncontrolled secretion of hormones, including adrenaline, which adversely affects the functioning of the heart;
  • inflammatory lung disease;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • anemia.

Symptoms and effects of high heart rate at normal pressure

Tachycardia, depending on the origin, may be chronic or paroxysmal. In the chronic course of the disease, the symptoms may not appear, as this condition becomes habitual. Paroxysmal tachycardia is characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

  • lack of air;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • "flies" before the eyes;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sweating;
  • feeling of heaviness in the heart.

The table of indicators of heart rate is normal.

Human age

years old

Lowest allowed

figure alone

Maximum allowed

figure alone

Average rate

at rest

2 - 585125105
6 -  880120100
9 - 107011090
11 - 126510585
13 - 15609080
16 - 50628572
51 - 59658675
60 - 80709080

Not only the pathology causing an increase in the heart rate, but also tachycardia itself has a negative effect on the body. In connection with the increase in the intensity of myocardial contraction, a number of negative consequences occur:

  • increases the load on the heart muscle, which leads to its premature wear;
  • blood filling of the ventricles of the heart decreases;
  • the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle is deteriorating;

A vicious circle is created in which the heart, trying to restore the proper level of oxygen, increases the contractile activity, which, in turn, increases the demand for oxygen.

This situation provokes the development of ischemia and, as a consequence, the risk of a heart attack.

What to do when raising the pulse

High pulse at normal pressure: what to do? When you find that you have a rapid heart rate, first of all, you should analyze what factors could trigger these symptoms.

If external stimuli became the cause of the increased heart rate, and the state returned to normal after a short time, then you should not worry. Situations that have caused negative reactions in the body should be avoided from now on.

If the pulse for a long time passes the threshold of permissible values, or the seizures of the heartbeat are repeated several times, you should consult a cardiologist to determine the origin of these deviations.

Also, in order to determine the disease, a blood test should be taken for:

  • hemoglobin content to rule out or confirm anemia;
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), for the detection of inflammatory processes;
  • hormone levels, to determine endocrine disorders.

Drug treatment to increase the pulse at normal pressure

Depending on the etiology of the onset of tachycardia, the treatment is to influence the root cause of the disease. How to reduce high pulse at normal pressure medication?

In order to eliminate the inflammatory disease, antibiotic therapy may be sufficient. In the treatment of sinus tachycardia or tachycardia caused by endocrine disorders, use:

  • beta-blockers (metoprolol, bisoprolol). These drugs reduce the sensitivity of the myocardium to hormonal changes, in particular to adrenaline, and contribute to the normalization of heart rhythm;
  • calcium channel blockers (verapamil). Inhibit the nerve conduction of the Atria, slowing heart rate.

Herbal tea and herbal tinctures have a beneficial effect on the normalization of the heart rhythm:

  • motherwort grass;
  • mint;
  • Valerian herb;
  • calendula herb

Pulse Prevention

As a prevention of increasing the pulse should:

  • avoid stressful situations;
  • observe the regime "work - rest";
  • eliminate sleep disorders by taking sedatives;
  • limit evening meal.

The main condition for the normalization of cardiac activity is rest. Overeating at night, also has a negative effect, due to the influx of a large volume of blood to the stomach and as a result, its outflow from the heart.

Regardless of the causes, an increase in pulse at normal pressure is a serious symptom, a protracted course of which can be fatal.

Careful attention to the manifestations of the body and timely access to a doctor will help avoid serious consequences and improve the quality of life.

In the next video - additional information on how to be in the case of too frequent a pulse.

Watch the video: What is a normal heart rate? (April 2024).