How to quickly recover thin girl at home

In society, it is considered that if a person is too thin, then something is wrong with him: he is torturing himself with diets or has problems with the digestive system. Sometimes it takes place, but often it is an unfair and unreasonable stereotype.

Whether the body is normal can be calculated based on the body mass index. To understand why some people are too thin, how to deal with excessive thinness, you should consider the problem of insufficient weight in more detail.

The main causes of thinness

There is an extensive list of reasons why people are underweight. The most common ones are:

  1. Anorexia is an eating disorder, a sharp refusal of a person to maintain a healthy body weight. Most often, people suffering from the disease are afraid of an increase in kilograms. This is a severe psychological illness with physiological side effects.
  2. Genetics. The genetic factor plays a significant role in the appearance of a person. Some people are programmed to be thin, with any amount of food consumed, they cannot gain extra pounds.
  3. Hyperthyroidism - this condition leads to an increased secretion of thyroid hormones. These hormones stimulate the metabolism, so that a person can not gain weight.
  4. Narcotic substances. Excessive drug use causes serious problems, including weight loss. Addicts can become so disconnected from the world that they either forget to eat or lose interest in it. Or spend all the money on the dose, not thinking about buying food.
  5. Anxiety and depression. Those who are very nervous for a long time can easily lose weight. However, such weight loss is unhealthy for the human body. Veste with kilograms leave beneficial trace elements and immunity. After prolonged depression, you can recover your health for a long time.

Many underweight people have a weakened immune system. Poor nutrition often causes fatigue, dizziness and fainting.

What foods a girl needs to eat to get better

There are products that help people with low levels of metabolism to gain weight.

If they are taken in the right combination and at the right time, the weight will start to build up pretty quickly.

So, what to eat to quickly gain weight to the girl:

  1. Red meat. It contains high cholesterol. Most experts do not consider meat as part of a healthy diet, it should not be taken more than twice a week. However, if a girl wants to gain kilograms, eating meat is a very effective way.
  2. Eggs One egg contains 70 calories, 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and does not contain carbohydrates. Eggs are high in omega-3 fats. Do not avoid the yolks, choline, present in them, reduces fat cells in the heart.
  3. Fruit is a natural source of sugar. Bananas, papayas, pineapples and mangoes are a great choice. Mix fruits: prepare cocktails, salads. Two mangoes contain about 300 calories.
  4. Whole milk contains vitamins A and D, fats and nutrients. A glass of fat milk is 60 calories.
  5. Cheese has all the necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as 717 cal. per serving.
  6. Nuts are full of nutrients and fat and fiber. Nuts are a source of omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids, leading to weight gain.
  7. Vegetable oils have a rich flavor and contain healthy calories. Oils contribute to the overproduction of neuromodulating lipids, known as endocannabinoids, which are responsible for transmitting signals of hunger to the brain.

Avoid foods high in unhealthy fat and sugar. Consuming natural and whole foods is the right way to gain weight.

Drink for weight gain

Regardless of whether a thin person is weak or low in weight or height, he can still gain weight by adding a few drinks to his food:

  1. Hot chocolate - a source of vitamins, calcium. It is high in calories, made from milk, cocoa, sugar, whipped cream and chocolate syrup. May be a substitute for coffee or tea.
  2. Milk shakes are a healthy and tasty solution. Cocktail contains a huge amount of calories.
  3. Coffee is high in calories and good for those who want to gain weight. Add whipped cream, chocolate, sugar to it.
  4. Smoothies are a blend of cream, fruit juices, honey, milk and a variety of nutrients.
  5. Soft drinks lead to rapid weight gain. However, not all of them are good for health; in some, sugar is often harmful.
  6. Mango and banana have high calories, they can be turned into juices or cocktails. This is a great natural drink that can be consumed every day.
  7. Coconut milk is a rich source of calories and nutrients. Contains a large amount of carbohydrates and vitamins.

These drinks can be part of a fitness regime and consumed on a regular basis. Choose the ones you like the most.

How to quickly gain weight through exercise

To gain weight thin girl without prejudice to health and beauty, you need to play sports. Otherwise, you can gain weight around the waist and hips, which will spoil the shape. For new kilograms, distributed in the right places, you need to gain muscle mass (and not fat) with the help of exercises. Training tips:

  1. Use dumbbells, barbells and special sports equipment. Develop exercise approaches for this inventory.
  2. Squats participate in training to enhance and tone the lower body. Legs shoulder-width apart, raise your arms in front of you. Lower your body, pushing the hips back, straining the gluteal muscles. Squat down to the formation of a right angle, then return to its original position.
  3. Push-ups - exercise to build shoulder muscles. Palms on the floor, slightly wider than shoulders. Go down to the floor, but do not touch it. Do not bend the pelvis. Then use your hands to rise to the starting position.
  4. Pull-ups should be performed 10-15 times during training to get the best result.
  5. Twisting - exercise to increase muscle and eliminate fat on the abdomen. Lie on the mat, lifting your knees and legs. Cross your arms over your chest, raise your torso using your abdominal muscles, and then squeeze them. Stop at the highest point, then slowly go down.

Aerobics leave for 10 minutes warm-up before exercise. There is no need to do exercises that burn calories (running on a treadmill), otherwise efforts to gain weight will be in vain.

How to get better girl for a week: sports nutrition

To gain weight, you need to eat 1 g of protein per pound of body weight per day for muscle building and recovery. Some of the best sources of protein for weight gain include:

  • steaks;
  • chicken breast thighs;
  • tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines;
  • yogurt, cottage cheese, milk;
  • the eggs.

Macroelement ratio of carbohydrates and fats is not important. The main thing that the girl ate more calories than her body could burn. Fill the rest of the food with healthy carbohydrates and fats.

Do not make the mistake of avoiding carbohydrates and fats, for fear of gaining fat. Carbohydrates and fats contain more calories than proteins. However, without using them, it will be more difficult and more expensive to gain mass. People are not able to increase muscle and weight without getting a drop of fat.

To gain kilos, increase the number of meals. To increase the total time of the day for eating - wake up earlier and have breakfast. Many girls do not eat anything for breakfast.

Sandwich for lunch, pizza for dinner. Their meal time is less than 10 hours. Therefore, they can not gain weight - two meals, with zero calories before lunch.

Example of a meal plan for a kilogram kit:

  • breakfast 7.00 - oatmeal, raisins, yogurt, milk;
  • lunch 10.00 - nuts, banana;
  • lunch 13.00 - chicken, macaroni and cheese;
  • snack 16:00 - dried fruits;
  • Dinner 19.00 - steak with potatoes.

You can buy sports nutrition, in particular dry cocktails with different flavors. They are designed for women and men who want to increase their weight, gain muscle mass. Cocktails are balanced, contain fiber, protein, vitamins.

What pharmaceutical preparations will help to gain weight quickly at home?

Some drugs will help to quickly gain kilograms, but how they will affect a particular person, you need to understand yourself:

  1. Oral contraceptives affect the hormones of the girl, thereby provoking weight gain. Some athletes use this option. Sometimes oral contraceptives are prescribed for anorexia patients. Popular drugs: Logest, Novinet Mercilon, Midiana.
  2. Brewer's yeast regulates the metabolic process, compensates for the deficiency of vitamins from different groups, in particular. Yeast normalizes intestinal function and improves appetite.
  3. Nutrizone is a protein substance that is sold in bags or bottles. Improves absorption of beneficial substances, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Remember that the use of any medication without a doctor's prescription can have negative consequences. It is better to consult and choose an individual method of treatment.

How to keep a healthy lifestyle for a girl while gaining weight

To support a healthy lifestyle, adherence to proper nutrition and activity is not enough to be considered "healthy." The following tips should be included in your daily routine:

  1. Start keeping a diary, indicate in it the food consumed, the number of calories. Make a training plan, and the whole schedule of the day. Record gained weight. As a result of discipline, the fulfillment of all tasks, great results can be achieved.
  2. Practice daily, go for walks. Cleaning the house and walking the dog are also useful exercise.
  3. Determine your daily calorie needs. They depend on age, gender and level of physical activity.
  4. Do not smoke. Smoking speeds up metabolism, prevents the collection of kilograms, burns an extra 200 calories. in a day. By quitting smoking, a person can also gain some weight.
  5. Get a full night rest. Sleep well people cope with stress and control appetites.
  6. Meditate for 10-20 minutes every day, it is good for the soul, helps to cope with the stresses of everyday life, will reduce blood pressure.
The main thing is to take responsibility for your life in order to make your lifestyle more healthy.


  1. Insufficient weight affects the immune system, makes a person weak and tired.
  2. Causes of thinness can be stressful situations, psychological illness (anorexia, bulimia), the effects of bad habits, and poor health in general.
  3. Many people with low weight try to gain weight in various ways. However, there are some foods that help to gain weight on their own (meat, oils, cheese, coffee, hot chocolate, juices, etc.)
  4. Compliance with the diet will improve the result.
  5. The transition to a balanced diet is necessary to maintain proper weight, but the diet is complemented by physical exercise (squats, twists, pushups, walks).

By following simple tips, you can begin to gain kilograms within two weeks.

Additional tips on how to gain weight - in the next video.

Watch the video: 5 ways to gain healthy weight for skinny people (May 2024).