8 reasons to choose oregano: medicinal properties of herbs

Many herbs are not inferior in their healing properties, and sometimes even surpass tablets, ointments and medicines. Medicinal plants are affordable and inexpensive, so they are popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle, herbalists and folk healers. One of these herbs is oregano. It is not very popular, like St. John's wort, elecampane or blueberry, but this does not lose its healing properties.

What is oregano, or 8 names of plants

In Russia, oregano is found everywhere: in the meadows and in the steppes, on the forest edges and on the slopes of the hills. Loves bright, sunny glades. This is a fairly common plant, but few people are willing to say what the grass looks like, and even less know its other names: oregano, swan, motherboard, ladanka, bee lover, zenovka, flea burla, forest mint. All these names are associated with one or other properties of oregano: attract bees or scare away fleas, restore women's health. Lay the grass as a ward in small bags - amulets.

Oregano is a perennial plant with a height of 50-70 centimeters. From the second year of life, the grass begins to bloom. The flowers are small, gathered in inflorescences, light purple or pinkish. Smell good, from which, probably, and went the most famous name of the plant - oregano. Stems reddish, leaves elongated. Grass propagates by seed or division of the bush.

A lot of beliefs and legends are associated with a flower, according to one of which Peter the Great ordered to call the herb Oregano after he tried tea on the basis. Thanks to this tea, he quickly and soundly fell asleep, and in the morning he stood wide awake. The girl who gave him this drink was called Dushitsa's parents.

Oregano cultivated, used in landscape design, cooking and even in magic. But due to its chemical composition, oregano is most often used for medicinal purposes.

What we treat: the chemical composition of the flower

The composition of the plant includes:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins A, C, PP;
  • micro and macronutrients: iodine, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and others.

Medicinal properties

Not every plant is medicinal. Oregano rightfully deserved this name.

Here are 8 reasons to choose oregano as a medicine:

  1. Excellent sedative. Only motherwort has the same strong sedative effect. A few drops of herbal tincture are added to tea or water. The duration of treatment depends on the specific disease. And oregano helps with any nervous disorders: insomnia, stress, epilepsy, irritability. Essential oils of a grass possess such sedative effect.
  2. Tannins and oregano ascorbic acid help treat any manifestations of the common cold: nasopharynx inflammation, cough, bronchitis, flu. The plant has an expectorant and diaphoretic effect. The tannins make the bitter and tart taste of oregano.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Infusion plants are used with poor appetite. Oregano copes with gastritis, digestive disorders, helminthiasis, inflammation of the gallbladder, improves pancreas, has a fixative effect in diarrhea.
  4. Skin diseases. Boils, inflammations, ulcers, eczema are treated with lotions with decoction of oregano.
  5. Hemostatic effect. They are washed with a decoction of wounds and cuts for their quick healing and disinfection.
  6. Diseases of the genitourinary system. Due to the diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, the plant copes well with cystitis.
  7. Due to the presence of calcium and fluoride, the flower helps to strengthen bones, teeth, hair and nails.
  8. Hypertension. Oregano tea lowers blood pressure. Migraine, nausea and nosebleeds are eliminated along with high blood pressure.

Oregano for women and men

Another name for oregano is "female grass". This nickname was given to her for a reason.

For women

It is drugs based on this herb that are prescribed for women with certain gynecological diseases.

Oregano helps:

  • with menstrual pain;
  • with a failure in the menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal disorders during menopause;
  • during lactation increases milk production;
  • helps to restore the body after childbirth.

For men

But for the stronger sex grass is not recommended. It promotes the formation of the female hormone - estrogen. Men can use broths of plants in very small doses, but it is better to give up altogether. Studies have shown that excessive use of drugs with oregano can cause impotence.

We collect, dry, store

In order for the healing effects of the flower to have maximum effect, it is necessary to collect the grass in time and properly store it.

For harvesting use leaves, stems and flowers of the plant. Despite the fact that in height the grass can reach 1 meter, you need to tear only the upper part of the stem with leaves and inflorescence. It is not recommended to pull the oregano with the root: the roots are not used in the blanks, and the plant from this dies.

Oregano blooms from late June to mid-August. This time and is recommended for harvesting grass. Collect it in dry sunny weather.

Owners of cottages or private houses dry the plant in attics. Such a room is well ventilated, and there is no sunlight. Those who can not boast of the presence of an attic, dried grass in the apartment.

Sprigs of the plants spread in 1 layer on the fabric or paper. Completely oregano dries in 3-4 weeks. After that, you need to separate the flowers and leaves from the stems. The stems themselves must be crushed and added to a mixture of leaves and flowers. The billet is ready for storage and consumption.

Those leaves, which after drying have turned yellow, must be discarded, they are spoiled. Good leaves do not change color after drying.

You can store the ready collection in cloth bags, boxes, bags, glass jars separately from other herbs. The plant retains its healing properties for about 2 years, but it is better to stock up enough to last for a year. A year later, you can make a fresh collection. Do not keep the workpiece in the sun - when overheated, oregano loses its medicinal components. Less often the plant is frozen.

Recipes of traditional medicine

In folk medicine, oregano is used for cooking:

  • infusions;
  • decoctions;
  • tea;
  • bath with a flower.


Alcohol is always used for tinctures based on any plant, so children should not be given this medicine. For cooking use:

  • alcohol (vodka) - 300 ml;
  • dry mixture of oregano - 20 grams.

The grass is poured with alcohol, insist 7 days in a dark cool place, and the mixture is stored in the same place. Add 30-40 drops to tea (1 teaspoon). Tincture is used for nervous disorders, insomnia.


You can prepare the decoction in two ways: pour boiling water over the grass and insist or add water and boil it on the stove. It is good because it uses water for cooking and can be used by everyone.

  1. 2-3 teaspoons of herbs pour boiling water, insist 1 hour. You can take for the treatment of any of these diseases.
  2. The proportion of components is the same as in the first method, but the grass is poured with cold water. It is brought to a boil and the broth is cooked on low heat for 15 minutes.

It is prepared faster tinctures, but also used faster too. Apply broth as lotions, make them syringing for women's diseases.


The drink is like a decoction with the only difference that for it is usually used a mixture of herbs. In addition, the pharmacy can buy ready-to-use tea bags with oregano inside. You can make tea in a mug, kettle, french press. Tea does not insist as a decoction, and drink immediately. 1 teaspoon of herbs - 1 cup of boiling water.

Medicinal baths

For any skin diseases, oregano baths are recommended. Use the decoction of the plant. A glass of dry grass is poured with 2 liters of water, boiled and poured ready broth into a filled bath. In order not to clog the bathroom, you can strain the solution. Soaps and gels are not used, but the skin must be clean. They take such baths as often as they want, there are no restrictions. They make separate baths with oregano for the legs, if they get tired, the skin on the feet swells and cracks.

Use in cosmetology

In cosmetology on the basis of oregano produce:

  • creams;
  • tonics;
  • masks.

Use such cosmetics for the treatment and restoration of hair, skin of the face, hands. You can also prepare the cosmetic yourself: freeze the herb decoction and wipe your face and hands with ice cubes. The essential oil of the plant is added to shampoos, rinsed with broth hair.


As with any plant, oregano has contraindications. They are few, but oregano can not be used in such cases:

  1. Allergy. To find out if you are allergic to any of the components of the plant, you should start using in small doses.
  2. Pregnancy. Oregano can cause miscarriage.
  3. Acute gastric diseases: ulcer, cancer, gastritis.
  4. Stones in the kidneys. Excess ascorbic acid contributes to the formation of stones.

Each person is individual, so for any other unspecified side effect, you should stop using herbs.

Oregano is a real natural antibiotic, which can be used without spending a penny. It does not matter how you plan to use oregano: as a decoction or cosmetic, preparing yourself or buying at the pharmacy - the plant will only benefit you if used correctly.

Watch the video: 5 Reasons Oregano Should Grow In Every Garden (May 2024).