What happens to the baby and mother in the 15th week of pregnancy

The first trimester is over. By this time, the expectant mother had to undergo a full examination. After one week there will be 4 months of pregnancy.

Now the sensations of toxicosis in women are less pronounced, all tests have been submitted and more free time has appeared. She is accustomed to her position and is preparing herself for a new role.

15 weeks of pregnancy - what happens to the baby?

The fruit by this time should reach a height of 10 cm. It is easier to understand the weight, if you take a large orange in your hand, about 50 g.

The baby is still striving for human forms, but its skeleton is not proportional yet. The extremities are elongated, but the nails begin to appear, and the hairs on the body (cilia, eyebrows grow).

The baby's heart is now beating at a speed of 150 beats per minute and pumps more than 20 liters of blood per day.

The development of systems during this period will be as follows:

  1. The pituitary gland begins to work, as it is sufficiently formed. Now the development of the fetus will be more active, thanks to the cells that it produces;
  2. The crumb moves even more actively, but the randomness of the movements remains;
  3. He never lets go of his mouth, studying his "house";
  4. 20 milk teeth have already formed in the baby’s gums;
  5. Exercising on the amniotic fluid, I learned to swallow and breathe;
  6. The hearing has not yet been formed, but the baby feels the vibration of the mother's voice;
  7. The eyes are still closed and begin to move to the nose;
  8. The sebaceous and sweat glands are fully developed and begin to work;
  9. The liver becomes the main digestive organ.

There is an opportunity to find out the sex of your baby. This is possible on a good machine for ultrasound research, if the fetus wants to open its secret and turns to take a photo.

The fetus of the boy begins to produce testosterone.

What happens in the body of a woman

To 15 weeks of pregnancy, toxemia should recede, and the woman will feel a surge of strength. Mommies are becoming more active, but do not overdo it.

At this point, there is a high probability of gaining extra pounds. This is due to the fact that the body will require to fill all the losses.

But you shouldn’t limit yourself too much, because now is the period of the most intensive growth of the child, respectively, the increase in weight in the norm should be from 2 to 5 kg from 15 to 20 weeks of carrying a baby.

The following changes occur in the body of a woman during this period:

  1. The abdomen will become noticeable if you put on tight clothes, but this depends on the body structure;
  2. During this period of pregnancy, some may feel the tremors of the crumbs. More often, women who are not the first time at this stage of gestation or when twins or triplets are expected to rejoice first;
  3. The uterus rises a little and there will be an improvement in the stool, but frequent urination may still persist;
  4. Problems with teeth may begin, nails become brittle, and hair brittle. All this is due to the fact that the baby for the development of its bone tissue takes almost all of the calcium reserves from the mother's body. If you experience such problems, consult your doctor. He will prescribe a drug that is right for you;
  5. The breast continues to increase in volume, the release of colostrum is possible and a mesh appears;
  6. Increased body pigmentation. The nipples and areola will begin to darken around them, a dark strip from womb to navel will appear, birthmarks and moles will become more noticeable. Do not worry, because all this will pass after childbirth;
  7. The level of hormones in a woman changes and this can affect memory. A certain absent-mindedness and inattention will appear;
  8. Due to hormones, there is a possibility of signs of a slight nasal congestion or a cold;
  9. You may have a little heartburn.

Sometimes the expectant mother feels light-headed. Often the reason for this may be an increase in blood volume in your body. Do not be afraid of this, but the doctor is better said.

Discharge and pain at obstetric week 15

Small pains on this period are the norm. The body is rebuilt and is preparing for childbirth. For example, due to the divergence of the pelvic bones, the sensitivity of the coccyx may increase. And because of a long stay in a sitting position, blood stagnation occurs, and there will be discomfort in the pelvis and lower back.

It is necessary after the advice with the gynecologist to do light workouts during the day. In this case, you can not overdo it, so as not to harm yourself and the baby harm. Gymnastics will also help fill the blood with oxygen.

The position on the side during sleep due to the growth of the abdomen becomes uncomfortable. To do this, try to put a small pad under it.

Pain in the legs is often due to edema. If you have to stand a lot, then let's rest. But the appearance of such signs, which appear without exercise, symbolize the problems of the kidneys, varicose veins.

You should monitor vaginal discharge. Normally, they should be transparent. An unpleasant smell, discoloration and the appearance of blood impurities signal the need to consult a doctor.

With severe pain, heaviness of the abdomen and severe bleeding should be called an ambulance.

Ultrasound, fetal photo

Ultrasound diagnostics at this period are usually not performed if:

  • a pregnant woman has no complaints;
  • visits to the antenatal clinic are timely;
  • The screening for the first time showed good results.

You can go and do an ultrasound yourself, if there is a strong desire to know the sex of the child. But be sure to conduct such a diagnosis if:

  • there were complaints from the expectant mother about severe pain, heaviness in the stomach and lower back;
  • there was a suspicion of a low location of the placenta;
  • the presence of blood in the discharge;
  • suspicion that the uterus is in good shape.

On the diagnostic equipment will assess the state of the pregnant woman and the child. Make a photo of the baby, which will need to give the doctor.

If it was received on a high-quality 3D device, then you can see the face of the baby. Ask the diagnostician to make you a copy of the photo or burn the video to disk.

Analyzes and examinations for a period of 15 weeks

If all the necessary tests and examinations, which are appointed during the first visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist, have already been carried out, then a visit to the doctor until the last months of pregnancy is applied once a month.

Before each visit to the doctor you need to pass general blood and urine tests. They show a general picture of a woman’s condition. The doctor measures blood pressure, looks at weight gain, measures the height of the uterus and listens to the heartbeat of the fetus.

If, after the results of past analyzes, any deviations were identified, then it will probably give repeated directions after undergoing treatment.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, prenatal screening is prescribed for the first time if a woman has not had time to pass this test in the first trimester.

Also at this time or a little later, if there is evidence, late amniocentesis is performed. After taking the amniotic fluid with a special needle, a survey is conducted with a high degree of accuracy for chromosomal abnormalities. This method will help determine the exact sex of the child.

Possible hazards

At 14, 15 and 16 weeks of pregnancy, pathology rarely develops. However, the risk of complications still remains.

Discharges mixed with blood, as well as brown, may indicate a threatened miscarriage, detachment of the placenta or missed abortion.

In case of such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor or even call an ambulance.

When the lower abdomen pulls up and the lower back hurts, doctors suspect that the uterus has an increased tone. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the woman will be hospitalized to save the pregnancy. In rare cases, if there are no serious complications, outpatient treatment is allowed. Prescribe bed rest and medication.

Doctor's recommendations

For a period of 15 weeks, it is useful for future moms to listen to such advice from doctors:

  1. Now the bone structures of the fetus are actively forming. Therefore it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium. Include kefir and cottage cheese in the diet;
  2. Milk, fish and eggs throughout pregnancy provide the body with protein;
  3. The use of citrus, Bulgarian pepper and currant is necessary to obtain vitamin C;
  4. It is impossible during this period to sit on all sorts of diets and even more so to starve. It is enough to limit the consumption of high-calorie foods and sweets;
  5. Be careful with products with artificial additives and dyes;
  6. During this period of pregnancy, the effect of anesthesia on the fetus is minimal. If you have problems with your teeth, then now is the time to go to the dentist. A healthy mouth should be a woman who is preparing to become a mother;
  7. It's time to go shopping to change your wardrobe. Very soon, your dresses do not converge at the waist. Clothing should not crush, and shoes should be worn without a heel;
  8. For the unborn child, even the common cold can be dangerous, so you need to dress according to the season and avoid contact with sick people;
  9. Medicines to apply only as prescribed by a doctor. Exclude self-medication;
  10. Avoid stressful situations;
  11. Learn from the doctor about the necessary exercises that can be performed at home;
  12. Sexual life is allowed on this term, only if there are no contraindications.

15 weeks of pregnancy is a great time when you can enjoy your position with pleasure. Toxicosis has passed and you are waiting for you to feel the movements of your unborn child.

Additional information about the 15th week of pregnancy can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: Pregnancy Tips : How to Identify a Boy or a Girl in Pregnancy (May 2024).