Methods for treating nail fungus at home

Such an unpleasant phenomenon, like a nail fungus on his hands, can touch everyone. Fungal diseases of the nail plate, or scientifically "onychomycosis", have many causes.

Ignoring the fungus, and letting the disease take its course, there is a chance of causing serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. In addition, the areas affected by fungus, including the nails of the hands, look repulsive and unattractive.

Therefore, having discovered the first symptoms of onychomycosis, you should not delay the solution of the problem that has arisen, but immediately take measures aimed at eliminating the misfortune. Where the fungus comes from, how it develops and how dangerous it is, is described below.

The review describes the available methods for the treatment of nail fungus, drugs and traditional medicine. This and other useful information will help to overcome the problem that has arisen, and to continue a full healthy life without hiding hands and not being ashamed of their appearance.

Which leads to onychomycosis (nail fungus)

Nail fungus - can not be called a rare and "exotic" disease. The disease is widespread throughout the world, and it is easy to indulge from sick to healthy, it can arise independently, and with certain factors successfully develop in the future.

Causes of fungus on the nails of the hands:

  • direct contact with an infected person, or through his personal use items (underwear, clothes, manicure and bath accessories);
  • low immunity;
  • onychomycosis can affect the nails of the hands, if the person already has fungal diseases, on any other parts of the body (skin of the hands, hair, nails and feet).

However, for the fungus to develop and take the form of a disease, the causes alone are not enough. The risk of onychomycosis infection increases many times when additional conditions influence:

  • prolonged use of antibiotics and oral contraceptives;
  • neglect of personal hygiene;
  • a diet with a high content of fast-digesting carbohydrates;
  • frequent contact of hands with a moist and warm environment;
  • diabetes and other problems of a weakened body;
  • excessive abuse of nails.

These reasons and conditions for their development largely explain why women face nail problems more often than men:

  • frequent manicure procedures, where non-disinfected instruments can be used;
  • extended nails that do not change for more than 3-4 months - an ideal environment for the development of fungal spores;
  • washing dishes and visiting saunas, baths, swimming pools, etc. - the same humid and warm environment that is beneficial for harmful bacteria.
Having found signs of vital activity of bacteria on the nails of the hands, doctors strongly recommend starting treatment without preventing fungal spores from developing.

What threatens ignored fungus

Of course, for every woman, the aesthetic side of the issue is important - disfigured nails cause a lot of frustration and stress. But in addition to the negative external effects, nail fungus is able to cause a lot of detrimental effects on the body:

  • allergic reactions caused by onychomycosis, a frequent occurrence in response to fungal infections, which contributes to the development or aggravation of eczema, asthma, neurodermatitis, etc .;
  • nail plate fungus, easily moves to other areas exposed to harmful bacteria - skin, hair;
  • a deep defeat of mycosis of the nails, can affect and disrupt the normal functioning of the internal organs by entering with blood to their cells and tissues;
  • the appearance of paronychia - inflammation around the nail roll, accompanied by swelling, itching and suppuration, a disease that requires self-treatment.

Do not neglect the already caused harm to health and possible consequences, as with any other disease, the effectiveness of treatment depends on timely diagnosis and proper selection of the necessary methods.

Varieties, stages and signs of nail fungus on the hands

Once the nail has been affected by a fungal virus, an infected person may not immediately detect it and take appropriate measures. In the beginning, onychomycosis can be accompanied by slight itching, redness and peeling of the skin of the fingers, which is mistakenly explained by not nail fungus.

Only later, when all the new unhealthy symptoms begin to appear, does the victim come to the correct conclusion about the action of the fungus.

Signs of fungal effects on the nails of the hands:

  • changing the color of the nail plate - the nail loses its transparency, changes color to dull white, yellow, gray-yellow, brown-gray. There are areas of greenish or deep blue shades;
  • violation of the structure of the nail - the plate thickens or on the contrary, it becomes too fragile and brittle, prone to delamination and cracking;
  • formation of yellow furrows and stains on the nail;
  • partial or complete separation of the nail plate from the soft tissue.

For the most accurate determination of the type of fungal pathogen, it is necessary to pass tests and conduct laboratory diagnostics. Based on the results obtained by analyzing the blood and scraping the problem area, you can determine the type of microorganism that caused the problem and make the right choice in favor of a treatment.

According to the type of signs, the following forms of fungal nail infections are distinguished:

  • atrophic mycosis - the nail plate becomes thinner and atrophies, up to the separation from the nail bed, the surface does not change, and can remain smooth and even in color, allowing for slight yellow spots;
  • mycosis normotrophic - the shape and thickness of the nail for a long period can not be changed, the free edge can get a notch. In the depth and on the rim of the nail, lines and spots gradually appear, with characteristic yellow shades, which further capture the entire nail, excluding the nail hole, which is not affected by the fungus;
  • mycosis is hypertrophic - manifested on the background of hyperkeratosis - accelerated growth of horny cells, due to which the nail thickens, the form is deformed. The plate is subject to crumbling, whitish and yellowish spots are clearly visible on it. In some cases, leads to a change in the direction of growth of the nail.
Often nail fungus is accompanied by paronychia - inflammation of the nail roll, causing, in addition to the troubles associated with nail fungus, swelling, suppuration, pain, increased local and general body temperature.

Needless to say that identifying signs of a fungal infection, it is necessary to begin treatment.

Effective treatment of nail fungus on the hands of drugs

Based on the name of the disease, it is easy to guess that one of the forms of treatment occurs with the help of antimycotic (antifungal agents). There is a whole range of drugs shown for use in case of onychomycosis:

  1. Fulcin (Griseofulfin);
  2. Oranosol (Ketokenazole);
  3. Kanazol (Irunin, Orungal) and others.

But it should be remembered that antibiotic therapy using antibiotics is recommended mainly for deep lesions and not all. There are a number of contraindications, taking antibiotics should be as prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the disease, the personal properties of the body and the tolerability of the drug.

Only a specialist should prescribe drugs, calculate the dosage and duration of the course.

At home, however, especially in the early stages of the detection of nail fungus, you can resort to effective treatment with local preparations and even traditional medicine.

Methods for treating nail fungus at home

Not being able to consult a specialist, many people faced with a nail fungus use available local means, taking into account the stage and type of the disease:

  1. Ointments and creams - Nizoral, Zalain, Tsikloferon, Candide, Exoderil, Lamezil - antimycotic agents already tested by time, successfully applied both in the early and in the more protracted stages. Easy to use, applied in accordance with the instructions of the selected drug on the affected site, a sterile dressing is recommended over the treated area. 90% of those who have suffered from fungal infection of the nails of the hands choose this treatment method By compressive dressings with medicated creams.
  2. Special medical nail polishes are also a proven form of release of local antifungal drugs. The most popular Loceryl, Batrafen, Mikosan. The active components of lacquer Batrafen are also available in the form of an emulsion and ointment, which makes it possible to carry out complex therapy. An antimycotic varnish is applied in a manner similar to a cosmetic one; previously remove the exfoliating parts of the affected area. Varnishes are released in pharmacies, without prescription.
  3. Antimycotic patches - the basis of this tool are salicylic acid, antibacterial components, urea and antiseptic. Using such patches, you can successfully remove the damaged plate, along with the infectious agent, reducing the growth of bacteria. Well helps to defeat the fungus in the early stages of development.

The choice of topical medication is quite wide, and it is easy to choose the most appropriate form of release.

Treatment of fungus on the nails of the hands of folk remedies

To the attention of those who do not accept the methods of conservative therapy, below are some of the most simple, and at the same time effective, recipes from the field of traditional medicine. Not only chemical products are able to successfully resist the nail fungus on their hands, but also many natural ingredients:

  1. Baths of coffee beans decoction - immerse problem areas of hands in a solution of well-cooked coffee beans, daily for at least 15 minutes in one procedure. Recommended for use in the evening. When using ground coffee, immerse the brushes on the bottom without raising sediment.
  2. Propolis lotions - apply 20% propolis on gauze cloths or cotton pads, attach to the affected area, hold for 3-5 minutes. Repeat the operation every day, 3-4 times a day, until the complete recovery of the nail plate.
  3. Garlic ointment - drive out a peeled garlic head through a press, or finely chop up the resulting gruel mixed with vegetable oil, and coat the sore spots with a medicine.
  4. Mint-salt compresses - wipe the fresh mint leaves with salt, at the rate of 1 bunch of mint per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt. Apply the crushed leaves to the nail, for 30-60 minutes, pressing with a clean napkin, if necessary, fix the bandage on top.

There are other recipes using Kalanchoe juice, honey, tea, vitriol and other components of natural origin. All of them, as described above, with equal success fighting against nail fungus on their hands.

Hardware treatment of fungus under the nails on the hands

By resorting to the help of modern equipment, it is possible to carry out hardware cleaning of the affected nail fungus. This procedure allows you to remove the nail plate, which feed on the spores of the fungus, continuing its growth and development.

The operation is not painful, and significantly reduces the duration of complex antimycosis treatment. In addition, the nail bed, after going through the process of mechanical cleaning, is much better absorbed by other drugs, such as local effects.

Treatment with laser radiation does not cause pain. Laser beams perfectly destroy pathogens without damaging the periungual tissue.

Taking advantage of this form of therapy, they note a decrease in inflammation and itching, and a quick cure for onychomycosis, in a few sessions.

Features of the treatment of fungal nails in children

Not every parent will risk exposing the baby’s body to antibiotics and other radical methods of treating the fungus. As a rule, children's hands with the arisen fungus on the nails are cured by more gentle methods - creams and folk remedies.

But many doctors are not advised to limit the healing process, using only natural ingredients and external ointments, believing that such forms mask the disease, not completely destroying the causes that gave rise to it.

Of all the antibiotics antimycotic orientation to child use recommended Fluconazole or Griseofulvin. With the proviso that the course is prescribed by the doctor and takes place under his control.

Regardless of the method of treatment chosen, it is important to remember that during the course of treatment, disinfection and sterilization all children's things are exposed, including toys and dishes. It will be helpful to add extra vitamins to the diet.


Infection with onychomycosis occurs quickly and easily, and treatment takes a long time and with the application of significant efforts. In order to minimize the possibility of infection, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

  • carefully observe personal hygiene, special attention, paying this when visiting swimming pools, water parks, baths, etc .;
  • refrain from manicure services of untested masters, where there is a likelihood of infection through unprocessed tools;
  • strengthen personal immunity by taking multivitamin complexes and adhere to the basics of a healthy lifestyle;
  • reduce contact with an already infected person;
  • use antimycotic agents not only for the treatment of disease, but as preventive measures, for example, antifungal varnish.

Paying tribute to your body and remembering the negative effects of a possible fungus, regularly adhering to such healthy installations, “taming” a nail fungus will become much more difficult, and the risk of getting an unpleasant disease will decrease. A healthy appearance, including fingernails, will add a good mood and joy to life.

Additional information about nail fungus can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: Home remedy for toenail fungus- How to get rid of toenail fungus fast and Naturally (May 2024).