How to reduce unbearable pain during menstruation

Perhaps every girl experienced pain during the menstrual cycle. Minor nagging pain before and during menstruation, according to doctors, is the norm and does not require special treatment. What if the pain intensifies and becomes spasmodic? In this case, a mandatory consultation with the attending physician and special treatment is required.

Causes of pain during menstruation

According to Dmitry Mikhailovich Lubnin, obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, the pain that occurs a few days before the menstrual cycle is one of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This syndrome is often accompanied by dysmenorrhea - painful menstruation.

According to the doctor, the cause of dysmenorrhea is asynchronous uterine contraction. Dysmenorrhea can occur at the beginning of the cycle due to the immaturity of the genital organs or the hormonal stimulation of the uterus.

Most often manifested in girls or still giving birth to girls. Accompanied by chest pain. This is due to the fact that the mammary glands swell, tissue swelling increases.

It is believed that such a manifestation of PMS is a natural process in a woman’s body and it does not have any serious consequences. The uterus contracts rhythmically, with frivolous abnormalities, causing slight ischemic spasms.

It often happens that the pain occurs suddenly and does not stop for a long period, then it is connected:

  • with inflammatory processes occurring in the body of a woman;
  • with malformations of the genital organs, due to improper structure of the uterus, impaired blood flow.

In such a case, the rhythmic contraction of the uterus is desynchronized, strong pain arises.

Acute chronic pain during menstruation occurs due to the reaction of the woman's pelvic nervous system to hormonal changes. In other words, nerve plexuses are irritated during the processes occurring during menstruation and cause a spasm in the pelvic floor.

The pelvic muscles, prone to spasmodic reactions, cause secondary spasm of the abdominal muscles and the ilio-inguinal muscle on both sides. The result is a feeling that the ovaries and lower abdomen hurt.

How to reduce cramps before menstruation

There are several ways to eliminate and prevent pain before the menstrual cycle:

  1. It is recommended to use contraceptives for the correct, monotonous effect of hormones on the uterus, as a result of which no rhythm disturbance will occur.
  2. A few days before the onset of menstruation, you need to take non-steroid painkillers: No-silos, Analgin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen. These drugs have a cumulative effect, they relieve a little spasms localized in the uterus. If you take them directly at the time of occurrence of pain, the effect of the reception will be almost not noticeable.
  3. In the second phase of the cycle, approximately ten days before the onset of menstruation, it is recommended to use homeopathic preparations. They will prevent the onset of spasms.
  4. For those who are not supporters of pharmacological methods of treatment, it is possible a week before the onset of menstruation to begin to perform simple aerobic exercises, to attend yoga classes.

Pain relief with medication

Treatments for PMS are called prophylactic methods. If you experience frequent headaches, dizziness, diarrhea, fainting, chronic pain syndrome can be traced. If you find at least one of the described signs, immediately contact your doctor - gynecologist. The doctor will choose the best way of treatment after a series of consultations and vaginal examination.

At home, it is recommended to reduce and stop chronic pain syndrome with the help of drugs:

Name of drugsComments
Rectal candles MethindolQuickly absorbed, have an immediate effect.
Sirdalud TabletsRecommended for use in acute painful ischemic spasm.
Spasuprel tabletsHomeopathic medicine is recommended to take the following scheme: 1 tablet every fifteen minutes during the first hour at the time of occurrence of pain.

As a secondary prophylaxis: one pill every hour, even if the pain is already cropped.

Treatment of painful menstruation without pills

If you have primary pains that have nothing to do with chronic pain, you can try to eliminate them in a less radical way - with the help of traditional medicine.

For the prevention and relief of pain in the home it is recommended:

  • drink more clean drinking water so that the blood is diluted, the urge to urinate increases, and as a result, the woman's body is more actively cleansed;
  • drink strong black tea in the absence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Take medicinal herbal teas from lemon balm, chamomile, valerian, oregano, mint, raspberry leaves.

Medicinal herbal teas to relieve pain during menstruation:

  1. Melissa and Chamomile. Mix two teaspoons of dry pharmacy herbs, pour a liter of boiled water, insist two hours. Take half a glass every hour.
  2. Oregano and chamomile. Mix a teaspoon of dried leaves of grass collection, pour twocups boiling water, let it brew for thirty minutes, strain. Take daily three times as a standalone drink.
  3. Raspberry leaves Pour boiling water, insist fifteen minutes, take up to five times daily.
  4. Chamomile, mint, valerian root. Two tablespoons with a hill of grass collection pour two cups of boiling water, strain, cool. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

There is an opinion that during menstruation it is recommended to attach a heating pad to the lower abdomen. Opinions of doctors regarding this method of relief of pain differ due to the fact that heat can provoke blockage of blood vessels, therefore, the pain will increase. It is necessary to allow the blood to go out by itself, not to thicken or artificially dilute it.

The impact of physical activity and nutrition

For painless menstruation in the absence of contraindications and pathologies, it is recommended to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

Already in the first phase of the cycle, it is advisable to resort to anaerobic exercises, yoga, breathing exercises, so that the body is well dispersed blood, pain syndrome.

You can purchase a subscription to sports centers, and, under the guidance of an experienced coach, regulate physical activity or perform simple exercises at home.

You can prevent the appearance of pain with the help of diet. Dietitian Elena Chudinova believes that the female body during the childbearing period is focused on getting pregnant and carrying a healthy fetus. During the period of maturation of the egg and its release into the uterus, the body tries to provide itself with all the necessary nutrients.

During this period there is a slowdown of metabolic processes. The body stores everything, there is water retention, hormonal changes. We become emotionally labile, often in a bad mood, emotional instability, tearfulness, acutely feel stress, appetite increases dramatically.

In order for the menstrual cycle to be as painless and emotionally stable as possible, it is necessary:

  • eliminate from the diet smoked, canned, spicy and salty foods that retain water, as well as without them the water balance is disturbed;
  • limit the intake of fast carbohydrates: muffins, sugar, baking;
  • use more green vegetables, herbs, foods with magnesium: nuts, seaweed, buckwheat;
  • enter into the daily diet of fermented milk products, sea fish, as potassium and calcium in their composition are able to stop the pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • take a vitamin and mineral complex for women.

Observing the diet in the first phase, during the period of the ICP, it will be possible to avoid drops of appetite in the second phase - directly during the menstruation period. This will allow you to develop the right eating habits.

Prevention of painful menstruation

It is believed that most of the problems during menstruation are due to the lack of regular sexual intercourse, with weak physical activity. Doctors recommend:

  1. Do yoga to activate blood circulation, which will reduce pain.
  2. Get enough sleep, as lack of sleep dramatically changes the emotional perception of the world.
  3. Engage in meditative practices to stabilize the emotional background.
  4. Increase the level of endorphins - pleasure hormones.
  5. Control emotional state, avoid stressful situations.
  6. A few days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, take medicinal teas from the collection of herbs.

You can learn more about painful periods after watching a short video.

Compliance with simple tips will significantly reduce spasms during menstruation and prevent the occurrence of chronic pain.

Watch the video: Severe period pain - is endometriosis the cause? (May 2024).