How to deal with hemorrhoids after giving birth at home

Many women suffer from the appearance of hemorrhoids after childbirth, they are embarrassed to go to the hospital. Premature treatment helps to end the pain and feel the joy of motherhood to the fullest.

At the first symptoms, you should consult a qualified specialist to avoid surgery.

Why does hemorrhoids appear after birth?

What are the causes of hemorrhoids after birth? Pregnancy causes a number of transformations in the female body and is an additional burden for it. A sedentary lifestyle and excessive pressure on the rectum leads to the occurrence of hemorrhoids after birth.

The natural process of the birth of a child produces tremendous pressure on the pelvic area. This contributes to the formation or increase in existing cavernous vessels.

At risk are women who are confronted in the process of giving birth with the following factors:

  • large fruit;
  • strong and ineffective attempts;
  • long process of straining;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • narrow pelvis.

Caesarean section is a stress for the body that lowers the immune system. For caesarean section, there is also a risk of colliding with hemorrhoids. In the last months of pregnancy, internal nodes may appear that appear after surgery.

During recovery, physical activity is contraindicated in a woman. A weakened body and insufficient mobility lead to stagnation in the veins of the pelvis.

Women who give birth often suffer from problems with the stool, which also negatively affects the vessels in the inguinal region.

How to determine the disease?

The main signs of hemorrhoids after childbirth:

  • pain in the pelvic region;
  • itching;
  • inflammation;
  • knockout;
  • bleeding.

There are two forms of the disease:

  • chronic;
  • acute.

Chronic disease accompanies the patient for a long time with a sluggish expression of symptoms. But in this case, he can at any time sharpen and go into a difficult stage.

In the acute form of the disease rapidly passes all stages, as shown in the table:

1Minor discomfort during stool, itching, presence of blood on toilet paper
2The pain becomes more severe, the bleeding increases, the nodes go out and come back on their own.
3Pain, itching and bleeding become more intense, drop-down nodes are set up only with a finger
4There is a weakening of the rectus muscles, the nodes grow in size and do not set back.

Your doctor will be able to determine the extent of the disease and prescribe a set of necessary measures to correct the problem.

Drugs for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids

The main task of selecting drugs for a nursing woman is to preserve breastfeeding. Drugs should not adversely affect the health of the mother and child. Medications for the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids in women after childbirth are presented in several forms: ointment, gel and suppositories.

  1. Ointments and suppositories Relief is a popular remedy for the treatment of the first symptoms of hemorrhoids. It is made from a natural component - shark liver oil. Relief perfectly heals small cracks, relieves pain and inflammation. It stabilizes the work of the blood vessels of the pelvis;
  2. Heparin ointment. Effective remedy to combat hemorrhoids. Able to quickly remove symptoms. The main active ingredient is heparin. Thanks to him, the size of the formations is reduced and blood circulation is normalized;
  3. Gel Troxevasin. Perfectly eliminates all symptoms of the disease. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It does not adversely affect the nursing woman;
  4. Vishnevsky ointment. It is recommended to use it after the procedure of taking a sit-down bath with the addition of potassium permanganate. This combination disinfects and dries problem areas of the small pelvis;
  5. Candles Natalsid. Eliminate bleeding during bowel movements and have anti-inflammatory and firming effect;
  6. Anesthesol. Possesses anesthetic, astringent, antiseptic and drying effect;
  7. Candles with sea buckthorn oil. They contain extremely harmless components. Eliminate all the major symptoms of hemorrhoids. The effect is noticeable from the moment of first use;
  8. Candles with calendula. The drug is made from natural ingredients. Helps during the first stage of the disease.

The choice of remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth is extensive. The main thing is to choose the safest option.

Treatment by folk methods

Folk recipes in combination with medicines give the fastest effect.

Treatment can be carried out at home by such folk remedies:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil. Compresses with this component can heal microscopic cracks and promote the rapid healing of hemorrhoidal cones. With the help of tampons you can cure internal hemorrhoids;
  2. Natural baths. Chamomile, calendula, linden, oak bark and onion peel are able to positively influence the treatment of the disease;
  3. Raw Potatoes You can make a candle out of this vegetable. It is used for the night. The candle is gently inserted into the anal passage. If the use of a candle is not possible, it is recommended to make a compress of raw potatoes. The tuber is rubbed, wrapped in a bandage and applied to the problem area;
  4. Natural ointment. For the treatment of hemorrhoids they are made from mummy, honey, beeswax, plant powders and birch tar;
  5. Microclysters They promote healing of rectal wounds. Syringes of medicinal herbs, potato juice, essential or vegetable oils are introduced into the rectum by syringe.

Natural components do not have a chemical effect on the body of the baby and mother.

Surgical methods for hemorrhoid removal

In the presence of the fourth degree of the disease and the ineffectiveness of other methods of treatment, surgical intervention has to be used. Nursing women are suitable only gentle ways to eliminate hemorrhoids.

  1. Ligation nodes. They are tied up with latex ligature. Due to this, the blood stops flowing to the cavernous formations;
  2. Cryodestruction Problematic inflammations are frozen with liquid nitrogen;
  3. Sclerosing A special solution is injected into the inflamed area - sclerosant. It glues the walls of blood vessels;
  4. Photocoagulation. Produces an impact on the problem area with the help of various types of radiation.

Such surgery practically does not injure a woman. The recovery period does not take much time.

In severe cases, hemorrhoidectomy is performed. In this radical method, general anesthesia is used, which requires a temporary suspension of breastfeeding.

Features of the treatment of hemorrhoids during breastfeeding

For the treatment of the disease after childbirth during lactation, the doctor prescribes a set of measures immediately, which includes:

  • medication;
  • home remedies;
  • diet food;
  • hygiene procedures;
  • physical activities;
  • preventive measures.

Experts try to choose sparing means in order not to harm the health of the child.

It is recommended to stop breastfeeding while taking certain medications.

If such a decision is made, then during the weaning period of the baby, milk should be regularly expressed. This contributes to its preservation and the removal of harmful chemical components. Usually the period of taking the drug lasts 1-2 weeks.

Proper nutrition during illness

An important point during the fight against hemorrhoids is nutrition, which does not cause problems with the stool. Both loose stools and constipation aggravate all symptoms of the disease.

Such a diet is provided for hemorrhoids for mothers during breastfeeding:

  1. You can not eat spicy, fatty, salty and smoked products. They promote blood flow to the groin area;
  2. Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited, especially when breastfeeding.
  3. It is necessary to refuse strong black tea and coffee;
  4. An abundance in the diet of vegetables, fruits and cereals is welcome. They contain dietary fibers that have a positive effect on the outcome of the disease;
  5. A large amount of fluids should be consumed. Drinking water, compotes, juices and fruit drinks - all this minimizes the chances of constipation.

During breastfeeding, foods that cause allergies are always excluded from the diet.

Physical activity

During pregnancy and after childbirth, it is important to maintain increased physical activity. Lying, sitting and standing on the legs causes stagnant formation in the groin, which leads to the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

It is not necessary to go in for sports intensively, even the simplest exercises contribute to the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids.

  1. Need daily walk in the fresh air. This is useful for both mother and child;
  2. Kegel exercises can be done anytime, anywhere. Alternating tension and weakening of the sphincter improves blood microcirculation;
  3. Exercise "Scissors", "Birch" and "Bicycle" are easy to perform and effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids. They can be given only 10 minutes a day.


Here is what our readers say about the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth:

After birth I had hemorrhoids. This is a very unpleasant thing. Wildly ill, had to sleep only in a certain position. I bought candles Relief from shark liver. After four days of use, I feel better. More disease did not manifest itself.

Tatyana, 29 years old, Moscow

I had hemorrhoids after childbirth and now periodically appears. Relief did not help me at all. In vain spent money. I bought candles Anuzol and pained me with Troxevasin for pain. It helps. Even after each visit to the toilet to wash with cool water. Cold lotions are very effective.

Ira, 41, Nizhnevartovsk

After giving birth because of hemorrhoids, I could not sit. The nodules were very large and painful. The doctor advised me to rub the potatoes, wrap them in a gauze pad and apply to the painful area. Given that after birth, in general, no candles can be used, only with these tampons and escaped. Only I first cooled them in the refrigerator. In general, ordinary potatoes helped cure hemorrhoids.

Anya, 36 years old, Ples

During the birth two huge knots came out. Immediately started treatment. Relief candles were used 2 times a day, smeared with bumps from itching and pain with Fleming ointment. She also took rubber gloves and froze water in them, the resulting icicles were used as candles. It was very unpleasant, but tolerable. The hemorrhoids themselves are always washed and massaged with a cool shower. Everything went in two weeks.

Diana, 31, St. Petersburg

Prevention of hemorrhoids

To prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids during pregnancy or after childbirth, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Adhere to proper nutrition. The diet should be balanced and include all the necessary vitamins and trace elements;
  2. It should be as little as possible to use sweets, spicy and flour, so as not to provoke problems with the chair;
  3. Coffee, chocolate, cabbage and beans contribute to excessive gas formation. They should be completely abandoned;
  4. It is necessary every day to use prunes and dried apricots for the prevention of constipation;
  5. A visit to the toilet is best done in the morning. During the trip to the toilet do not need to excessively push;
  6. It is recommended not to use toilet paper. It is better to wash the anus after each act of defecation or wipe with a damp cloth;
  7. You should exercise regularly, walk and practice yoga;
  8. It is necessary to maintain positive thinking, to avoid all stresses and not to lose heart. Negative emotions give rise to all diseases;
  9. For any manifestation of symptoms of hemorrhoids, you need to visit a specialist.

Motherhood is the most beautiful state in the life of every woman. Nothing should darken him. To do this, you need to eat right, follow the rules of hygiene and exercise.

If the problem of hemorrhoids after birth still arose, then you need to use medications that are harmless to the baby and use the possibilities of traditional medicine. In critical cases, surgery will help.

Additional information on the topic of the article can be found in the following video.