Classes on the exercise bike for weight loss: the basics of training, reviews and results

Today, many are thinking about how to normalize weight and tighten the figure. Exercise is of great importance in the fight against obesity, since they are accompanied by energy expenditure and calorie burning.

The exercise bike provides a good aerobic load for the body. Aerobic exercise or cardiovascular exercise, in contrast to the active power load, is useful to everyone, regardless of age and body build.

With the help of an exercise bike, you can train safely and effectively, since there are practically no contraindications for its use. Thus, training on a stationary bike is an affordable way to get rid of extra pounds and keep your body in good shape.

The principle of action on the body and the impact on the process of burning fat

Exercise bikes in many sports shops can be purchased at an affordable price, in addition, it takes up little space in the room. Therefore, many use the exercise bike for training at home.

It provides intense aerobic exercise and engages all muscle groups. In the process of training, the muscles of the back, thighs, buttocks, lower legs, calf muscles, as well as the abdominals and arms come to activity.

The amount of calories that can be burned during an hour of training is comparable to the amount that is burned during the same time while running (approximately 500-520 kcal). Burning excess fatty tissue occurs due to the fact that training on a stationary bike is accompanied by an increase in pulse rate and an increase in the amount of oxygen that enters the body.

Exercise bike is not conducive to building muscle. During classes, there is a load on the muscles of the legs, but it only strengthens the existing muscle tissue, without increasing its volume. To pump up the legs and buttocks, you need to contact the power simulators, the simplest of which is dumbbells.

Regular exercise cycling provides:

  • improving the body's metabolism and, as a result, losing weight by accelerating the burning of calories;
  • tightened abdomen, elastic buttocks, strong and slender legs;
  • the absence or reduction of skin laxity throughout the body;
  • body flexibility and agility;
  • endurance: gradually, even high physical exertion is given much easier, the body becomes stronger;
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases: with regular cardiovascular disease, cholesterol levels are reduced and blood pressure in the body is normalized;
  • recovery effect after lower limb injuries and arthritis prophylaxis;
  • prevention of diseases such as osteochondrosis and sciatica (subject to the rules of landing on a stationary bike).

For any physical activity you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. Special attention should be paid to problems with the spine, if any. Although the exercise bike is a completely safe device that has many positive effects on the body, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor or a professional trainer.

How to train with an exercise bike

Many are interested in how many kilograms you can lose weight with the help of training on a stationary bike. So, in order to lose extra kilos with the help of an exercise bike, you need to ensure that your workouts have a certain consistency: take time to practice and clearly define the load.

The number of kilograms from which you can get rid of with regular trainings on an exercise bike depends on a number of factors: general level of physical activity, initial weight, nutrition system and individual characteristics of the organism.

It is almost impossible to determine a specific figure, but with normalization of nutrition and intensive training 4-6 times a week, you can focus on weight reduction of 3-8 kg per month.

Each workout should begin with a warm-up. This may be a small aerobic part, which will warm up all the muscles. You can do breathing exercises, jumps, squats, lunges in turns on each leg. To stretch your arms fit pushups, swinging and stretching.

Having done a light warm-up for 7-10 minutes, you can not be afraid of stretching the muscles and ligaments. Such preparation of the circulatory and respiratory systems for training will increase the number of calories expended and improve the result.

Special attention in the process of training should be paid to the pulse. There is a certain pulse rate at which the active burning of subcutaneous fat occurs. The process of fat burning begins at the moment when the pulse reaches 60-80% of the maximum heartbeat.

To calculate the maximum heart rate for yourself, you need to subtract your age from 220. So for a 30-year-old person, the maximum heart rate will be 190, and fat will be well burned with a pulse of 114 to 152 beats per minute.

To choose the desired intensity of the load, you need to focus on the goal (what result you want to get from training) and on the current level of physical fitness.

Training for beginners

To lose weight without harming the body, beginners need to increase the load gradually. The introductory course of classes must be calculated for 1.5 - 2 months. During this period, you should train 3-4 times a week.

Within the first week of classes, it is recommended to set aside 15 minutes without taking into account the warm-up. From the second week, the time of one workout can be increased to 20 minutes. Thus, by the end of the first month the training will be already 30 minutes.

The level of gravity on the exercise bike must be set so that the pedals turn comfortably (without extra effort, but not too easy). Gradually, the level of severity can also be increased, as the body's endurance increases.

Training for accelerated weight loss

If you need to achieve weight loss in a shorter time, then the optimal number of classes - 4-6 times a week. This sets the duration of training in 45-60 minutes. Before training it is also necessary to warm up.

Try to treat your body with care. After each workout, he needs time to recover, so do not exercise on a stationary bike every day.

The period of active training will whistle from the pace of weight loss, if the goal is to get rid of a certain number of kilograms, then the course continues until this goal is achieved. When the excess weight is gone, it is recommended to continue classes to maintain the result. In this case, during the weight maintenance phase, you can reduce the intensity of the workouts.

Exercise Bike for weight loss: reviews and results of losing weight

Recently I bought an exercise bike, because I decided to lose weight and get in shape as soon as possible. I have not gone to fitness and gym for a long time, so I decided to start small. I was engaged 3 times a week for 25-30 minutes, then I felt that I was coping and increased the load. I spent 4-5 times a week for a whole month; my training time was 45 minutes. At the same time, only one kilogram left, but the legs and buttocks were pulled up. Weight began to actively go away only from the second month of training, when I began to control food, excluded fried foods, sugar and sweets. For the second month of training on a stationary bike dropped 4 pounds. The initial weight was 65 kg. Kristina, 29 years old
I am satisfied with my figure and weight. With the growth of 167 cm weight is 57 kg. I use the exercise bike to maintain weight and maintain tone in the body. I train at home, it is comfortable. Due to the fact that I do 50 minutes three times a week, I practically do not limit myself to eating. I allow myself and desserts, and bread and chips sometimes. Irina, 25 years old
I was faced with the problem of excess weight. For the year gained almost 7 kg. Began to feel uncomfortable in her body. I had the exercise bike for a long time, but I was standing and gathering dust. How could I not pay attention to him before? I took up training only when I realized that the situation was critical, and when I was 164 cm tall, my weight almost reached 70. I started pedaling every day, but after two weeks I felt very tired both physically and mentally. After reading the information on the Internet, I developed a training program for myself and excluded sweet and fatty foods from the diet. Of course, there were disruptions in both nutrition and regular training. But after three months I weigh already 5 kg less. I want to get rid of another 5-7 kg. Anna, 33 years old
I retired and spent a lot of time at home. I retired in the spring of 2015, I was active in summer and autumn (summer cottage, walks in the fresh air, travel). But in the winter activity has sharply decreased and I felt that all the clothes will soon become small. I am by nature not skinny, I wear the 50th size of clothes, but somehow I don’t want to move to the 54th size. Children came to the rescue, they gave me an exercise bike on my birthday for spring. I do three or even four times a week. I twist the pedals for 30-35 minutes and at the same time I watch my favorite programs on TV. Thanks to the exercise bike I feel good. Soon I will go to choose a dress of the 48th size. Marina Georgievna, 57 years old
I love moving sports very much, I constantly practiced, then step - aerobics, then sport dancing, and then problems with my knees started. I had to give up active sports. I can’t do it without movement, but power loads seem boring. I found a way out for myself - I bought an exercise bike and installed it on the balcony. The windows and balcony of the apartment overlook the city pond, the view is beautiful. Three times a week I sit on the simulator, turn on energetic music in the player and train. It turns out that the exercise bike is a great way to keep fit, it turned out to get rid of a small cellulite and tighten the tummy. Natalia, 37 years old
I like to train in the gym, but the schedule of life is quite stressful, sometimes I work until late evening. When it is impossible to get to the gym, I appeal to the exercise bike. His main user is his wife, I had never approached him at all. Now I think that in vain. Bicycle training helps me not only to tone the muscles, but also to relieve the tension accumulated during the working day. I switch to home mode with a 15-30 minute intensive. Muscles, of course, do not pump up on a stationary bike, so I try to get into the gym at least 1-2 times a week. Rest from physical exertion only on Saturday and Sunday. Ivan, 34 years old
I'm on maternity leave. There are so many chores and no one to leave the child with, therefore a fitness center is out of the question. Rescues exercise bike. Gradually, I bring myself into shape after childbirth. I do almost every day, take a break only on Sunday. When I put my son in bed, I take a tablet with headphones, turn on my favorite series and train for 50 minutes (I manage to watch two episodes). For 5 months of such training took as much as 11 kg. Alice, 27 years old

And in conclusion - additional information about the classes on the stationary bike.

Watch the video: Stationary Bike Set Up for Pelvic Floor Safe Exercises (May 2024).