How to make a paste for shugaring at home

The vegetation on the human body is a normal phenomenon, but extremely undesirable for both girls and men. The traditional way of getting rid of hair - a razor - is an outdated method, which, among other things, causes irritation and relieves hair for only a few days (people with increased hairiness notice hair growth after a razor within 10-12 hours after shaving).

Therefore, at present, sugar paste is popular, gaining momentum due to its advantages and relatively cheap cost.

The first procedures for removing unwanted hair using sugar paste, which has another name - shugaring, were known to oriental beauties. Independently making a sticky mixture based on sugar, they got rid of hair and thus exposed their skin to minimal risks of irritation, unlike modern razors.

Now in the 21st century, the secret of oriental beauties was adopted by many cosmetologists, who actively spread the procedure of hair removal with sugar mixture to the masses.

It is not necessary to apply to the services of cosmetologists for the depilation of sugar, because the mixture can be prepared at home and easily remove hair from any part of the body.

So, we will understand in more detail how to make a paste for shugaring and, in fact, hold it in the conditions of the house.

Modern shugaring

Modern sugar mixture for depilation is no different from the one used by oriental beauties a few centuries ago. The only difference from the current pastes is that the girls of the East cooked a mixture based on herbs, and the current mixtures have water in their composition, and not decoctions of herbs. But at home it is very easy to fill this gap.

The principle of shugaring is the removal of hair from any part of the body using a similar technology with wax depilation. And after shaving with a trimmer, the skin will be irritated for some time, as the sharp blade touched delicate skin, and even reddening or slight itching can be observed.

But after shugaring skin will be just reddened for a couple of hours, but without tumors or painful sensations. The main thing after the procedure is to provide the skin with complete rest, that is, not to be exposed to water or steam.

If you compare the depilation with sugar and wax, then there are a number of advantages in favor of sugar depilation:

  • After waxing, hair ingrowth was noticed, which is not observed after shugaring;
  • Less harm to the skin, since sugar paste is applied to the skin, having room temperature, and not as hot as wax;
  • The remains of sugar paste are easily washed off with water, while the wax must be literally peeled off from the skin or use vegetable oil (which, by the way, then also must be carefully washed off);
  • For wax depilation, hair length must be longer than 5 mm, and for shugaring, on the contrary, no more than 5 mm (otherwise it will be very painful to pull them out and shorten the length with scissors a little before the procedure);
  • Sugar mixture is applied to growth and is removed against the growth of hair, and with wax it is the opposite, and due to this the risk of hair ingrowth after shugaring is reduced to a minimum;
  • The sugar ball can be used on several areas of the body, and the wax mixture is applied once (as it hardens quickly and after removal from the skin is unsuitable for further action);
  • Sugar paste is easier to remove not only from the body, but also from the dishes in which it is prepared (if it is a home-made, self-prepared mixture), after waxing the dishes become unsuitable and waiting for their next time with the remnants of wax heat the wax in a water bath).

These are not all the advantages of sugar paste over wax, but the most key ones. Giving a brief description of shugaring can be dispensed with in three words: cheap, fast, easy.

Contraindications to shugaring

Despite all the above advantages, there are still some reasons why you should refuse to carry out the depilation with sugar paste. These reasons include:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Wounds, ulcers, inflammations on the part of the body where the depilation is supposed, as well as moles or acne;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy.

Health is never a joke, and as I would not like to resort to the procedure of hair removal using sugar paste, consult a beautician and choose the best option without harm to your health.

Shugaring paste in 10 minutes: cooking by yourself

Making sugar paste is essentially the same thing as making caramel for candy. Only the mixture must be kept for a certain amount of time and with the observance of an accurate recipe, otherwise it will be either too sticky or too hard, and therefore completely unsuitable.

If the mixture does not work the first time, do not worry! It will not have any forbidden ingredients, and you can just eat it.

How to make a paste for shugaring in 10 minutes? So, the ingredients for making sugar paste are: 10 tablespoons of plain white sugar, 1 tablespoon of water and half a lemon.

Mix sugar and water in an enamelled small saucepan (or ceramic pan), mix, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mix again. We put the electric stove on the weakest fire and, having covered the dishes with the lid, wait for the boiling of the caramel, and this will happen in 5 minutes, so do not move far from the stove.

After boiling, stir the mixture continuously for another 5 minutes. Turn off the stove and leave the dishes on the cooling hob and continue stirring for another 2 minutes. During this time, all bubbles must leave the surface of the paste and the mixture will acquire a bright golden hue.

The mixture is ready, but it can not be used immediately. Pour the contents of the dish into a plastic container while the mixture is still hot and liquid, and leave to cool for an hour and a half. If you do not pour the mixture from the dishes, then you risk to spend several hours one on one with detergent, trying to otkolupat frozen "lollipop".

Shugaring paste with citric acid at home

The most common recipe for sugar paste, cooked on your own is with citric acid. To prepare the necessary: ​​10 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of water and ½ teaspoon of citric acid.

The technology of preparation is the same as in the described recipe above. All the ingredients are mixed in an enamel pot, brought to a boil over low heat, kneaded for another 5 minutes after boiling, and after the tile is turned off, the ready-made paste is mixed for another 2 minutes to remove air bubbles.

Here's how to make a shugaring paste with citric acid at home. Now you are aware.

Shugaring paste with lemon juice: do it yourself

The recipe for making shugaring pasta with lemon juice is extremely simple: 10 tablespoons of plain white sugar, 1 tablespoon of water, juice of half a lemon. How to make sugar paste for shugaring with lemon juice? It's simple!

All these ingredients are mixed in an enamel pot and sent to the tile to the weakest fire and bring to a boil under the lid. After boiling, we knead with a wooden spatula (sold in any cosmetic store with a package of 50-100 pieces) a small amount of time (5 minutes is enough), then turn off the tile and stir the already prepared mixture for 5 minutes to remove air bubbles.

It is recommended to pour the resulting composition into any plastic container and after cooling (1-1.5 hours) the mixture can be used.

Herbal Shugaring Paste

Herbal sugar based sugar paste is the real recipe used by the girls of the East. The main thing is to choose the right herbs for your skin type, taking into account individual intolerance or an allergic reaction.

Herbs are best purchased at the pharmacy, and the most common to add to the sugar paste are chamomile flowers, sage, mint leaves, yarrow, and others.

The technology of preparation is the same as in all the above methods, only in the recipe water is replaced by pre-cooked decoction of herbs. The broth is prepared as follows: 1 small spoonful of dry grass is added to a glass of hot water and infused for a quarter of an hour, and then diluted with water in a ratio of 1 cup of broth to 2 cups of water.

That's all! You can make herbal shugaring at home right now. There is nothing difficult, as you may have noticed, in cooking pasta, you just need to pay close attention when cooking and strictly observe the ratio of ingredients.

How to perform the procedure correctly: step by step instructions

It is much more convenient to do depilation yourself with sugar paste than with wax, since no additional tissue strips are required. Doing shugaring for the first time, you will spend a lot of time to process all skin areas. Over time, you will reduce the time of the procedure, because by trial and error you will learn all the subtleties and nuances of the procedure.

Step-by-step instructions for depilating sugar at home:

  1. Prepare the skin in advance (one day prior to the procedure, thoroughly clean it with a cleaning cloth and special massage brushes);
  2. Prepare a sweet mixture for depilation according to the recipes above, or purchase them in specialized stores in advance;
  3. Immediately before starting the procedure, degrease the skin with a tonic (or 3% hydrogen peroxide) and apply talc on it (so that the sugar paste adheres only to the scalp, not the skin);
  4. Separate a small amount from the mixture and roll the ball in your hands, kneading it in your hands (like plasticine), until the ball becomes soft and pliable;
  5. Lightly stretch the skin to be treated with your free hand, apply the mixture to a small area with a quick movement of hair growth, wait a few seconds (so that all hairs are covered with sugar) and tear off the sugar strip with a sharp movement of your hand.

That's all! It is possible to carry out depilation with sugar independently, without resorting to services of cosmetologists. But, there is a type of people who cannot carry out such procedures on their own (they are afraid to hurt themselves, although sugar doesn’t hurt like sugar) and then you have to go to beauty salons.

Tips for those who are going to depilate sugar at home

A few tips from those who have already gone through the path of "trial and error," and are happy to share them in order to facilitate the procedure of depilation.

Many, having tried for the first time and not having achieved the desired result due to improperly prepared shugaring paste or preparing the skin incorrectly, do not want to resort to shugaring anymore and return to the razor again.

Carefully read the list of useful notes:

  • If during the preparation of the paste you brought it to a too dark state, then, if it was assigned directly, it would be too hard and poorly stretched. In this case, add one tablespoon of water and hold for a little over low heat.
  • After you have removed the hair from the skin area, apply a palm to this place for a few seconds to reduce the pain.
  • After the procedure, do not disturb the skin during the day (visiting pools, baths, saunas, as well as a bath is also worth giving up for this time).
  • A day after the procedure, take a bath and carefully go through all the areas with a washcloth and a scrub to avoid hair ingrowth.
  • If the room is very warm, the paste may stick too much to the skin, leaving characteristic marks. To prevent this, put the container with the mixture in the refrigerator for 10-20 minutes.
  • If the first time it turned out bad shugaring and in some places there were hairs, remove them with tweezers. Do not be discouraged and continue to train! Over time, it will be better, faster and better.

The following video is another recipe for making shugaring paste at home.

Watch the video: DIY Sugaring Wax Recipe and Tutorial (May 2024).