How to treat swollen feet due to edema and bruises with home remedies

The situation in which a person accidentally injured his leg, and in this place a tumor literally appeared in front of his eyes - this is quite a frequent phenomenon in life. Tumors and edemas that appear in places of bruises are not always a direct consequence of injury. But, be that as it may, quick and effective assistance to the affected limb is needed.

Swollen foot: possible causes and injuries

The reasons for the occurrence of edema or swelling of the legs are many, the most frequent cause is all sorts of injuries, but not only, for example:

  • any injury, even if falling from a bicycle, even a kick to the door jamb or furniture;
  • all types of sprains, ranging from uncomfortable shoes or excessive diligence in banal gymnastics, ending with injuries during falls, for example, in icy conditions;
  • inflammation in the joints or muscles;
  • the consequence of cracks or any damage to the integrity of the bone;
  • progressive course of any disease or pathology.

This list is far from complete, as the swelling of the legs or their puffiness can be the result of many factors, for example, disturbance of cardiac activity, or, stagnation of body fluids, changes in hormonal levels, and a number of other reasons. At the same time, a tendency to swelling may appear immediately after injury to a limb.

For these reasons, it is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor. As a person may assume that the leg has swollen due to a broken knee, and there may be other reasons for the true underlying cause of the tumor. Only a specialist is able to accurately establish them and prescribe the most effective drugs in a particular case.

It is worth noting that there is a certain group of people at maximum risk of injury to limbs. Such injuries, swelling, and swelling of the legs tend to:

  • athletes, on the basis of statistics, they, regardless of gender and age, make up half of the regular patients of traumatology;
  • women constantly flaunting high-heeled shoes;
  • the elderly, the fact is that after fifty, the mobility of the joints decreases and various pathologies develop, besides this, it is much more difficult for the elderly to not turn their legs, rising into transport or slipping on the street;
  • people suffering from significant excess weight or metabolic disorders, extra pounds significantly increase the load on the legs, and the imbalance of the body makes it difficult to heal the effects of injuries or bruises.

Physiological reasons for susceptibility to swelling or swelling of the legs after bruises or injuries, as well as without them, can be:

  • busy working day in which the position of the limbs is constant, for example, sitting for hours on a chair. No breaks;
  • long standing on his feet, standing work, like a seller or waiter;
  • excess salt in the diet, drinking too much;
  • hot weather;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • playing sports;
  • pregnancy.

Pathological reasons for which even a small leg bruise will lead to swelling include:

  • diabetes of all types;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • liver, kidney, or thyroid pathology;
  • tendency to varicose veins.
Therefore, if at each injury or leg injury, there are swelling and swelling, even though immediately, at least for a day, holding for a while, you should seek advice and undergo examination.

After all, swelling is a symptom that may indicate the presence of a disease or predisposition to it.

The most common injuries that almost always lead to swelling and swelling of the legs are:

  • bruises;
  • sprains;
  • stretching;
  • fractures;
  • muscle breaks or ligaments.

For their most rapid and effective treatment, you need to visit a traumatologist and, in the future, to strictly follow his instructions.

Swelling (swelling) of the legs below the knees - what to do?

With frequent swelling of the legs, especially below the knees, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of this symptom and choose the most appropriate treatment. frequent occasions for such puffiness are:

  • malfunction of the heart;
  • vascular disease;
  • pathology in the kidney;
  • joint diseases;
  • infections, allergies and associated medication;
  • any diet;
  • normal fatigue.

As a rule, physicians use an integrated approach to treatment, including diagnostics, medicines, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, surgery.

Diagnosis is very important because it is the basis for the entire course of treatment. It consists of the following stages:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • allergen tests;
  • ultrasound of organs for the identification of pathologies;
  • cardiogram;
  • x-ray of bones and joints.

Depending on what the research reveals, the doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • decongestants, such as indamethacin, or ointments, for example, troxevasin, heparin ointment, or lioton;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs, mostly nonsteroidal medicines, such as diclofenac and ibuprofen;
  • allergy medications, usually time-tested suprastin or tavegil;
  • diuretics, which help eliminate excess fluid from the body, the most effective of these drugs is furosemide.

In the fight against puffiness and swelling of the legs, traditional medicine does not lag behind drugs. The most effective and popular are the following tools.

  • Broth from flaxseed.

Two tablespoons of flax seeds pour a liter of water and cook over low heat for about twenty minutes. Infusion should be infused at least a couple of hours. The resulting volume of healing liquid should be drunk during the day. The course is a couple of weeks, with daily consumption.

  • Birch wraps.

Tightly wrap the legs with birch leaves and buds, you can fix them with an ordinary bandage. Wear until noticeable sweating, usually occurs within a couple of hours.

After that, change the leaves and buds to fresh. You can also sleep with this wrapping.

There are no restrictions on the application of the method, besides, this method is very convenient for people at dachas.
  • Baths with herbs and needles.

In order for such therapy to significantly help, you will need two contrasting containers in which you can lower your legs to the knee. Ideal buckets. In one bath should be hot water, half consisting of a decoction of needles, currant leaves, birch, raspberries.

The second should be cool, but with the same composition. The idea is that the legs should be alternately immersed in baths. This will open the pores, and the skin sweat a lot. Excess liquid will literally pour out of the skin.

What to do if the legs are swollen around the foot

The causes of swelling of the feet and ankles, in addition to the diseases already listed, include:

  • insect bites, snakes;
  • splinters;
  • injuries, dislocations, cracks, stretching;
  • propensity for arthritis of the foot;
  • alcohol abuse, especially in heat;
  • Incorrectly selected shoes, including such a parameter as the fullness of the shoe;
  • taking any hormone-containing drugs.

With swelling of the feet, experts usually identify the cause, only then prescribing treatment. However, diuretics are usually prescribed.

If there are splinters, the foreign body is removed, and the wound is treated with iodine or brilliant green, and insulated with a plaster. In this case, the swelling goes away by itself, rather quickly.

If a snake bite or an insect, for example, an ant, became the reason for the tumor, you need to not throw everything out and consult a doctor.

Especially if the swelling is accompanied by fever. In severe cases, hospitalization is possible, and the prescribed course of therapeutic drugs is individual and depends on what kind of poison entered the body.

In the absence of diseases, splinters and serious injuries requiring surgical intervention, in addition to diuretics, ointments help well:

  • voltaren;
  • lyoton;
  • fastum;
  • troxevasin.

Often prescribed drugs for external use containing propolis or snake venom. These drugs, in addition to fighting the tumor, have a beneficial effect on the joints.

To folk remedies to help cope with swollen feet and ankles include:

  • Cucumber wraps.

Themselves cucumbers and leaves, even the stems, you need to chop, and wrap this gruel feet and ankles completely. A simple bandage is useful for fixing. Leave overnight.

This method has an amazing cooling effect, giving complete removal of fatigue. In addition to wrapping, with frequent swelling of the feet, it is worth making cucumbers a constant daily food.

  • Baths with infusions.

For swelling and swelling of the feet and ankles, it is recommended to take warm foot baths at the end of the day, which consist entirely of herbal infusions.

Sage, chamomile and horsetail should be mixed in equal proportions, and brew on the basis of 300 grams of raw materials - five liters of water.

Leave for a few hours in a dark place. If you do this during the day, then before bedtime you can use the infusion, which has not yet completely cooled, that is, it does not have to be reheated. Such procedures give a very good effect with daily repetition.

  • Rubbing

A very old Slavic way in which the feet are rubbed, practically massaged, rubbing into the skin:

  • badger fat;
  • bear fat.

Lard and fat are heated before the procedure, so that they do not burn, but are easily absorbed. Then the feet and ankles are not tightly wrapped with a dry and hot cloth and left overnight. You can wear wool socks over the fabric.

Bruised leg and she was swollen: the most obvious signs of bruise, what to do

In cases where all the possible causes have nothing to do with it, but there is a tumor after a strong injury, it is necessary to take urgent measures.

First aid for injury involves simple actions:

  • attach ice to the affected area, or any cold object — a bag of frozen vegetables will do;
  • after cooling, lubricate the contusion with a universal ointment, for example, troksevazinom, and apply a fixing bandage, if there is no elastic, then a simple bandage will do;
  • for the prevention of the potential threat of thrombosis, take a couple of aspirin tablets.

Treat bruises with nonsteroid ointments:

  • heparin ointment;
  • troxevasin;
  • traumel;
  • balsam "rescuer".
The variety of nonsteroidal remedies for bruises and bruises is now very large, so you should listen to which of these drugs the doctor will recommend.

Traditional medicine has gained considerable experience in the treatment of injuries, and the most popular of these methods include all sorts of compresses:

  • Honey compress.

Mix a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of vodka, moisten with this mixture a dense, for example, linen cloth, attach to the bruise.

  • Onion compress.

Grate the onion, received gruel placed at the site of injury, you can cover with gauze to fix, leave the compress for 2-3 hours.

  • Herbal compress.

Yarrow, chamomile, nettle and horsetail mix in equal proportions, brew a small amount of boiling water, so that, insisting, turned out herbal gruel. Preheat the injury site with rubbing alcohol, any alcohol lotion will do, lay out the herbal thick, fix the compress with a gauze bandage and leave for 2-3 hours.

Bruised leg

First aid for a bruise of the leg is similar to the usual actions for any bruises, dislocations or sprains:

  • cool;
  • treat with universal ointment for bruises;
  • bandage;
  • take aspirin to prevent blood clot formation.

Non-steroidal ointments and diuretics are also effective medications for treating lower leg injuries. The same ibuprofen, very effectively treats a bruise on the lower legs, in combination with the ingestion of tablets and the use of an external ointment.

Of course, folk preparations for treating lower leg injuries are compresses.

The most effective for this part of the legs is considered to be funds on the basis of fat.

In the old days, a compress on the shin was made on badger fat, now cosmetic vaseline has come to replace the fat base, which of course has reduced the healing rate. However, recipes for compresses are simple enough and will bring nothing but good:

  • Iodine compress

A simple alcohol solution of iodine mixed with a fatty base, put on bruise and fix gauze. Leave for an hour.

  • Birch compress.

Chop "birch" earrings, mix with fat or petroleum jelly, fix the compress on the shank with a simple bandage, leave for 2-3 hours.

In case of a bruise of the lower leg, a traumatologist is definitely worth a visit, since such injuries are often the basis for the formation and development of various pathologies, such as neoplasms on muscle tissue or bones.

Twisted leg, swollen ankle - what to do?

Any dislocation resulting in swelling of the ankle is a serious reason to contact the emergency room. In case of such dislocations or bruises, there is a high probability of joint damage, microscopic cracks, or even a sprain, or perhaps a rupture, ligaments. Even if the patient did not fall down the stairs, but only stumbled while walking, the consequences could be dire.

The first-aid measures include cooling the site of injury or dislocation, bandaging or using medicines before visiting the doctor is not necessary.

With such injuries, an X-ray is necessarily taken, depending on its outcome, the doctor prescribes treatment, applies a fixing bandage or, in severe cases, a plaster cast, explains exactly what the restrictions on physical activity will be expressed.

Of the drugs prescribed, as a rule, painkillers and diuretics.

In case of dislocation, this simply dislocation helps the folk remedies well:

  • Herbal compress wrap.

Field horsetail, nettle, yarrow and birch buds are mixed in equal proportions, brewed in order to get a gruel, which is wrapped around a swollen ankle with a simple gauze bandage. Compress leave for 2-3 hours.

  • Ointment.

Honey, badger fat can be effectively used as a usual ointment that smeared the place of dislocation.

It is also already safe to attribute to such folk remedies such a wonderful medicine as balm "Zvezdochka", the unique composition of this Vietnamese drug makes it one of the best remedies for treating such injuries as dislocation.

Also good are drugs sold in pharmacies with the content of snake venom and propolis.

Alcohol compresses will also be helpful.

Puncture feet nail

Of course, you need to visit a doctor. Since blood infection is possible, or damage that is not immediately noticeable, but can lead to serious pathologies, for example, if a nerve is touched, it can lead to seizures in the future.

The methods of first aid for such injuries include:

  • wound treatment, not only superficially, but also deeply, can be smeared with iodine edges. And inside pour a solution of miramistin;
  • complex treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilina is possible;
  • isolation of the wound with a bandage, plaster, as a rule, is not quite enough with punctures.
If a person punctured the leg with an old, rusted nail, there is a high risk of tetanus. Therefore, the doctor will definitely clarify this point and prescribe the appropriate preventive course.

The following topical medications are used for the treatment of puncture wounds on the legs:

  • argosulfan;
  • baneocin;
  • levomikol.

All these ointments possess antimicrobial substances in the compositions, reliably and quickly eliminate the infection and heal the wound. Sometimes, if the temperature rises, a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics is prescribed, such. How:

  • levofloxacin;
  • clindamycin;
  • macrolide.

Medicines that contain these antibiotics will easily eliminate any, even the most complex infection.

To folk remedies used in the puncture of the leg, is only one thing - plantain. You can simply attach the sheet with the back of the wound, you can make a slurry of leaves and spread it on a sore spot.

Compresses for such injuries are not allowed, even alcohol, as they interfere with the healing of damaged tissue, and, accordingly, slow down the healing process.

Bitten midge, leg swollen - what to do?

Insect bites, as a rule, cause allergic tumors. It is necessary to contact a doctor in such cases only if the temperature rises, the edema progresses, with a bright red color of the skin. Of course, one should not wait for these signs, but if there is no doctor nearby, one should not worry and do without these symptoms on their own.

First aid for insect bites:

  • wash the bite with soap;
  • process skin with boric acid or alcohol-containing lotion;
  • lubricate the damage with fat baby cream.

Speaking about the treatment, it is worth remembering about anti-allergic drugs, such as:

  • suprastin;
  • tavegil

Locally, the bite should be processed only to relieve the itch, this will cope well:

  • boric acid;
  • miramistin.

For folk remedies, successfully fighting edema caused by an allergic reaction to insect bites, include ordinary parsley and celery. The most effective recipes can be considered:

  • Compress of celery leaves and roots or parsley.

The root and the leaves are ground into mush, you can quickly do this with a blender. Смесь выкладывается на место укуса и всего отека, фиксируется марлей. Время действия - пара часов.

  • Отвар из листьев петрушки или сельдерея.

Листья растения варятся на слабом огне около десяти минут, после чего отвар настаивается и остывает. Пить около литра в день. Это отличное антиаллергенное средство, полностью очищающее организм от токсинов и быстро сгоняющее аллергические отеки.

  • Сок из корней и листьев петрушки и сельдерея.

С помощью соковыжималки выжать сок из корневища и листьев, смазывать им место укуса, так же можно применять внутрь, по 3-4 капли на полстакана воды.

What can not be done?

При ушибах, различных травмах ног и последующих опухлостях или отеках ни при каких обстоятельствах нельзя:

  • игнорировать повреждение и не обратиться к врачу;
  • греть место ушиба;
  • подвергать травмированную конечность физическим нагрузкам;
  • самостоятельно употреблять лекарственные препараты, такие как антибиотики;
  • отправляться в травматический пункт на общественном транспорте без фиксации и обозначения травмированного места;
  • злоупотреблять обезболивающими препаратами, начиная от анальгина и заканчивая инъекциями новокаина;
  • чрезмерно полагаться на народные рецепты, игнорируя предписания врачей;
  • пытаться самостоятельно вправлять вывихи.
Резюмируя, следует обратить внимание, что любое, даже самое ничтожное, на первый взгляд, повреждение или же систематически появляющиеся симптомы, могут иметь далеко идущие последствия.

Поэтому, при любой травме, будь то маленький ушиб или серьезный вывих, обязательно следует обращаться к докторам. Так же нужно поступать при постоянно появляющихся отеках в ногах. Визит к медикам позволит правильно диагностировать состояние, а, значит, эффективно и полностью вылечить недуг.

В следующем видео наглядно показано, что делать при травме в случае ушиба ноги.

Watch the video: Hand & Foot Pain : How to Reduce Swelling in the Feet (April 2024).