Can I get pregnant during menstruation, after them and during a delay

Many girls wonder whether sex is possible during menstruation and whether it is possible to conceive a child during this period. Next, you will learn whether it makes sense to use contraceptive methods or the chance of conception is completely absent.

The calendar method of contraception is considered very effective by some married couples. For this reason, they think that the days of menstruation is the safest period for having sex and getting pregnant is impossible. Meanwhile, gynecologists refute this position. The probability of conceiving a baby during menstruation, although quite small, is there.

Is there a chance to get pregnant during menstruation?

In order to understand whether it is possible to conceive a child during menstruation, it is necessary to understand what happens in a woman’s body during the menstrual cycle. At the beginning of the cycle under the action of hormones (follicle-stimulating, luteinizing) a follicle is formed, from which the egg is released.

Next comes ovulation. It begins approximately from the 14th day of the cycle and lasts a day.

During ovulation, the egg must be fertilized by meeting with the sperm.

The next phase of the cycle is luteal (13-14 days), during which hormones of progesterone and estrogen are produced in an increased amount to prepare the girl's body for a probable pregnancy. If conception did not happen, then the period comes.

Based on the above, it is obvious that it is impossible to get pregnant during critical days. However, in the practice of gynecologists enough cases of pregnancy, which occurred during menstruation during unprotected sex.

Causes of pregnancy during menstruation are:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. The hormonal background of the girl affects the continuity of the cycle. If you change the amount of hormones produced, ovulation may shift. At this time, a sperm cell may remain in the uterus, the activity of which may persist for several days. As a result, egg fertilization and pregnancy;
  2. Non-compliance with the rules for taking oral contraceptives. With a sharp cessation of taking the pills, the girl begins her period in a couple of days. If an unprotected act occurs, then pregnancy is possible.
  3. The maturation of two eggs in the body instead of one. This phenomenon occurs quite rarely. For this reason, it is necessary to use a condom as a means of barrier contraception.
    Prerequisites for simultaneous or with a small interval of view of several eggs:
  • hereditary factor (in the genus the woman had similar cases);
  • temporary and powerful hormonal surge;
  • irregular sex life in a girl;
  • bright but rare orgasm;

Consequently, a girl can become pregnant during critical days with hormonal problems and an irregular menstrual cycle.

Is pregnancy possible when taking birth control pills during menstruation?

According to most doctors, oral contraceptives (OC) are considered the most reliable protection against pregnancy. However, according to the instructions for the preparations, the tablets do not provide a 100% guarantee.

But rarely anyone reads all the information from the annotations to drugs. Therefore, pregnancy for women is a complete surprise. The answer to the question - is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation, taking birth control pills - is affirmative (positive).

Situations in which you can get pregnant, taking OK:

  1. Violation of the regimen of pills. In the annotations to oral contraceptives prescribed that the drug must be taken every day at the appointed time. If a girl is late with taking pills, then the chance of becoming pregnant increases;
  2. Acceptance of antibiotics or traditional medicine. The degree of action of birth control pills is reduced if taken at the same time as some other drugs. Therefore, it is not necessary to engage in self-treatment. When prescribing medications, you will most likely have to use other contraceptives in addition;
  3. During the start of birth control pills, the woman's body gets used to the drug, so there is a high risk of getting pregnant during the first weeks. This situation is possible in the first month of receiving contraceptives.

Most OKs suggest a pause in reception for the time of critical days. However, the possibility of becoming pregnant is still minimal.

Birth control pills change the amount of hormones and block ovulation. A woman who accepts OK has nothing to worry about.

The main thing - to comply with the correct regimen of pills.

Sex during menstruation with a spiral - is it possible to get pregnant?

Intrauterine contraception is one of the most proven methods of protection against pregnancy. More than 60 million women in many countries around the world use intrauterine devices (IUDs).

In medicine, these types of spirals are used:

  • medication;
  • neutral.

The main function of the IUD is to prevent the egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus. In this case, an abortion occurs at the earliest stage.

However, for the effective operation of the spiral, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations:

  • installation of the IUD is carried out only in medical institutions for 3-5 days of menstruation;
  • periodically visit the gynecologist to check the status of the IUD;
  • adhere to the life of the spiral (an average of 5-7 years).

Thus, it is possible to get pregnant with the established spiral during the critical days. But the chance is negligible.

It is only necessary to be constantly monitored by the doctor to prevent the IUD from moving or falling out.

At what time of the menstrual cycle can you get pregnant, and when the risk is minimal?

If a married couple wants to have a baby, then it is necessary to know that the man is almost always ready for fertilization. But a girl can become pregnant only on certain days. The best time for conception is the day of ovulation, three days before and after it.

This theoretical information is not always confirmed in practice. Much depends on the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is wrong to say that it is impossible to conceive a child during critical days.

The first day of discharge is the beginning of the menstrual cycle. On average, menstruation lasts 4-7 days. These days, the follicle with the egg cell begins to mature. Therefore, to understand how to get pregnant after menstruation, you need to know exactly when the egg maturation occurs in this cycle and at what point ovulation occurs.

In order to accurately establish the day of ovulation, the girl must do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs by a gynecologist. The results of the ultrasound show whether the maturation of the follicles occurs.

And how long after menstruation can you get pregnant? The risk of getting pregnant after the end of the month (as in the period of critical days) is minimal. However, in some cases, the probability of conceiving a child during this period increases:

  • menstruation lasts more than 7 days (it becomes possible to mature a new egg these days);
  • a short cycle for a girl is less than 20-22 days (ovulation starts at the same time as the last menstruation day);
  • irregular menstrual cycle (ovulation in each month falls on different days);
  • spontaneous ovulation (the simultaneous appearance of two eggs).

Therefore, with a regular cycle and the calculation of the individual menstrual calendar, the girl can calculate the time of ovulation.

Then it will be clear when the probability of conceiving a child is maximum, and at what time fertilization is not likely to occur.

Is it possible to get pregnant during the delay of menstruation?

Delay of menstruation is an exciting topic for many girls. Some people begin to rejoice in advance that the long-awaited pregnancy has come. Others on the contrary worry about the possible fact of conception.

Understand whether pregnancy is possible during the delay of menstruation, you can only understand the reasons for this situation. These include:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • infections;
  • nerve overvoltage.

First of all, the girl needs to determine if she is pregnant or not. The most common way is considered to be a pregnancy test.

But the effectiveness of the test may be low. The most accurate method for determining pregnancy is the analysis of hCG (human chorionic hormone). Naturally, if pregnancy is confirmed during a delay, it is impossible to get pregnant again.

In case of gynecological diseases (adnexitis, sclerocystic disease), there is also often a delay in menstruation. Pregnancy in this case is unlikely.

If the delay happened due to stressful situations or physical exertion, then the chance of getting pregnant is quite high. Often, ovulation shifts and may fall on the days of delayed menstruation.

In any case, when a month is delayed, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist for advice and examination.

Thus, it becomes clear that the probability of pregnancy during menstruation is minimal. It depends on what particular day of menstruation intercourse took place and, in general, on the girl’s health and the regularity of her cycle.


I am now in the fifth month and became pregnant during menstruation. It seems like she shouldn’t get pregnant at this time, but the fact remains. The doctor argues with me and says that I got pregnant earlier. But I know for sure that there was no sex before. The husband was on a business trip. We had sexual intercourse on the 5th day of menstruation. Therefore, now I know that you can conceive a child on any day of the cycle!

Julia, 21, Kaliningrad

I always had a short cycle. Only 21 days. Therefore, the fact that I became pregnant at the end of menstruation did not surprise my doctor in any way. He says that this happens rarely, but it happens. My second husband and I planned. Therefore, pregnancy is welcome!

Tamara, 29, Magadan

I have taken birth control pills for the past three years. And then she had a severe sore throat and the doctor said while not taking the pills. Because antibiotics still reduce their effectiveness. She stopped drinking and, as a result, lost the cycle. I did not know when they will begin monthly. Engaged in sex with my man rarely. But, nevertheless, became pregnant. Child, of course, I will leave.

Angelina, 26 years old, Moscow

In the next video - the opinion of the gynecologist about whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation.

Watch the video: Can I Get Pregnant on My Period? (May 2024).