What happens in the 39th week of pregnancy before the second birth

At the 39th week of re-pregnancy, when 9 total obstetric months and 7 more days are left behind, the process of carrying a child gradually comes to its logical conclusion. The baby is already fully formed, and even if the birth takes place a little earlier, it will not be dangerous.

38, 39, 40 weeks of pregnancy before the second birth: medical examination

The expectant mother is under systematic observation from the moment of registration and until discharge from the hospital. During the 38-40 weeks the obstetrician-gynecologist needs to assess as precisely as possible what the condition of the fetus is and whether it is ready for birth. To this end, the following parameters are determined in a pregnant woman:

  • weight;
  • blood pressure level;
  • the height of the bottom of the uterus;
  • abdominal circumference.

During the last month a woman has to pass urine weekly for general analysis (this allows you to monitor the condition of the kidneys, their work). The conclusion about the need for additional tests makes the doctor, who conducts the examination.

Also, a specialist must listen to the heart beat rate for the timely detection of possible pathologies. If permission to give birth is planned with a caesarean section, then the woman is referred for an ultrasound.

The same applies to mothers who wear twins (through ultrasound, you can determine the amount of amniotic fluid).

In addition, using ultrasound, you can identify the presentation of the fetus, or its entanglement with the umbilical cord. By the 39th week, the baby has time to take the position in which it will remain during childbirth. This allows the obstetrician-gynecologist to probe the head of the baby, both from the inside and outside.

Second pregnancy: precursors and signs of childbirth at week 39

The main signs of the imminent appearance of the child at the 39th week of the second pregnancy are manifested as follows:

  • frequent abdominal cramps (from 1 time in 10 minutes or more often);
  • minor muscle contractions in the hips;
  • nagging pain in the perineum, girdle pain;
  • loose stools (diarrhea) and frequent urge to empty the bladder;
  • increased appetite;
  • removal of a thick mucous plug of white or cream color (this can last about one and a half weeks);
  • training bouts (intense enough to wake a woman at night)
  • the appearance of bloody vaginal discharge (if they become abundant, it is better to call an ambulance, or to see a doctor);
  • itching on the surface of the breast, a slight release of colostrum (itching can be alleviated by moisturizing the skin and wearing loose-fitting clothing made from natural fabrics);
  • swelling of limbs;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • mood swings.

If during the first birth the baby appeared naturally, then the latter will pass in a similar way, since the cervix is ​​already quite elastic and prepared for this process. The principle of "both the first and second" also applies to cesarean section and the appearance of cracks and tears (new injuries usually appear in the old places).

Understanding this, obstetricians try to minimize possible negative consequences as much as possible.

39 week of the second pregnancy: fetal condition

At the 1st week of the 10th obstetric month, the fetus is already large enough to occupy almost all intrauterine space. If in the previous days the baby was actively moving, then at this stage he calms down. Due to the lack of free space, he only pushes occasionally (usually this happens about 10 times a day).

However, too rare a stir or complete lull may indicate (although this is unlikely) that the fetus is fading. In this case, it is better to visit the doctor so that he can confirm that the child is in order.

During the 39th week, the biorhythms of the baby are the same as they will be after his birth, in addition, there is a reaction to:

  • light and darkness;
  • sounds;
  • touching the surface of the abdomen.

The weight of a small "lodger" comes to 3 kg, and the growth is about 49-52 cm, which fully corresponds to the average indicators for newborns. Respiratory and digestive systems are fully formed and ready to perform their direct functions.

The kidneys and liver are also ready for work, but they will continue to develop after the baby is born. The body covering the body disappears, hair appears.

The possibility of fixing the gaze on objects located 20-30 centimeters from the face of the baby, the ability to notice movements, see the difference in color and volume of objects is noted.

The mucous lips are covered with special rollers, which should facilitate the process of sucking. The skin becomes a pleasant pinkish color, and under them accumulates sufficient fat to ensure independent thermoregulation.

What happens in the mother's body?

The range of sensations experienced at this stage can be quite different for each future mother. Unfortunately, for the most part they are not very pleasant:

  • the stomach goes down (for multiparous, this happens literally just before the birth itself, in exceptional cases this may not occur at all);
  • there is a strong pressure on the bladder, because of which visits to the toilet are becoming more frequent;
  • because of the strong tension, the skin on the stomach begins to itch;
  • bouts of vomiting and diarrhea (the body is "relieved" before childbirth);
  • appetite worse;
  • protrusion of the navel occurs;
  • the loin starts to hurt a lot

From the pleasant moments it can be noted that the breathing process is facilitated, since the pressure on the diaphragm decreases.

Other features of the period, deviations from the norm

Additional features accompanying the second pregnancy at week 39 include:

  • periodic mucous discharge (if instead of transparent they acquired some other color, they began to smell, that is, a reason to suspect the presence of a pathological process);
  • itching in the genital area, burning and soreness when urinating.
These symptoms can not be ignored. It is recommended to immediately contact the antenatal clinic and be examined.

This will help prescribe the necessary treatment and avoid infection of the fetus.

If there are no health problems, then it is better to devote yourself to activities "for the soul":

  • reading books;
  • watching movies;
  • walks;
  • meetings with close people.

Everything that surrounds a woman should relax her and set her up in a positive way, since this greatly influences how the delivery will take place.

Recommendations to the future mother

The main guideline for parents who have been carrying their second child for the 39th week includes the following items:

  • Do not leave the city limits and try to stay closer to home.

This will help in the necessary moment to avoid difficulties with transportation.

  • Decide exactly how you will get to the hospital.

If we are talking about your car, you should immediately discuss which of the relatives will sit behind the wheel, because it is not a good idea to drive independently during the fights.

  • Documents for the hospital should always be with you.

This includes: a passport, insurance medpolis, birth certificate (birth contract) and exchange card.

  • After the waters discharge, it is necessary to get to the maternity hospital as soon as possible.

Although the second birth itself has not yet begun, but it may take a lot of time to arrange the reception and conduct the initial examination. Therefore, it would be better to hurry.

If we talk about different areas of life for this period, it is desirable to remember a few basic recommendations:

  • Nutrition.

Be sure to complete and balanced. It is better to refuse fried, fatty and smoked products. Moreover, you should avoid "fast" dishes from snack bars and carbonated drinks.

  • Vitamins.

Ideally, the whole range of essential vitamins should be obtained by the body through a properly designed menu. In some cases, this is impossible and then prescribed special multivitamins. This ensures proper physical and mental development of the child, strengthens its immunity.

  • Sex.

This type of activity is not only not prohibited, but even useful because the substances contained in the male seminal fluid, make the cervix more elastic and prepare it for childbirth. However, if the tube is already gone, then sexual intercourse must necessarily occur using a condom. This will protect the birth canal from harmful bacteria.

  • Rupture of amniotic fluid.

It usually happens fairly quickly, but this does not apply to all cases. Therefore, if the regular release of small amounts of clear, odorless liquid was noticed, then it makes sense to immediately come to the specialist for an examination. It is possible that the time of birth has already come.

  • Physical exercise.

Strong, well-developed muscles in women, allow them to significantly speed up the process of childbirth and recover faster after it. Pregnant women are particularly suitable in this regard, swimming and water aerobics. We should not forget about walks, which not only strengthen the entire muscular frame, but also provide an excellent sleep.

In addition to all of the above, you must always remember that pharmacy medicines at the 39th week of the second pregnancy cannot be abused. For the treatment of possible colds and other minor diseases, it is better to use honey, milk, raspberries, berry fruit drinks, etc. But even with respect to these funds, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

A little more information about the second birth can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: How to recognize the signs of labor - Early labor signs (May 2024).