List of sorbents for cleaning the body

The final products of metabolism, harmful substances that enter the body, begin to accumulate in cells, tissues, settling in the form of slags and toxins. Sorbents will be an excellent option for cleansing the body.

What are sorbents?

Sorbents are chemical compounds that absorb all unnecessary substances, gases that interfere with the normal functioning of the body and poison it. Such funds refer to drugs. They can have a positive effect both independently and in combination with other medicines.

Sorbents act as a link between harmful substances. They simply combine all the garbage and remove it from the body. With the help of sorbents, you can eliminate such unpleasant problems as:

  • stomach upset;
  • hangover syndrome;
  • binge eating;
  • poisoning, including medications;
  • abstinence syndrome.
Sorbents act as cleaners for any form of renal or hepatic failure, they increase the body's defenses, eliminate many immune pathologies. It is worth knowing that they are often used in the treatment of malignant tumors.

List of the best sorbents

To remove toxins and clean

Activated carbon

It is a natural remedy that helps clean the intestines, stomach. Must be present in any home first aid kit.

This tool is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology for the preparation of masks, shampoos, lotions. Since ancient times, coal has been valued for its preventive and curative properties. With it, you can treat food poisoning, various infectious diseases, cleanse the body of heavy metals.

Scientists have proven that activated carbon removes radionuclides, carcinogens, toxins. That is what makes it an indispensable and versatile medical product. Activated carbon is usually used for:

  • flatulence;
  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • intoxication with chemicals and poisons.


The drug contributes to the renewal of the mucous membrane of the stomach, accelerates the production of mucus, normalizes the bowels. It should be used for gastritis and diarrhea in children and adults, and it is prescribed even for newborns.


It helps cleanse the body, freeing it from harmful substances. With the help of Enterosgel, toxic liver damage can be treated, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis, chronic renal failure, malfunctions and disorders of the formation of bile, it also helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, food or drugs, various bactericidal diseases. Often, the drug is prescribed for strong toxemia in pregnant girls. Dosage is as follows: take three times a day, drinking plenty of liquid.


The main function of this drug is to filter and cleanse the body of toxic substances. Thanks to the silica, which is in the composition, the effect is only enhanced. Polysorb powder must be diluted with water and taken an hour before meals. The period of treatment depends on the type and extent of the disease. But before taking it is very important to carefully study the instructions - only in this case, you can avoid the appearance of side effects.


This sorbent is used for intoxication of the body, diarrhea, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, allergic reactions, after undergoing chemotherapy, for dental problems, as a fight against radionuclides. Means simply diluted with water and drink, the dosage is calculated based on body weight: for every kilogram of weight there is 1 gram of powder. Before use, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.


This tool is used for detoxification in case of poisoning, food infections, purulent diseases, kidney failure, and allergies. The dose of the drug depends on the weight of the body and the severity of the disease. Approximately: for adults - three tablets, for children - 1-2 tablets.

Allergy Sorbents

Such drugs are widely used in the fight against allergic reactions.


It is usually prescribed for dysbacteriosis to restore healthy microflora, in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, for various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, for problems with the stomach, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and various allergic reactions.

It is a prebiotic of synthetic origin. Children are advised to take only on prescription.


Drug that removes harmful substances. The tool is quite new, refers to the latest generation of such drugs. Reception is simple: you need to open the bottle, pour the required amount of water to the mark, stir. The prepared suspension is stored no more than two days.


The drug helps to destroy all toxic substances and protects the body. In fact, it is also activated carbon, but in capsules. Take 3 capsules 2-3 hours before meals or after it. Moreover, the dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment is determined only by a doctor.

For kids

Children's sorbing drugs should be used at the first signs of poisoning, with infectious diseases, to combat allergies and diathesis. Some sorbents are available in the form of sweet lozenges or suspensions, which greatly facilitates the medication.

The following drugs are the safest for small patients:

  • Polysorb MP;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Sorbovit K.

These drugs are prescribed to children of any age, because they are practically not absorbed into the digestive tract, do not have a general effect on the body. If you do not have on hand modern drugs, you need to grind a few tablets of activated charcoal and dilute with water.

Natural sorbents for cleaning the body

You can use the following options:

  1. The most famous is pectin. It is a polysaccharide, a catalyst that is important for good metabolism, lower cholesterol, and a substance that positively affects the bowels. But the main property is the purification from toxins and slags. When taking pectin, the bacteriological balance is not disturbed. Contains a substance in citrus, seeds.
  2. Fiber is very important for constipation, for cleaning the body of toxins. A large amount of fiber is found in eggplants, nuts, prunes, oatmeal.
  3. Coriander. This spice helps to remove heavy metals from the body. Additionally can help with indigestion.
  4. Garlic. It is through the inclusion of this product in the diet that the liver will start to accelerate the production of elements that fight toxins.
  5. Bentonite clay. This substance will help cleanse the body, eliminate infections and viruses.
  6. Green tea. This drink is useful due to the large amount of antioxidants in the composition.

Contraindications and side effects

The action of any sorbent is aimed at improving the human condition. But many experts do not recommend regularly taking them and self-medicating.

So, sorbents are contraindicated in:

  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of drugs;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • bleeding of the digestive tract;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • addiction to constipation;
  • erosive gastritis.

People with diabetes should not use drugs that include sweeteners. With extreme caution, sorbents are prescribed for pregnant women. And with their prolonged use, there may be side effects such as constipation, dyspeptic disorders. In addition, nutrient absorption is impaired and the removal of vitamins from the body is accelerated.

Watch the video: 6 Ways To Use Silica Gel Packets (April 2024).