What happens to the fetus and the future mother in the 7th week of pregnancy

The second strip on the pregnancy test in this period leaves no doubt. The seventh week is the best time to go to an appointment with a gynecologist and do the first ultrasound. Between the sixth and ninth week comes the key moment when the fetus is fixed in the uterus. It is during this period that its dynamic development begins.

How does a baby develop

In the seventh week of pregnancy, the embryo doubles its length. Along with the growth of the head, a laryngeal organ appears, which begins the development of the palate, tongue, upper and lower jaw, and facial muscles. Now you can see the outlines of the face, it shows the makings of the nose, eyes and mouth.

At the end of the 7th week of pregnancy, two spots appear on the sides of the head - these are the rudiments of the eyes. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, when they already have retinal pigment, they will become clearer. The kid lengthens the arms and legs, and at the ends of them the shape of the palms is indicated. Occur random movements of the trunk and limbs.

In the second month of pregnancy, the embryo grows by about 1 mm per day. The heart is already almost formed, it pumps blood and shrinks about 144 times within a minute.

What happens to a woman

In the seventh week of pregnancy, the necessary blood tests should be taken, which were prescribed by the doctor at the first visit. The body's need for vitamins and mineral elements is now increasing by as much as 185%.

If the diet of a pregnant woman is poor or monotonous, and it is impossible to diversify it, for example, because of the work schedule, you should take vitamin preparations for pregnant women.

Thus, the expectant mother and baby will receive the necessary rate of vitamins and minerals.

The heart is now working at an increased pace, he has to pump a large amount of blood necessary for the baby to develop properly. Therefore, now it beats much faster, many people experience pressure jumps during this period.

Respiratory rate increases, so a pregnant woman can periodically experience difficulty breathing. Do not worry - this is a good sign, meaning that the mother's body gives the child the right amount of oxygen.

Often in the first trimester of pregnancy there is a slight tension in the lower abdomen. This is a sign that the uterus is growing. Now it is about the size of a small orange, and the elastic ligaments supporting the uterus began to stretch.

Excessive salivation may occur at the 7th obstetric week of pregnancy. The syndrome often progresses with intense nausea in the morning. Undoubtedly - it is toxicosis, it is necessary to suffer.

He should retreat with the end of the first trimester, from about the 14th week of pregnancy. However, if a woman loses weight or nausea and vomiting is permanent, you should immediately inform your midwife about this, perhaps he will prescribe treatment.

Is discharge normal or infection?

It may happen that you notice white or pale yellow vaginal discharge on your underwear that may appear throughout pregnancy. This is the effect of the hormonal revolution that occurs in the body due to an increase in blood flow.

In this case, you will need a more frequent change of daily sanitary pads, providing comfort. Consult your doctor if vaginal discharge has an unpleasant odor, is accompanied by itching, burning, is greenish, watery or very thick - this may be a sign of infection.

Drowsiness and fatigue

Feeling tired and sleepy is a side effect of a hormonal storm caused by pregnancy in the seventh week. But no need to worry. Just do not overstrain yourself, rest a lot, preferably with legs raised up.

Well do a daily walk. Try to sleep 8-9 hours at night and if possible, sleep during the day. Do not drink strong tea, coffee is harmful, and the feeling of revitalization they give is deceptive.

As a rule, at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy fatigue passes. However, if it is accompanied by dizziness, weakness or shortness of breath, inform your doctor. The cause may be anemia or an important nutritional deficiency.

Bleeding: normal or threatened miscarriage?

Many women at the beginning of pregnancy show small spotting (usually during a previous menstruation or ovulation). In the early period this occurs when the embryo is implanted into the walls of the uterus, they occur in not all expectant mothers.

It is estimated that a small amount of blood secreted during fetal attachment is observed in 25% of women. In most cases, this is considered normal.

If you have such symptoms, lie down and rest, this phenomenon, as a rule, quickly passes and you should not worry. However, such selections should not be underestimated. But if they are aggravated and are accompanied by pulling pains, resembling menstruation, you should immediately inform your gynecologist.

The cause of bleeding is usually a lack of hormones (usually progesterone). The doctor recommends preparations containing them, vitamins and bed rest until the pregnant woman’s condition stabilizes.

As a rule, with the onset of the second trimester, it will be possible to abandon hormone therapy and return to activity. Abundant bleeding may indicate a beginning miscarriage. Then you need to go to the hospital immediately. There, doctors will do everything to support pregnancy.

Nutrition during the 7th week of pregnancy

In addition to the recommended dishes, there are those that a pregnant woman should exclude, because they can harm her own or her child. What is best to avoid during pregnancy in the diet.

  1. Raw or undercooked meat, steak with blood, which can be a source of infection.
  2. Blue and soft cheeses of the type "Feta", products from non-pasteurized milk - they contain bacteria of the genus Listeria.
  3. Raw seafood and fish (sushi, oysters) are contaminated with formidable bacteria or parasites.
  4. Coffee, strong tea, cola - they contain caffeine, which over-stimulates the mother and child and can lead to arrhythmias.
  5. Raw eggs are infected with salmonella.

A high fiber diet prevents constipation that is often disturbed during pregnancy. Fiber is rich in fruits, vegetables, and grained bread.

Future vegetarian moms do not have to deviate from their habits. A diet without meat may contain the necessary nutrients, provided that it is well thought out. However, sometimes the diet needs to be enriched with iron preparations.

During pregnancy:

  • eat more often and in smaller portions
  • take care of large amounts of carbohydrates in the diet,
  • wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly.

A healthy and varied diet should not mean culinary excesses and delights. It is enough to take advantage of what is easy and affordable, inexpensive and easy to prepare.

The first ultrasound study: 7-8 weeks of pregnancy from conception

The reliability of the ultrasound results depends on the quality of the equipment and the experience of the doctor performing the study. So you should choose a proven specialist, especially when it comes to assessing the structure of the fetus and identifying possible malformations.

When evaluating the results of ultrasound, an important condition is the time of its implementation and the duration of pregnancy. For example, on the 6th week of delayed menstruation, if the cycle had the character of metrorrhagia, fertilization could occur a little later, then the fertilized egg may not yet be seen.

Instead of making hasty conclusions that the pregnancy does not develop properly, one should repeat the ultrasound examination a week later. It takes place over the next few weeks and makes it possible to assess the course of the pregnancy and to conclude whether the fetus has any birth defects and that it is not in danger.

The first ultrasound shows that the woman is actually pregnant, that the pregnancy is single or multiple, in the case of twins or triplets.

  1. Already at seven weeks from the last menstruation, in the uterus you can see the pregnancy follicle with the embryo inside.
  2. For the first time on the screen, the expectant mother can watch the heartbeat of a small heart. With proper pregnancy, such confirmation is not required, but an ultrasound scan gives the doctor additional confidence, and a woman calm.
  3. Certain difficulties in assessing the condition of the fetus may appear when it is located in the uterus in an unusual way or when the woman is obese.
  4. The study is inevitable in case of abdominal pain or bleeding, because these symptoms may indicate a threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
  5. Early ultrasound (US) allows you to quite accurately determine the duration of pregnancy and the date of delivery, which is very important for irregular cycles.

Sexual relationship

Pregnancy in the seventh week may be the most useful period for physical proximity of the couple. Provided, of course, that the fear for the child will interfere with the joy of sex.

It happens that future parents are afraid that intimacy can cause miscarriage or otherwise harm the child. Sometimes a woman feels so tired that the bed is associated only with sleep, and it seems that it will be so until the end of pregnancy. It also happens that it is difficult to find a position convenient for both partners.

There are many myths that worry future parents about sex during pregnancy and its impact on the developing fetus in the stomach. All this contributes to the fact that many couples for long months refuses to have sex.

As a rule, this is unnecessary. If the pregnancy is proceeding correctly, then uterine contractions, which accompany orgasm, in no way threaten the embryo.

The fetus is protected by the muscles of the uterus and amniotic fluid, and from the outside world it is tightly separated by its mucus, located at the mouth of the cervix.

According to doctors, the indication for abstinence from full intercourse is a high-risk pregnancy: multiple pregnancies, insufficiency of the cervix of the uterus, previous miscarriages or premature births.

However, this should not mean complete abstinence in any situation. It is worth talking on this topic with your doctor of pregnancy and ask him what is permissible and what is not in your particular case.

Hygiene during pregnancy

Under the influence of hormonal changes during pregnancy, reducing the amount of lactic acid can lead to an increase in vaginal pH. Such a condition may contribute to infections of the intimate areas, which adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

Especially take care of the hygiene of intimate areas during pregnancy. Choose cosmetics designed for sensitive flora.

Wear loose underwear, only from natural fabrics.

In the event of anxiety symptoms (itching, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, abnormal discharge, unusual smell), consult a doctor immediately.

Useful recommendations for women in the 7th week of pregnancy

  1. The doctor has probably given a lot of research. If you suffer from morning sickness, ask your husband to take you to take tests - because on an empty stomach it can become bad. Bring a bottle of water and a sandwich to refresh yourself after the procedure.
  2. Did you know that in early pregnancy, the body's need for vitamins and mineral elements increases to 185%? Five times a day, eat vegetables and fruits, fish, whole grain products.
  3. Have you noticed that you are constantly running to the toilet? Frequent urination is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy. Do not try to limit the amount of fluid you drink, 1.5-2 liters of water per day is the minimum.

It is too early to buy special clothes for pregnant women, but perhaps you are already cramped in regular trousers and skirts. While wearing clothes with elastic at the waist, soft knitwear, sports suits. Too tight underwear contributes to infections in intimate areas.

If earlier you were engaged in any kind of sport, do not refuse it because of pregnancy. Moderate activity is needed and the expectant mother and child. Excellent fit yoga, Pilates, swimming, walking. Power sports, horseback riding, weightlifting, jumping, martial arts are contraindicated.

You can also find out what happens during the 7th week of pregnancy in the following video.

Watch the video: 2nd Trimester Q&A with Belly to Baby (April 2024).