What foods contain protein

Protein is an important element in the human body. With its lack of failures occur in metabolic processes, the work of the excretory system slows down, hormones are disturbed. Moreover, the protein is not synthesized in the human body - it can only come from food. Therefore, when forming a diet, it is important to choose foods with a sufficient content of proteins in the composition.

The value of protein for the body

Protein - a source of strength and energy, contributes to a balanced work of metabolic processes, a set of muscle mass. In addition, the protein performs the following functions:

  1. Hormonal. Because most of the hormones are proteins. When you receive a sufficient amount of protein normal hormones.
  2. Building Proteins are involved in the formation of cells.
  3. Regulatory. Since proteins are the main regulators of metabolic processes within cells.
  4. Protective. Proteins strengthen the immune system, activate the protective functions of the body.
In case of a lack of protein, problems such as malfunctions of the hormonal and cardiovascular systems, reduced immunity may be noted.

According to experts, it is worthwhile to regularly control the protein content, with caution when it comes to low-calorie diets. But at the same time you should not overload your body with products with a large amount of proteins, you should find a middle ground.

Products of plant and animal origin

Most of the products have a mixed composition, which allows for the supply of all necessary vitamins and trace elements in the body. However, often (in a weakened state, headaches, insomnia) there is a need to compensate for the lack of proteins. In this case, the diet should include products of plant and animal origin, which are dominated by protein.

Plant origin

Vegetable protein allows you to restore the protective functions of the body, energizes a person. Contained in the following products:

  1. Legumes, such as lentils, beans, soybeans. In addition to protein, they contain vitamins of group B, minerals. When consumed, the body receives most of the necessary micronutrients.
  2. Groats: buckwheat, wheat, rice, oats. With their help, you can quickly fill the deficit of protein in the body. Due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids normalize metabolic processes.
  3. Nuts: peanuts, almonds, walnuts. Due to the high caloric content, you can permanently get rid of the feeling of hunger. They contain a large amount of vitamin E. In combination with proteins, these products have a positive effect on muscle tissue.
  4. Vegetables: beets, radishes, cabbage.

More detailed information is presented in the table.

ProductsProtein content, 100 g
The nuts
Durum wheat12
Brussels Sprouts9,6

Animal origin

Similar products with a large amount of protein include:

  1. Meat, meat offal, which is the main source of valuable proteins, amino acids.
  2. Fish, seafood. Due to the low caloric content of their consumption will not lead to the appearance of extra pounds.
  3. Dairy products that contain whey protein. It has an immuno-strengthening effect.

A more accurate protein content is presented in the table.

ProductsProtein content, 100 g
Meat and offal
Fish, seafood
Pink salmon22
Milk products
Cottage cheese16

Products with the most beneficial protein

It is worth remembering that not all protein-rich foods will be equally useful. To ensure the supply of the required amount of protein compounds and at the same time do not overload the body with heavy food, give preference to low-fat foods with a small amount of calories.

The following products contain large amounts of healthy proteins (per 100 g):

  • spirulina - 28;
  • almonds - 26;
  • beans - 24;
  • sesame - 20;
  • lentils - 16;
  • chicken breast - 24;
  • beef - 20;
  • egg white - 7;
  • shrimp - 20.

Do not forget about products that, despite the large amount of protein, are not very useful - they are generally better to give up. These products include processed meat, sausages, hot dogs, because they also contain fats and salt, which negates the usefulness of the products.

Features of the protein diet

It is believed that the protein diet is the most effective. And because deciding to lose weight with it, it is important to consider the protein content in foods. The program of nutrition with such a diet includes food with a high content of protein, a minimum amount of fat, carbohydrates.

The benefits of such a diet include:

  • high efficiency - in 2 weeks you can “lose” up to 7 kg;
  • there is no exhausting feeling of hunger;
  • the results of the diet are stored for a long time;
  • the possibility of consuming a large number of dishes - the menu will be varied;
  • Unlike many diets, protein is available to people with any income.

But it is also worth remembering about the disadvantages that this diet has:

  • with excessive consumption of foods with a high content of protein, the body begins to experience increased stress, since protein foods (especially of animal origin) are absorbed for a long time;
  • prolonged adherence to such a diet can lead to fatigue, problems in the kidneys, metabolic disorders, skin dullness, tension, irritability, which may be due to a lack of fat and carbohydrates.
An important point: the excess protein is not less harmful than its deficiency, because the consumption of protein products must be approached carefully.

To prevent such a diet from harming, remember a few rules:

  • the maximum duration of the diet should be no more than three weeks;
  • it is better to eat often, but in small portions - 5-6 times a day for 200-250 g;
  • dishes should be boiled or baked with minimal addition of salt and spices;
  • the last supper - no later than three hours before bedtime;
  • To enrich the body with useful vitamins and microelements, you need to eat fruits and vegetables as a snack (choose those that contain a minimum of sugar);
  • per day you need to drink about 2 liters of liquid (preferably water or herbal teas);
  • from the diet should be excluded foods, which include starch, sweets, soda, etc.

Good health and positive mood largely depend on a balanced diet, therefore the formation of a diet, especially with the inclusion of products with a high content of proteins, should be approached very responsibly.

Watch the video: Healthy Food Advice : What are Complete Protein Foods? (May 2024).