Overheating in the sun in a child: symptoms, treatment, effects

How to determine that the child is overheated in the sun? How to help him with seemingly ordinary means? What to do in this situation? These questions interest a huge number of parents. To find out the answers to them, you only need to read the article to the end.

Overheating in the sun in a child: symptoms

Overheating in the sun is extremely dangerous for any person. Great harm from overheating in the sun can get small children. To prevent such an unpleasant situation, parents of children need to adhere to some important rules.

Especially dangerous is overheating for children under 1 year old. At this age, the crumb is not fully adapted to the manifestations of the environment and the growing body of the baby does not always successfully cope with thermoregulation.

It is very important for parents to monitor the child and know the main symptoms of the problem in order to quickly and correctly distinguish it. If the parents have found the following symptoms in their baby, you need to sound the alarm, take appropriate measures and call an ambulance.

  • body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • worsening or lack of appetite;
  • changing the usual skin tone;
  • restless behavior;
  • various skin rashes;
  • drowsiness.

It is worth noting that in some children the symptoms manifest themselves in different ways. For example, if the baby is active most of the time, as a result of overheating, his behavior can drastically change, and the crumb will constantly sleep, not wanting to be interested in something or move.

In rare cases, your baby may notice difficulty breathing. In the summer, leaving the whole family to the reservoirs, it is imperative to monitor the children.

Perhaps, the whims of the child indicate his illness and poor health of the baby. According to the recommendations of the doctors, when such manifestations are observed, adults should immediately call an ambulance. Parents in such cases it is important to help the child to alleviate his condition.

Severity of overheating

Sunstroke - a dangerous condition that can cause great harm to the body, in severe cases, can be fatal. The main cause of this disease state is direct sunlight on the human body. This manifestation is especially dangerous for newborn babies and children under 1 year old. There are three degrees of this unpleasant state:

Mild sunstrokeThe main symptoms of this degree include headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness, and profuse sweating.
Medium SunstrokeSymptoms include severe pain, dizziness, confusion, high body temperature, vomiting.
Severe sunstrokeIn severe sunstroke, you can notice high temperature, hallucinations, convulsions, high body temperature of 41-42 degrees.

Heat stroke is a condition that can be noticed in a person due to overheating of the body. Getting this state is pretty simple. To do this, it is enough to dress not for the weather or for a long time to stay in a stuffy unventilated room.

Parents, trying to warm the child, dress him with many warm clothes. In some cases, in the children's rooms are heating appliances, their work does more harm than good.

Because of this, the baby may experience symptoms of overheating such as headache, fever, drowsiness. It is worth noting that correcting the effects of hypothermia is much easier than eliminating the effects of overheating.

With the most severe degree of heat stroke, a person loses consciousness, his pulse quickens, sometimes hallucinations are present. In this condition, the victim must be immediately given help, as if the patient is not acting, the person may die.

What to do if the child is overheated in the sun

Of course, the best way to protect your baby from this condition is prevention. However, if the parents did not succeed, the following measures should be taken.

First you need to determine the factor due to which the crumbling overheated. Perhaps, the scorching sun and high humidity on the street had a detrimental effect on the health of the child. It often happens that adults wear too many things on a child and the baby overheats at a relatively warm air temperature.

In this case, an urgent need to move the victim to a cool place. Then you need to remove clothes from the child and ensure contact of the baby’s skin with air. If there is a diaper, then it must be removed.

Also, the baby's head needs to be covered with a damp and cool cloth. Drinking helps to cope with dehydration.

If a child has a fever, you must give him antipyretic drugs. In any case, after overheating in the sun, the child needs careful care. For your own confidence and prevention, you can call a doctor.

What is the treatment required when a child overheats in the sun

First aid undoubtedly plays a very important role in salvation. Subsequent treatment will help the baby to recover and gain strength as quickly as possible. A child injured by exposure to sunlight needs care and care from parents and, in some cases, doctors.

Full treatment is to eliminate the symptoms that prevent the baby to enjoy and learn the world. First and foremost, the child must be given antipyretic drugs.

Drinking plenty of water will help restore balance in the body.

Many doctors advise adding some salt or sugar to the water in order to compensate for the microelements lost during heavy sweating.

According to the recommendations of the doctors, silence and coolness are necessary to restore the child from this acute painful condition. Wet diapers should help parents and children. If a child eats on his own, he needs to limit the diet and stick to a special diet, temporarily not eating sweet and fatty foods.

The consequences of overheating in children

Overheating in the sun for children is very dangerous. Heat and sunstroke can cause a lot of problems in a small body. It should be said that when overheating, a child often has convulsions that can lead to such a dangerous pathology as epilepsy.

Overheating in the sun causes great harm to the nervous system of the baby. In addition, sunburn can appear on the body of the child due to overheating in the sun, the scars and traces of which can remain for a long time.

Of course, many people in their childhood sometimes suffered from heat or sunstroke. However, with proper care and care on the part of the older generation, the unpleasant consequences of this disease state will bypass the child.

How to protect a child?

As mentioned above, the best protection is prevention.

If parents take all precautions, especially in the hot summer, and do not dress the child too warmly, then they will practically protect their child from many unpleasant problems.

To protect your baby from the harmful effects of sunlight, parents need to:

  • reduce the child’s time on the street to a minimum in the summer;
  • use sunscreen and not forget about hats;
  • choose clothes carefully, do not be stingy to buy high-quality clothes that are well breathable. Dress your baby in loose clothing;
  • in the summer, the baby should drink plenty of fluids, 1.5 times more than at other times of the year;
  • parents should bathe their child more often and in the daytime to ensure their stay in a cool place;
  • it is worth remembering that diapers contribute to the accumulation of heat. In view of this, it is necessary to minimize the wearing time of diapers;
  • the room in which the child sleeps or is kept must be constantly ventilated and must not be too high. 23-24 degrees - the norm for a small body. The stuffiness in the room has never helped protect children from any diseases;
  • bed baby should not be close to the heating devices;
  • it must be remembered that it is much easier to eliminate the effects of a light hypothermia on a child’s body than to save a child from overheating;
  • do not neglect the work of air conditioners in the hot season.

In any case, the golden mean in this matter will bear fruit and, keeping balance, parents will help to preserve their health and good mood.

How to prevent sunstroke in a child can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: Signs & Symptoms of Heat Stroke (May 2024).