Instructions for use of the drug Andipal

High blood pressure and headache are frequent companions of patients of all ages. Statistics show that 90% of people on earth complain of these ailments. The tool Andipal will help relieve pain symptoms, reduce pressure and improve the quality of life.

These tablets are combined. They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive effects. Reduce pain, muscle tension and blood vessels.

Release form and composition of the drug

The drug is sold in tablet form. One plate contains 10 pieces. A treatment recommendation and 30 tablets are included in the package.

Andipal's effectiveness is explained by the constituent chemical elements.

Main substances:

  • Metamizole sodium;
  • Bendazole;
  • Phenobarbital;
  • Papaverine hydrochloride.

Additional components of the composition: stearic acid, starch, talc, calcium stearate.

Active ingredients Andipal

Andipal is considered an analgesic. Drug therapy does not treat the cause of hypertension, but helps to lower blood pressure. Andipal's active substances relieve spasms, relax muscles, stabilize pressure values.

After taking the pills are absorbed into the bloodstream, and have the following actions:

  1. Metamizole sodium - fights inflammation, reduces pain, lowers temperature. Easy to digest. Blocks fatty acids, increases the sensitivity of the brain.
  2. Papaverina hydrochloride - removes the tone of organs. Relaxes, dilates blood vessels. Reduces the amount of calcium in the cells of the body.
  3. Phenobarbital - is a sedative. Increases the hypotensive effect of other substances of the drug.
  4. Bendazole - restores nerve fibers and cells, stimulates the spinal cord and immune system, reduces pressure.

The combination of therapeutic components of the composition recommends Andipal for use. Pills relieve headaches and normalize blood pressure. Expand blood vessels, improve blood flow.

Be careful! The drug is quickly absorbed. Absorption of the main substances occurs 15 minutes after ingestion. The medicine disintegrates in the liver. From the body is excreted in the urine after 3-4 days. Therefore, it is not recommended to exceed the daily dose. Feel worse, the patient's condition.

Andipal with increased pressure

Medical statistics, the experience of doctors and patient reviews confirmed the therapeutic impact of Andipal. Tablets are prescribed individually, taking into account the tests, the diagnosis and the patient's condition. The drug is prescribed for a large list of diseases. The main one is arterial hypertension. Andipal acts with initial signs of hypertension. Reduces pressure readings gradually and gently, without harm to humans.

Standard treatment regimen:

  1. With a sharp increase in blood pressure and the first signs of hypertension to improve the condition they drink 1 tablet after a meal.
  2. In vegetative-vascular dystonia with signs of hypertension, a pill is prescribed, after breakfast and dinner. They recommend to drink Andipal for 3 days, combining with tinctures of valerian, motherwort.

Andipal is prescribed at pressure readings up to 140/90 mm Hg and higher. Know that the main substance of the composition of phenobarbital is referred to as narcotic drugs. Long Andipal can not be used! The course of therapy is 7 to 10 days.

The drug does not fight the cause of the disease, only reduces adverse symptoms and normalizes blood pressure. Therefore, tablets are used as a quick aid with increasing pressure. Regular drug treatment is undesirable. Before you start taking Andipala recommend consultation and examination of a cardiologist.

Andipal and migraine

High blood pressure causes headache, weakness, dizziness. Symptoms appear when a tonometer reads above 140 per 100 mm Hg. The human condition is rapidly deteriorating.

Migraine occurs due to changes in vascular tone and irritation of pain receptors. It is characterized by pressing, throbbing pain, concentrating in the occipital region. Often gives in the temples and forehead. Sometimes it does not take several hours, days. Attacks of breaking pain, nausea, and photophobia wear down and torment a person.

Only competent, practicing physician prescribes effective drugs for migraine. One of them is Andipal.

Andipal will help alleviate the condition and relieve negative symptoms. Painkillers substances instantly reduce pain.

The drug is prescribed for various types of migraine. Therapeutic effects have analgesic, antispasmodic, vasodipating properties Andipal.

For migraine, with proper blood pressure, 2 tablets are prescribed per day. The break between reception is an hour. The maximum dose per day - 5 tablets.

The main components of the drug bendazole and papaverine dilate blood vessels, stabilize blood circulation. Parts of the brain in full receive oxygen. Adrenaline in the blood decreases. Migraine attacks subside and disappear.

Patients with signs of headache rarely go to the clinic. They are trying to get rid of pain with independently available medicines. Known, low cost and efficient doctors consider Andipal.

Side effects while taking Andipal

Every medicine has adverse reactions. Andipal is no exception.

Pill therapy may cause the following adverse effects:

  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • allergic rash;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • drowsiness, motion retardation;
  • renal impairment;
  • increased sweating;
  • urine redness;
  • depression condition;
  • hypothermia body;
  • Lyell syndrome occurs, Stephen-Johnson.

Long-term treatment with Andypalom leads to disorders: a decrease in the level and number of leukocytes in the bloodstream, a decrease in the number of platelets. Thrombocytopenia provokes excessive bleeding and problems with stopping. Blood coagulation slows down.

Interaction with other drugs

The therapeutic effect of Andipal tablets increases while taking drugs such groups:

  1. Calcium blockers - Verapamil, Nifedilin, Nimodipin, Amlodipine, Tsilnidipin.
  2. Nitrates - Isosorbide dinitrate, Nitroglycerin, Izosorbit-5-mononitrate.
  3. Diuretics - Pyretanide, Furosemide, Lasix, Etacrynic acid.
  4. Beta - blockers - Obzidan, Korgard, Anapralin, Tenzol.
  5. Myotropic antispasmodics - Nikokerin, Eufillin, Teofillin.

The decrease in the properties of Andipal is due to mixing with extracts, tablets:

  1. Toning - spirit tinctures of aralia, ginseng, zamanihi extract, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea.
  2. M, H - cholomimetics - Nicotine, Gliatilin, Acetylcholine.
  3. Analeptics - Tsitizin, Lobelin, Sulfokamfokain, Camphor.
  4. Andrenomimetiki - Imipramin, Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, Ephedrine.

Doctors do not recommend the simultaneous use of Andipal and opioid analgesics. This causes adverse reactions. Andipal is worse absorbed with the use of activated charcoal and other medicines that have an enveloping and astringent effect. These are drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice and medicines containing bismuth.

Analogs of the drug

Analogues include drugs containing different chemical compounds that differ from the composition of the original. The group of analogs is undergoing medical testing and practical testing.. Then he receives a trademark, name and permission to use.

Similar tablets differ from Andipal in therapeutic properties and composition. The drug has no complete analogues. The following medications relieve spasms and normalize blood pressure:

  1. Papazol.
  2. Nomigren.
  3. Theodobyverin.
  4. Unispaz.
  5. Urolesan.
  6. But -spalgin.
  7. Papazol-UFB.

Important! The prescription for an analogue of the drug is prescribed by the doctor after the examination and examination of the patient.

When should I refuse to take

Andipal is considered an effective drug with specific features. Before the course of treatment it is advisable to carefully study and remember the instructions, go to the clinic.

Tablets are not prescribed in cases of conditions and pathologies:

  1. Pathology of the liver.
  2. Disorders of the kidneys.
  3. Low muscle tone.
  4. Diseases of the blood circulatory system.
  5. Low pressure.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Breast-feeding.
  8. Increased blood clotting.
  9. Intolerance of substances of the composition.
  10. Hereditary pigment exchange disease.
  11. Glaucoma, inflammation of the organs of vision.
  12. Children under 8 years old.
  13. Inflammation of the prostate gland.
  14. Angina pectoris
  15. Intestinal obstruction.

It is worth noting! Tablets are prohibited to use simultaneously with alcoholic beverages. The drug enhances the properties of ethyl alcohols. Andipal's unwanted therapy with drugs that inhibit the nervous system.

Andipal in practice has shown positive results in the treatment of many diseases. Do not advise to be treated with pills alone. Take Andipal on the recommendation and under the supervision of a physician. In the absence of a result of therapy, repeated administration is advised. The doctor will select a different treatment and dosage. In some cases, in order to improve the therapeutic effect, it is necessary to combine Andipal tablets with additional drugs.

Compliance with the recommendations and advice of the doctor - the key to favorable treatment and well-being!

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