Causes of sagging skin on the hands and exercises to eliminate the defect

Often, women in the fight against obesity are faced with such a problem as sagging skin of the hands. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different, but it does not look aesthetically pleasing. To cope with this problem is possible with the help of a complex of special physical exercises for hands, proper nutrition and additional procedures.

Causes of skin sagging on the hands

For many people, excess weight on the body accumulates for years, but at one point they want to get rid of it in a short time. This can lead to sagging skin on the hands, because the body does not have time to quickly adapt to the new form.

With strict diets and active training in the body in large quantities produced cortisol, which not only destroys the muscle tissue, but also slows down the rate of collagen production with elastin.

With rapid weight loss in the body increases the number of free radicals, which violates the process of feeding the skin and reduces their elasticity. In such a situation, the production of cortisol is accelerated, and the hormone not only has a negative effect on the production of structural elements of the epidermis, but also disrupts the connection between cellular structures.

The following factors can provoke skin sagging on the hands:

  • weak, not tightened muscles in the absence of physical activity;
  • too much adipose tissue, which prevents muscles from contracting;
  • sudden weight loss, which quickly decreases body fat;

Age-related changes due to a loss of elasticity as a result of insufficient moisture can also be the cause of sagging skin. Also during this period, the production of substances such as collagen and elastin is reduced.

A set of exercises for women and girls

Most often, the skin on the hands sags as a result of rapid weight loss or due to age-related changes. In this situation, exercise is considered to be a particularly effective method for improving skin and muscle tone.

At home, it is recommended to do the following set of exercises with dumbbells:

  • bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, then straighten them above your head;
  • bend and unbend the arms in the elbows, alternately bringing them to the region of the sternum and dropping down;
  • take the dumbbells with both hands and lift them up, then bend the arms and take the object behind the head;
  • spread your arms to the sides and draw small circles with dumbbells, first forward and then back. At the beginning, such exercises should be performed 10-15 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

In case of flabby hands, the following exercises are considered effective:

  1. Put your hands behind your back, remove the fingers of one hand with the fingers of one hand and form a lock. This exercise is recommended to perform several times during the day.
  2. Take a dumbbell with both hands and lift above your head, then slowly bend and straighten your arms behind your head.
  3. Lie on the floor, place your hands shoulder-width apart and perform push-ups due to flexion in the elbow joint.

An important place in strengthening the muscles of the hands is occupied by exercises for triceps, and an integrated approach is needed to obtain the desired effect.

Contraindications to exercise

Exercising biceps and triceps in women helps maintain the attractiveness of the hands and make them stronger. However, in some situations it is necessary to observe a certain caution and not be so intense.

The main contraindication to active exercises are problems with the spine. In the event that there is a curvature of the spine or osteochondrosis in the history, then it is recommended to consult a physician before starting training.

Contraindications to training is the presence of hypertension or arrhythmia in a patient, as well as a previous heart attack. In addition, you should abandon active physical activity in diabetes and thyroid gland pathologies.

The main mistakes in training

Performing exercises that are aimed at eliminating loose skin on the hands, it is necessary to observe all the subtleties of training, which will quickly achieve a positive result.

Trainers highlight a few typical mistakes that beginners usually make:

  1. To replenish fatty tissue, it is necessary to fill the space under the skin with muscle mass. In order to build muscle, you must gradually and consistently load the biceps and triceps. It is recommended to pick up dumbbells weighing more than 5 kilograms, if the individual characteristics of the human body allow. Conducting training with lower weight is unlikely to bring the desired effect.
  2. Too frequent workouts with a lot of weight can not pump, but rather deplete and weaken the muscles of the limbs. For this reason, it is necessary to practice every day, and not from time to time.
  3. It should adhere to a special diet, which should be balanced by the content of vitamins and minerals. Otherwise, exercise will be stressful for the body and will not bring any benefit. In such a situation, the condition of the skin of the hands will only get worse and they will lose their elasticity.

Compliance with the recommendations of experts in the exercise of weight loss allows you to soon achieve the desired result.

General recommendations for training

In order to get rid of loose skin on the hands, it is necessary to do power exercises for proper pumping of muscles. In addition, the complex should include muscle stretching exercises, which is considered to be a good preparation for the beginning of the workout and its completion. Muscle stretching exercises help to warm up the muscles before physical exercises and stretch them after the end of the session.

Not least is the diet, which will avoid weight gain. Uncontrolled nutrition leads to the fact that there is a re-stretching of the delicate skin of the hands and all the applied efforts go to zero.

Prevent skin sagging

To prevent sagging skin when losing weight, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. Slimming should take place against the background of a balanced diet. It is necessary to lose weight slowly, losing 3 kilograms per month. This will allow the body to return slimness and not harm the skin.
  2. It is necessary to reduce caloric intake in combination with active physical activity. During this period, it is recommended to engage in sports such as swimming, Pilates and aqua aerobics. Such exercises help to evenly distribute the load on all muscles, which will improve nutrition and stimulation of the skin.
  3. Dehydration should be avoided. Water accelerates the elimination of toxins and slags from the body. Even when playing sports it is recommended to drink at least half a liter of water in small portions.
  4. Refuse wraps, saunas and slimming creams. Such a need arises if the skin has become too dry and wrinkled during weight loss.

To prevent sagging of the skin on the hands, it is recommended to adjust your diet and exclude those products that retain water in the body. The daily consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits and greens should become obligatory. They contain vitamins A and E, which is especially useful for the skin. In addition, these vitamins are allowed to be applied on the skin of the hands in a liquid form and add them to cosmetics, which are used for massage.

Additional procedures

If you want to get rid of sagging skin, you must be prepared for the fact that every day you have to perform a complex of sports, massage and cosmetic procedures.

A good effect when restoring the skin gives hands massage. It is possible to achieve the desired effect with the help of light patting and tapping movements in this zone. It should be remembered that when performing massage it is strictly forbidden to delay the skin. With this procedure, it is possible to improve the movement of blood, which stimulates the production of collagen.

In order to start the process of skin renewal, it is first necessary to get rid of the keratinized cell layer. Good effect gives peeling, which can be performed at home. Today, in the shops you can buy various cosmetics that will help to conduct a peeling on their own. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a little mummy to the chosen agent that will enrich the skin cells with vitamins and minerals.

In terms of food should follow a healthy diet, there is often, but little by little. We'll have to abandon the use of fatty and fried foods and fill the diet with dietary meat, fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is recommended to consume more protein foods, and minimize the amount of carbohydrates.

Skin sagging is considered a common problem faced by women with active weight loss. It is possible to restore attractiveness and cope with the defect with the help of special exercises, proper nutrition.

Watch the video: Sagging Skin, Collagen & Digestion (April 2024).