In what position you can quickly get pregnant: the best positions, photos, tips

They say that pregnancy is a light science, and almost any woman can become pregnant, unless there are contraindications. However, in reality, things are not so simple.

For many couples, pregnancy becomes the most cherished desire, because for unknown reasons it does not work for them. Then doctors can advise not only medicines as a solution to the problem, but also other methods, for example, calculating the date of conception using various calendars or changing poses during sex.

That's about what positions you can quickly get pregnant, and will be discussed further.

Preparing for the most important

Of course, for the successful completion of sexual intercourse it is necessary, first of all, to create a truly relaxing atmosphere. To do this, you can do the following:

  1. Arrange a romantic dinner with your second half. It is best to not drink alcohol at all before the act, and there should not be a large amount of seasoning in food. In addition, you should not get involved in large portions, because the dinner here plays the role of a kind of prelude rather than a reason to eat;
  2. Provide a romantic atmosphere by lighting candles or incense. Candles and pleasant aromas have a very good intima and relax. If you decide to resort to aromatherapy, get a few essential oils to choose from. Tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, and most herbal aromas work best for relaxation;
  3. Take a warm bath;
  4. Include romantic beautiful music. It is good if it is such a music that both partners like. She will help to “catch” the necessary mood for the couple and set the rhythm throughout the evening;
  5. Choose exquisite bedding.

Yes, linen plays an important role, and not only bedding, but also underwear, however, it goes without saying.

The atmosphere is the first thing that should be taken care of by a couple who wants to have a baby as soon as possible.

A good attitude will help both partners relax and give each other maximum pleasure.

Adverse posture for conceiving a baby

  1. Posture;
  2. Pose "woman on top."

Of course, next to the most favorable postures for conceiving a child there are the most unfavorable ones, which do not at all contribute to the desired result. Sexologists have different opinions about this.

However, the majority is still in solidarity with the opinion of British medical professionals, in particular, Marilyn Glenville, who called the above-mentioned positions the most unfavorable.

If the couple often uses these poses, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced, as scientists say. According to the data, sperm during such intercourse can not fully linger inside the woman, which means that pregnancy will not come.

A negative factor for conception can also be a visit to the sauna or just too hot a bathroom before intercourse.

And now about the favorable postures!

Their list is much wider:

  1. Traditional missionary posture (the doctors also advise, after the act, to place a pillow under the woman’s hips or any other object that promotes the raising of the pelvis);
  2. Doggie-style (this position contributes to a very deep penetration, which significantly increases the chances of a couple for a quick pregnancy);
  3. Pose "on the side" (the hips of the girl with such a pose are under the necessary inclination, and after the end of the act it is necessary to lie for some time on the same side and not move);
  4. Slightly modified missionary posture - the girl's legs should be raised above the head, and for convenience they can be placed on the partner’s shoulders (again, the pelvis in this case assumes a higher position to increase the depth of penetration).

In addition, many couples are known and some other secrets that contribute to early conception. So, for example, a successful solution immediately after intercourse is considered to be the familiar “almost all” exercise “birch”, where you need to raise your legs and pelvis high.

Doctors have not yet found confirmation or refutation of this theory, however, they say that there is a reasonable grain in this, because in such a position spermatozoa are much easier and faster able to penetrate the uterus.

Doctors say the importance of mutual orgasm. Indeed, it is important that a woman reaches the maximum peak of pleasure. During uterine contractions, it is easiest for sperm to reach the target.

But this method is not universal, as it works only in the case of simultaneous orgasm, and this, again, according to the testimony of doctors, does not happen very often.

We select positions taking into account physiological features

Be that as it may, some poses are completely unsuitable for conceiving to couples in which a woman has all sorts of physiological features.

  1. Women with ovarian inflammation should know whether their uterus is turned or not. Depending on this, the pair is required to take a position on the side (on the side in which the uterus is rotated);
  2. If the uterus has bends, the best solution would be poses in which the woman faces her belly down (in addition, doctors recommend, in this case, also lie on her stomach after sexual intercourse).
That is why, even at the planning stage of the child, it is important for both partners to visit all the necessary doctors in order to know not only about potential risks or contraindications (if there are any), but also about possible features of their body.

The best poses for conceiving a boy or girl

Many parents certainly want to conceive a child of a certain sex. Of course, such a desire is not condemned, because quite often it becomes just a dream.

So that is completely normal. In what position can you quickly become pregnant girl or boy?

Boys are the immediate successors of the family name and gender. Therefore, many families are so eager to have a son.

Of course, doctors have not yet published a definitive list of successful postures for conceiving a child of a particular sex, but they can already speak about the advantages of certain poses.

  1. The woman stands on the floor, leaning his hands (and even better with his elbows) on the bed and raising the pelvis, the man is located behind;
  2. Missionary position. However, a woman needs to raise her hips so that they are above the head (preferably).

Actually, any poses in which the woman's basin is located quite high are ideal for conceiving a boy. This is due to the fact that the Y chromosomes are much faster than the X chromosomes, and the male cells just need a little push so that they reach their goal even faster.

Girls are, of course, a joy to the family. They are loved, cherished and cherished, often even more than boys. As for the conception of a girl, then everything works exactly the opposite. In order to conceive a little princess, the following postures are suitable:

  1. Traditional missionary, so that the penetration is not deep;
  2. Pose on the side.

Actually, any posture that, let's say, requires less effort from future parents, will do. Sperm should be poured as far as possible from the entrance to the uterus, if the couple wants to conceive a girl.

Several at a time!

Many parents want to do everything at once! In other words, they just dream of having twins or even triplets. Is there a pose for conceiving several children?

On this occasion, doctors say that everything here is determined by the predisposition of both partners, and the chance to give birth to twins or triplets is much higher for a couple in whose families at least there have been such cases.

As for a certain posture for conceiving two or more fruits, then doctors only shrug their shoulders, indicating that such posture cannot be reliably called. The crucial role will still play the heredity and characteristics of the cells.

Uterus bend: what to do to get pregnant successfully?

Such a phenomenon as the bend of the uterus, is not something scary for a woman who wants to get pregnant. There are a number of poses that you can try in this case.

In what positions there is a chance to get pregnant when the uterus is folded:

  1. Classic missionary;
  2. Doggy Style;
  3. "Spoons" (variation of the pose on the side).

Doctors say that women who have discovered the bend of the uterus, in any case should not put an end to their motherhood. Very many people unknowingly and stupidly intimidate young girls with the inability to have children and such things, however, in fact, getting pregnant even with a bend of the uterus is quite easy if you choose the right position.

Gynecologists advise

In addition to the lists of postures that are favorable to one degree or another (or vice versa), doctors also recommend following other simple recommendations for the occurrence of pregnancy:

  1. During sexual intercourse, it is not recommended to use lubricants, lubricants or any other means (from them the flora of the female vagina dies, and at the same time all extraneous cells, including spermatozoa);
  2. It is recommended to abstain from intercourse for several days before conception in order to accumulate enough sperm for fertilization;
  3. Many doctors advise to adhere to the system of good nutrition (in other words, not to torture yourself with diets, but also not to abuse harmful products, such as confectionery);
  4. Needless to say, it is desirable for both partners to quit smoking and drink alcoholic beverages;
  5. Sport or at least elementary exercise every day will help keep the body in constant tone, which will also play a role in the process of preparing for conception.

In fact, all doctors, and well-established parents agree only on one thing.

It is not so important what position you have sex with, what you eat before conception and what kind of sports you do. The most important thing is that the conception process should bring both partners pleasure and happiness.

After all, children must be born in love.

And in addition - a short video on the article.

Watch the video: Best Position To Get Pregnant How To Get Pregnant With Twins (April 2024).