How to quickly increase blood pressure hypotensive at home

Blood pressure indicators depend on age: the older the person, the higher they are. 120/80 numbers are considered normal for an adult; they are known to almost everyone. Normal tone - the guarantee of health.

Like most characteristics of our body, this level is approximate. Minor fluctuations in one direction or another do not matter, but sudden jumps can be dangerous.

On the threats posed by an increase in the tone of blood vessels, i.e. hypertension / hypertension, such as strokes and heart attacks, everyone has heard. However, a sharp drop in pressure - attacks of hypotension, especially often recurring, are a rather alarming symptom.

Therefore, you need to fight with both high and low pressure. In this article we will understand why it drops sharply, how it manifests itself, and also how to quickly increase the pressure in the home.

Hypotension: Causes and Effects

Recall once again: normal pressure is a relative concept. If someone has consistently low indicators (naturally, within reasonable limits, no more than 10-12 units of the average) and this does not cause discomfort, you should not worry too much: perhaps these are the individual characteristics of your body.

But this does not apply to cases where it falls suddenly and abruptly: a jump causes very unpleasant sensations and may indicate a serious disruption of the work of the cardiovascular or other systems.

Such jumps are very dangerous for blood vessels, the heart and the brain, since this organ is extremely sensitive to any changes in the blood supply.

The main manifestations of acute hypotension

The main symptoms of a hypotonic crisis approach are pallor, weakness, cold sweat, cold hands and feet, dizziness, headache, nausea, and ringing in the ears. Most often they appear in the morning, after lifting, and in the first half of the day, increasing with sharp corners of the hull and head.

If such signals are ignored, the case may end in a faint.

The causes of this state are quite a few. We list the most common.

  • thermal procedures (bath, etc.), overheating in the sun;
  • heat and stuffiness indoors, or in a crowded transport;
  • prolonged physical overstrain, leading to the fact that the body begins to "save" resources;
  • great excitement, stress;
  • overwork;
  • insomnia;
  • general emaciation, anemia caused by a disease or a prolonged strict diet;
  • dehydration;
  • medication: some antibiotics, sedatives, antispasmodics, analgesics, diuretics;
  • failure of the internal organs (heart, kidney);
  • ulcerative diseases of the digestive tract;
  • various types of bleeding - from nasal to internal (the latter is especially dangerous!);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • climate change, time zone;
  • meteorological dependence;
  • for women, pregnancy (first trimester), or menstruation;
  • bad habits: alcohol, tobacco.

Ambulance for hypotonic crisis

When the above symptoms appear, it is important to act quickly. How to increase the pressure quickly at home without medication? It is necessary to lay a person, raising his legs and lowering his head slightly below the body: such a posture will ensure blood flow to the brain.

Obstacle clothing should be undone, put a cold compress on the forehead and begin to make a light massage. Massage need hands, while slightly pressing on the hole in the base of the thumb, as well as the whiskey, neck and earlobes.

When it is stuffy in the room, it is worthwhile to open the window, providing access to fresh air. Those who allow the state can help themselves. With dizziness, you need to be very careful and try not to make sudden movements.

After lying down for about half an hour and feeling the stabilization of well-being, measure arterial tone. In that case, if the tonometer shows a strong decline relative to the usual indicators, try to raise it with a home remedy.

This can be not only traditional coffee, but also strong brewed sweet tea, as well as chocolate (preferably dark), candy or just a cube of sugar. Salt also helps: put a pinch on the tongue, but do not swallow it, but slowly dissolve.

It’s good to eat something salty: a cucumber, a small piece of lard or cheese.

Several sips of natural grape wine of “red” varieties, for example, Cahors, will be raised. However, in pregnancy, as well as in relation to children, this tool is better not to use.

Medicines - only prescribed by a doctor!

When such a discomfort occurs often enough, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Perhaps the root cause is a chronic disease, then you need to fight with it.

But if you are lucky, the examination did not reveal anything particularly serious, the doctor may prescribe special medications - tablets to increase the pressure of rapid action. The most common tablets of this type include:

  • caffeine;
  • aspirin;
  • citramon;
  • askofen.

These medicines can be purchased without a prescription. There are also more potent, with the purchase of which the recipe is required:

  • mezaton;
  • norepinephrine;
  • dobutamine;
  • strophanthin

Such tablets are very effective and help quickly enough, preventing hypotonic crisis. But they should be applied very carefully, carefully observing the instructions and recommendations of physicians.

If there are reasons to suspect internal bleeding, it is categorically impossible to use all of these medicines, since they reduce blood clotting.

"Natural-folk" pharmacy

How to quickly increase the pressure of folk remedies? There are many natural ways to combat hypotension, which, unlike the chemical, do not harm the general condition of the body and have no side effects.

Therefore, in the initial stages of this phenomenon, until it becomes a serious problem, it is best to resort to them. Herbal remedies give a good effect even with a single application, but if hypotonic crises are quite often a phenomenon, it is worth using a "green pharmacy" systematically.

Thus, it is possible to achieve significant success in stabilizing the pressure, getting rid of lethargy, poor health in the morning.

Excellent spirit alcohol tincture of plants such as Eleutherococcus, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea. They can be purchased at the pharmacy network.

Ginseng is a widely known plant, which, according to popular belief, has miraculous properties. Medic confirm that its use has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system of the body, raises the tone, strengthens the immune system.

A single dose is 20 drops of tincture diluted with about ¼ of a glass of water. It is taken 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. The course is about 30 days. Longer terms of reception are desirable for discussing with the doctor.

Eleutherococcus has about the same properties as ginseng, but costs much less. Tincture is taken within one month. A single dose is 20-25 drops per 1 cup of water. It is necessary to drink it in the morning, on an empty stomach, approximately half an hour before meals.

Rhodiola rosea (golden root) is used three times a day before meals, 7-10 drops. Course duration - 1-2 months.

Plant golden mustache

Another good tonic is kallizia fragrant, better known as the Far Eastern golden mustache. Now this plant has become domestic, and "lives" with many people on the windowsills, so the tincture can be prepared independently.

The horizontal leaves (mustaches) of a flower acquire the greatest healing power by the time of the formation of 9-10 "joints", which should have a brownish-purple color.

To prepare the tincture, finely crush several whiskers (about 100 g), pour into a glass jar and pour half a liter of alcohol or vodka.

Insist 2 weeks in a dark cool pantry, occasionally shaking. Ready infusion gets light lilac color. Take before meals, 10-15 drops, washed down with a small amount of water.

If there is no time to insist, you can simply chew the whisker periodically (do not swallow!)

Important: in some people, all these plants cause allergic reactions, so they should be used for the first time with caution.

Hypotension in pregnant women

Pregnancy is a very responsible and difficult period in a woman’s life, during which the body experiences significant overload. This can cause pressure problems as well. Argued that fainting and mood swings during pregnancy - is quite normal.

There is some truth in this, but still hypotonia, especially in the later periods, is highly undesirable, and can have serious consequences for both the expectant mother and the child.

How can you increase blood pressure quickly during pregnancy? First aid for pregnant women with hypotonic crisis is similar to the measures already cited earlier: horizontal position of the body, wet compress, fresh air, acupressure.

Biologically active points that need to be massaged in such cases are located at the tips of the fingers, the hollow on the upper lip near the nose, and also between the chin and the lower lip. In this massage there is nothing difficult, so the way is easy to use on their own.

A sweet tea, salt or sugar under the tongue will help to stop an acute attack of hypotension.

You can eat a slice of bread with honey (if you are not allergic) and a slice of lemon, or just suck on a lemon.

Coffee, wine, and alcohol liqueurs are undesirable. If fainting is repeated, pregnant like no one else, you should consult a doctor, without advice, you should not take even the most innocent, at first glance, medicines.

Pediatric hypotension

To determine whether a child's vascular tone is lowered, it is important to know the normal performance. They are different for each age period and are shown in the following table:

Age indicatorsPressure
1 month80-11240-74
1 year90-11250-74
2-3 years100-11260-74
4-5 years100-11660-76
6-9 years100-12260-78
10-12 years110-12670-82
13-15 years old110-13670-86

Abnormalities can have both pathological and natural causes, for example, when, with too rapid growth, the internal organs and vessels do not have time for the musculoskeletal system. Increased school load can also cause a surge of hypotension.

If the numbers are significant enough, consultations with a pediatrician and other specialists are required. When no diseases have been identified, the reduced vascular tone can be treated independently.

And how to urgently increase the pressure of the child? In such cases, this phenomenon is temporary, and with age, the state normalizes by itself, so you should not resort to synthetic drugs.

To give the child strong coffee, and even more wine is not recommended. Alcohol tinctures, as for adults, are also useless.

Sweet and hot tea with lemon, 1-2 sweets, a glass of pomegranate juice are no worse than helping to cope with adolescent dizziness. Acupressure, the basic techniques of which have already been mentioned, will not interfere either.

How to prevent horse racing

All that was said earlier refers to the means of stopping acute attacks of lowering of arterial tone. But, as you know, any malaise is easier to prevent than to take emergency measures during exacerbation.

Ways to prevent such exacerbations are simple, as all ingenious.

Let's start with the morning awakening. We strongly advise hypotonia to jump abruptly out of bed - this can lead to spasms of blood vessels, causing an attack of dizziness. Waking up before you get up, it's nice to do some simple physical exercises, for example, such:

  1. Legs stretched, arms along the body. Raise the foot on yourself, lifting his head, look at them.
  2. Sliding your heels, at the same time bend your knees. Raise bent legs, straighten them up, then lower.
  3. Raising the left / right leg alternately, raise the head, making the claps with the hands under the foot.
  4. Simulate foot cycling.
  5. Doing scissors in the air.

All exercises are performed lying on the bed, without a pillow, each is repeated 3-5 times.

After gymnastics it is worth taking a contrast shower, changing warm water to cold water every 10-15 seconds three times. Then you need to rub the body well with a towel.

There are no strict nutritional restrictions with reduced pressure: food just needs to be complete, diverse, always including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins.

Also dosed physical exertion, walks in the fresh air, minimum of stress / overwork, restful full sleep are necessary.

In the next video - additional information on how to increase the pressure.

Watch the video: How can you increase blood pressure if you have hypotension? (May 2024).