How to lose weight in the legs: instructions for use at home

Every woman who wants to be slim and beautiful, thinks about losing weight, if there are extra pounds. In this case, as practice shows, legs are one of the most problematic areas and lose weight last.

That is why within the framework of this publication, we propose to highlight such a question in various aspects - how to lose weight in the legs.

How to lose weight in the legs and thighs with diet and nutritional changes

Immediately, we note that there is no such nutritional plan that would point to a particular part of the body, in our case, the legs. So it was, and will be, that in order to normalize a specific part of your body, training is most effective, that is, physical activity, selected individually, taking into account the state of the body. However, this does not preclude the selection of an auxiliary diet.

Thus, if you are interested in losing weight in your legs, it is best to stop your attention on a diet that combines perfectly with the corresponding exercises for the legs and thighs. These are those diets that provide sufficient intake of protein (that is, protein).

It will help you to get enough for a long time and not to go for the sweet, and will also compensate for the protein intake as part of the training process, allowing you to effectively form muscles.

It is worth noting that even taking into account the effectiveness and long-term effect of a protein diet with a low carbohydrate content, losing weight still encounter an energy deficit, so you can hear more and more about switching to the so-called BUC diet (that is, protein-carbohydrate alternation). It is a nutritional plan that preserves all the benefits of protein foods, coupled with sufficient intake of "slow" carbohydrates!

Thus, the main task with the goal to lose weight in the legs - is a balanced diet, in which you will carefully control the flow of essential nutrients.

Example diet number 1:

200 grams of yogurt + apple + coffee without sugar.Steam chicken + cheese slice.1 banana + steamed vegetables.

Here are some helpful tips and advice for choosing foods for your diet. First of all, you should resolutely abandon such titles as:

  1. Sweets.
  2. Baking (all flour).
  3. Refined products, which include sugar, butter, cereals.
  4. Naturally, fast food in all its diversity and other sources of so-called "fast" calories and hydrogenated fats.
  5. Finally, from semi-finished products.
This is important to know! Semi-finished products are evil for losing weight at the feet of a person, yes, and just losing weight. In them, manufacturers generously add salty additives to improve the taste, and they, in turn, cause fluid retention in the body.

As a result, you will look better. That's why diets pay close attention to controlling salt intake, so you have to forget about nuts and popcorn.

Speaking of diets and catering for weight loss legs, one can not forget about snacks. Consultants for weight loss from the United States recommend to take as a rule: with each burden to a snack should do 20 squats, which discourage all desires with such a vector.

Example of diet number 2:

Omelette + slice of rye bread + 200 grams of vegetable salad + green tea with lemon.Low fat hodgepodgeSteamed fish / beef + baked vegetables + unsweetened tea.

Thus, you should choose a diet that would be combined with your level of physical activity. It is recommended to consult a doctor so as not to harm your body, and in pursuit of the slenderness of the legs do not shake health.

The role of water for weight loss legs

All experts in one voice say that with a diet aimed at losing weight of the legs and the whole body, in general, you should consume at least 2 liters of water per day. However, the amount of fluid may be slightly different. Let's understand the question in detail.

Nutritionists have derived the following formula: 1 liter of water is used for 30 kilograms of a person’s net weight. That is, if you weigh 60 kilos, therefore, drink the same 2 liters per day.

However, if you are overweight, the board ceases to be relevant. Just imagine, if you weigh 100 kg, it means that you need to drink 4 liters per day, which is problematic. That is why you should turn your eyes to the latest research in this direction, and they insist that the amount of water should correspond to the number of calories eaten.

Calculate calories: Imagine that you eat about 1200 kcal per day, which means that the volume of water should not be less than this figure with the addition of 0.5 liters.

Of course, water is very important in losing weight (legs, including), because:

  1. It effectively removes all "filth" from the body in the form of fat / protein / carbohydrate breakdown products.
  2. Water is indispensable in the framework of biochemical fat processing.
  3. Thanks to water, it restores the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.
  4. Metabolism is significantly accelerated.

To make the process of losing weight to the maximum effective, you should know a few rules for water intake:

  1. Take the habit of drinking a glass of warm water every morning. So you forget about constipation.
  2. Want a snack? Water will come to the rescue again.
  3. Before each meal, 20 minutes before, drink your portion of life-giving moisture.
  4. Do not forget to drink during training, because during exercise the body temperature increases and water removes toxins.
  5. To drink more is better until 6 pm, and after - only at will, so that there is no edema.

Be sure to check out the list of errors that are most common for losing weight:

  1. In no case do not drink water with food, as in this "disposition" fat accumulates in your body.
  2. Right before a meal, it is better not to drink water, because it is so easy to disrupt the digestive processes, because you dilute the gastric juice, washing away the beneficial enzymes. As a result, the food is not fully digested.

Thus, if you aspire to lose weight, therefore, to drink water is necessary. Be sure to contact the experts if you have diseases of the genitourinary system, or there is a vascular pathology.

How to lose weight in the legs quickly and effectively: exercise

Diets are, of course, good, but, as already noted, without physical activity it is impossible to achieve quick and noticeable results. That is why we offer you a list of exercises that are good in that they can be done at any time, regardless of the time of day, taking into account the schedule of the daily routine.

Important note: initially each exercise do 10 times (3 sets). If it is too difficult for you, or you are obese, you can limit yourself to one approach.

  1. No. 1: it is necessary to lie down on the floor, with arms relaxed along the body, and legs apart, shoulder-width apart. Begin to turn the legs inward, and then - respectively, outward with heels pressed to the floor.
  2. №2: good old "bicycle".
  3. No. 3: exercise scissors are also effective for slimming the legs. It is important to observe a 45 degree lifting angle.
  4. №4: we lie down on the floor and connect the legs with each other, and with our hands rest against the surface of the floor. Raise the legs to a maximum high to the chest, bending them. Straightening occurs without touching the floor.
  5. №5: attacks. Stand up and keep your feet shoulder width apart. Step forward right, leaving the other leg in place. Sit down, listening to the state of the body, transfer all the weight to your right leg, squatting as low as possible, and then slowly stand up. Change your leg.
  6. No. 6: squats are also no less relevant. Stand with your legs together and crouch for 1 approach 10 times. No need to rush, just find your pace with the maximum sense of load.
  7. No. 7: Sit on a chair facing back, keep your back level and your legs unbent. Raise them as high as you can, then lower them to the floor.
  8. №8: the exercise is called "foot travel". To complete it, sit on the floor, stretching out your legs (they should be straight), put your hands on your chest, if you like, cross them, and start moving forward with the help of the force of the buttocks. In parallel, you will feel the tension of your back / press to a greater or lesser extent. Then go back.

How to lose weight in the thighs and calves: exercise

No one will argue that the most problematic areas are, of course, the hips and calves, it is logical that special exercises are provided for them. We offer you 2 simple and at the same time effective options. You can do them, as in the previous paragraph, at any time convenient for you.

Thigh Slimming Exercise:

  • This exercise is important for strengthening the inner thighs. Lie on your back, arms folded along the sides. We begin to raise the legs, keeping the angle of 90 degrees relative to the back, and then bend them at the knees. The next block is dilution and knee alignment with heels held together.

Exercise for weight loss calves:

  • If you are unhappy with the state of your calves, think that they look like sausages, it is difficult to fasten your shoes, just do this exercise regularly. All that is needed for this is ... a wall. The most common, which is available in any home. Stand next to her and take something heavy in your hands (if you are not obese). Very slowly rise on your toes, and then go down. On the ascent, as on the descent should take about 10 seconds. It is necessary to repeat the ascents until the burning sensation in the knees becomes noticeable. The effect is not immediately noticeable, but it's worth it, believe me!

How to lose weight in the legs, not pumping muscles through massage

Yes, the most enjoyable part of the process for losing weight is, of course, caring for yourself and your body. If you do them regularly, not only will the condition of the skin improve, it will become both pleasant for tactile contact and elastic.

Massage and scrubbing are indispensable helpers in improving blood / lymph circulation, they will rid the body of dead skin parts, open the pores, allow the legs to take the subsequent care to the maximum effectively.

This is useful to know:

  1. It is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons. So, at home, hydromassage in the shower is quite possible, as well as contrasting. Everything is extremely easy: direct the stream of water in a circular motion on the legs in the direction from the ankles to the hips.
  2. Also at home practice dry brushing, rubbing the skin of the feet.

It has been proven that a vacuum massage or any other kind of great help in combating obesity and cellulite, but do not forget that in case of under-treated fractures, dislocations, skin problems, varicose veins, the presence of asterisks, it is better to consult with experts, so as not to aggravate the situation.

What to do to lose weight in a week?

It should be understood that losing weight is not a rapid process, representing a complex of measures for correct figure correction. Therefore, the question of losing weight in the legs for a week is rather ambiguous. Of course, some results can be achieved, but they will not be global, and this should be taken for granted.

Here are a few rules:

  1. We still follow the rules of the diet, we form a competent menu, giving up all the flour and fat, you can take as a basis one of the diets presented in our article a little higher.
  2. Take care of the regularity of training, which includes special exercises, which have already been offered in the range.
  3. Make your friends jump rope and bike. It will be good if this list includes massage and other treatments.

At least this week, you will train your body in proper nutrition and physical exertion, and small results will become an additional stimulus.

So, if you want to lose weight in the legs quickly and efficiently, you must form a new diet, and also regularly engage in physical activity, acting on the problem area "point"!

Additional exercises for weight loss legs - in the next video.

Watch the video: Workouts for Women : How to Lose Belly Fat with Exercises (April 2024).