How to make a beautiful bouquet of fruit with your own hands

Very often, to choose a gift, it takes more than one day. It is especially difficult to choose a gift to an unfamiliar person, whose preferences and interests practically do not know anything. Some people think that coming empty-handed is better than having a bad gift. However, this opinion is erroneous. Since coming to visit, and even more for any celebration without a gift, is considered bad form.

Therefore, in order not to puzzle and not waste time on unnecessary things, you can give a universal object such as a fruit bouquet or a festive basket.

Original handmade bouquets

Such universal souvenirs can be made independently at home. The main thing is to choose the right products for filling such baskets or bouquets. Mainly for their manufacture using flowers, berries and fruits, which can be used both individually and in combination with each other.

Anyone can make a gift with his own hands, especially since there are so many different ideas for such unusual surprises.

In addition, you can be sure for one hundred percent that a close person who received a set of fruits, personally assembled into an elegant composition, will be pleased with the gift.

The simplest and quite original are the following handmade souvenirs:

Bouquets of fruit

It's no secret that nowadays you won't surprise anyone with a floral bouquet. But if you give a person an original, beautiful, edible bouquet of his own making, then he is guaranteed to receive a lot of positive emotions. To make a fruit gift, you will need:

  • available fruits, if you do not have your own garden, you can buy fruits in the market or in a store;
  • wooden toothpicks;
  • fabric tape;
  • metal wire of small cross section;
  • knife or scissors.

In addition to all the above materials and tools, you must have a little imagination.

Fruit and vegetable bouquets

In this case, many will argue that vegetables are not appropriate as a present, especially when it comes to superiors. But creative experts will be able to challenge this opinion in a few seconds.

Since it is a bouquet made of vegetables and fruits, is at the same time an original, unusual and quite beautiful surprise. For any bouquet should be the basis, in our case, its role will be played by vegetables, and the fruits will be just beautifully placed on them. For the invention of such a presentation you need:

  • one big head of cabbage, in this case, the more, the better;
  • two apples;
  • bunch of ripe grapes;
  • one pineapple;
  • two kiwis;
  • any greens (green onions, parsley, dill, basil and the like).

To make a vegetable bouquet, you need to take all the ingredients and rinse thoroughly with water;

  • cabbage split in half, put in a container;
  • cut the apples into the same lobules, remove the core and fix them with the help of toothpicks along the cabbage edge;
  • peel the pineapple and cut into rings. Then in the center of the base put three or four rings;
  • decorate each pineapple ring with grapes, strawberries or kiwi, fix with toothpicks;
  • in the upper part of the resulting bouquet set four apple slices, in the middle of which to put a grape. Thus, a peculiar flower will turn out.

This gift should not be stored for a long time, so after getting it is best to eat, and the sooner the better.

A bunch of whole fruits

To create such a delicious masterpiece fit any fruit, which is desirable to select colors. This will make the composition more stylish. In addition, for such bouquets, you can additionally use medium-sized vegetables, spices, and even dried fruits. The step-by-step instruction of a home-made bouquet of whole fruits is as follows:

  • prepare the necessary components. To do this, it is best to use green apples, kiwi, tangerines, apricots, fresh lettuce and parsley;
  • All ingredients are washed and dry well;
  • each fruit strung on a long wooden skewer. In this case, the fruits must be alternated so that they do not merge;
  • wrap each skewer gently in a lettuce leaf and put parsley stalks between them;
  • when all components are strung together and assembled into one composition, it should be wrapped in cellophane or colored paper;
  • Received bouquet additionally arrange with sparkles, ribbons or mesh. This will give the composition more glamor.

It should be borne in mind that such bouquets should not be done in advance, as they tend to deteriorate quickly.

Fruit and berry compositions

If the gift bouquet will be formed in spring, when strawberries, currants, cherries, cherries and other berries have ripened on the plot, the composition can be collected using not only fruits, but also berries. For such a fruit and berry bouquet you need:

  • chop pears, pineapple and apples into slices;
  • pick large strawberries of the same size;
  • put each slice of fruit on a skewer, alternating between strawberries. Ready fruit and berry canapés should be put into a prepared vase prepared in advance;
  • Decorate with green ribbons, and best of all with some vibrant greens.
In addition to the standard methods of bouquet design, you can also use culinary. For example, dip berries in chocolate icing.

This will give the composition not only an exotic look, but also a taste.

Fruit candy bunches

Such gifts are usually given to girls who love candy. In this case, you need to know that if the composition will be formed from sliced ​​fruits, then the wrapper from the candy is also better to remove.

To form a beautiful dream of a sweet tooth, you first need to take care of the presence of a small vase, inside of which you need to put a piece of regular foam.

It will be the skewers with strung together fruits and candies that will later be inserted into it. For such a handwritten composition is necessary:

  • collect absolutely any fruit and buy sweets (best of all, if they are chocolate);
  • Wash and dry the collected fruits;
  • peel the prepared fruits and cut them into equal parts;
  • candy out of the wrapper;
  • alternately strung pieces of fruit and candy on wooden skewers. Then insert them into the container with foam.

For greater effectiveness, the resulting composition can be decorated with various tinsel.

Edible compositions for gift

To create original and tasty compositions, it is not necessary to use a wide variety of fruits, two or three kinds will be enough. Also do not forget about ancillary decorations that can improve the most meager composition made from one type of fruit or berry.

Very often, instead of bouquets, whole edible baskets made from fruits with their own hands are given. However, it is not always possible or the desire to create the basket itself. Therefore, you can use the ready-made basket, which is sold on the market, and decorate it with various fruits and berries.

For this you need:

  • choose and buy a suitable basket. It should be borne in mind that the larger the basket size, the more fruit it will need to decorate;
  • pick quality fruits that should be whole;
  • cover the basket with a soft cloth;
  • washed and dried fruit chaotically put in the basket;
  • decorate the laid fruit with all sorts of twigs or leaves of fruit trees.

In such a composition would look good a bottle of wine, which will fulfill its specific decorating role.

Recommendations for the design of edible gifts

To get a quality souvenir, you need:

  1. Use only fresh fruit.
  2. The prepared composition should not be stored for more than twelve hours, especially if it is made from cut fruits.
  3. As auxiliary elements for decoration, it is best to use edible elements.

Watch the video: How to make Edible Fruit Bouquet Arrangements! (May 2024).