Vinpocetine tablets: indications and real reviews

Vinpocetine is one of the medicines that belongs to the group of psychoanaleptics. Its therapeutic action is aimed at high-quality blood circulation in the brain. Increases performance and concentration.


1 tablet contains 5 mg of Vinpocetine, as well as additional ingredients:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • modified starch;
  • lactose monohydrate.

pharmachologic effect

This drug has an antiplatelet, vasodilator and antihypoxic effect. Due to this, the following changes occur in the body:

  1. Erythrocyte deformation increases;
  2. Improved cerebral circulation;
  3. The level of catecholamines in the nervous system rises;
  4. Blood viscosity, platelet aggregation decreases;
  5. A sufficient amount of oxygen enters the brain;
  6. Normal venous edema;
  7. The metabolism of serotonin in brain tissue is stimulated;
  8. The vessels of the brain expand;
  9. Memory improves, attention normalizes.

Release form

The drug Vinpocetine are white round biconvex tablets having a serif on one side. 1 pack contains up to 10 packs, 10/20/30/50/100 tablets.

The drug comes in the form of a clear solution. In a dark-colored glass ampoule - 2/5 ml.

Vinpocetine tablets with different attachments (Akri, Sar, NS, Akos) are produced by numerous Russian companies.

Indications for use

Vinpocetine is a medicine related to brain correctors. Increases the quality of metabolism in the brain and blood circulation.

This drug is prescribed in the following situations:

  1. Meniere's disease;
  2. Chronic and acute cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  3. Combined therapy after traumatic brain injury;
  4. Violation of the eye vessels;
  5. Decreased hearing acuity;
  6. A sharp deterioration in memory, a decrease in concentration;
  7. Transferred ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke;
  8. Panic attacks;
  9. Fluid loss;
  10. Encephalopathy.


The use of Vinpocetine is forbidden to patients with an acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke, arrhythmia, acute intolerance to galactose. Pregnant and lactating women. Also, if you are allergic to any component of the medication.

Side effects

When using the drug may be some complications:

  • tachycardia;
  • sudden dizziness;
  • severe headache;
  • blood pressure lability;
  • high sweating;
  • an allergic reaction may occur;
  • sleep problems - insomnia, drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • weakness of the body;
  • dry mouth;
  • the occurrence of heartburn.

Mode of application

The amount of time for the use of the drug is prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, this is a course of treatment for at least 2 months. Tablets are applied inside 5 - 10 mg.

They should be taken after eating 3 times a day. In order to avoid stress for the body, the cessation of taking the drug should be gradually, every day reducing the dose.

After a course of treatment, the doctor prescribes a short break. The number of repeated procedures should not exceed 3 times during the year.

During an acute illness, the medicine is injected intravenously. At the initial stage, they prick 20 mg. In the absence of a deterioration in the patient’s well-being, the dose is increased over 4 days.

The required amount of the drug is calculated 1 mg per 1 kg of weight. The use of the drug intravenously at least 10 days. With positive tests, the drug is prescribed in the form of tablets and with a lower dose.

special instructions

  1. Patients with angina, arrhythmias and low vascular tone, use tablets with extreme caution.
  2. In the most difficult situations, the drug is prescribed parenterally, for example, hemorrhagic cerebral stroke. With the improvement of the situation - ingestion.
  3. From the use of pills possible hemorrhagic complications, also increases the effect of antihypertensive drugs used.
  4. Owners of labile blood pressure and low vascular tone, the use of this drug is prohibited. This list includes patients with pathology.
  5. The use of tablets for children without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.
  6. This tool is undesirable to apply to drivers, as well as the owners of the profession, where concentration of attention is important.

Interactions with other drugs

Can not be used with heparin. When used together, there may be a sharp appearance of bleeding.

Interaction with other drugs does not entail side effects.

When using Vinpocetine and Warfarin, the anticoagulant effect of the second drug weakens a little.


The cost of Vinpocetine varies depending on the required dosage:

  • 5 mg No. 50 - from 45r;
  • 10 mg № 30 - from 118 rubles;
  • 5 mg №30 - from 143r;
  • 5mg №60 - from 72r;
  • 5mg number 20 - from 25r.

These figures are not the final figure. The price depends on the company produced, the required dose.


Vinpocetine analogs are drugs that have the same pharmacological action. Only a doctor can prescribe another treating agent; it is strictly prohibited to prescribe a new treatment to oneself.

Vinpocetine tablets have a huge advantage over other tablets - the presence of an alkaloid in the composition, which is released from the medicinal herb of the small periwinkle. Not every analogue of this drug can boast of the content of natural ingredients. However, they are great help and have a small list of adverse reactions. These analogues include:

  • Cavinton;
  • Mexidol;
  • Cinnarizine.


The drug has the same main substance as Vinpocetine. And its price is several times less. Many experts prescribe it, since the degree of purification of the alkaloid is much higher, therefore, there is no danger when applied.


This domestic development appeared quite recently.

Thanks to additional cleaning steps, makes it safer.

Unlike Cavinton and Vinpocetine, this medicine does not have such side effects as sleepiness and headache.


The effect of Cinnarizine is similar to that of Vinpocetine. However, Cinnarizine, having in its composition not a natural, but a synthetic basis, has more side effects and contraindications.

Tablet reviews

Vera Ivanovna: I have been diagnosed with VVD of panic attacks. My doctor prescribed me Vinpocetine, which is an analogue of Cavinton. He explained this by the fact that this drug has a vasodilating effect that normalizes blood circulation in the head. I was assigned a two-month course. 1 tablet no more than 3 times a day. The first week of pill use I was very dizzy, but I hoped that they would still help me and continued to take them. After some time, the body apparently got used, I forgot about dizziness. When the time of the appointed course passed, I became a completely different person. I was no longer tormented by problems with my head, spasms of blood vessels did not remind of themselves, thoughts became much cleaner. Most importantly, panic attacks no longer disturbed me. But on this I did not finish taking the drug. I repeat several treatment courses for 2 months throughout the year. Even more pleased with its price and availability in every pharmacy.
Sophia: My baby has been sleeping poorly for the last weeks. Turned to a neurologist, he appointed Vinpocetine. ⅓ tablets no more than 3 times a day. After reading the instructions, I was horrified that there is no dosage for children under 18, which means that it is contraindicated for children. Talked to moms in the forum, many praise this drug. I decided to try. I divided the pill into a small part, crushed it, added a drop of some water and quickly gave it to the baby. The taste, of course, is not pleasant, but the kid swallowed. After only 3 days I noticed a change in my child. Become better and sleep longer during the day. In the evening, he falls asleep himself and does not wake up at night. No side effects were observed. I am very glad that these medicines helped us to adjust our sleep.
Evgenia: I had severe asthenia, muscle weakness, depression, Raynaud's syndrome. She took the drug Vinpocetine, 1 tablet at least 2 times a day, after 2 days she noticed strong changes. The first day was very sleepy, slept longer than usual. In the following days, the dream was, as usual, no fatigue and weakness. Small stomach cramps also plagued every day. She took different medications, drank herbal preparations, nothing helped. After taking Vinpocetine, life got better, no health problems. I am glad that I found a solution to my problems.
Important! This drug should be used only as prescribed by your doctor.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the prescribed dose, observing the required interval. Even with visible results you can not throw the use of pills, not having drunk the prescribed course. Observing all the rules, the pain for a long time will not be felt.

Additional information from a medical professional about the drug - in the next video.

Watch the video: Health & Nutrition : Ginkgo Biloba Side Effects (April 2024).