Gymnastics for the face - prevent wrinkles

You need to take care not only of the figure, but also of your face. In addition to expensive creams, masks and cosmetic procedures, facial gymnastics are included in the complex of care. This free and short procedure will help you look young and attractive at any age.

Magic effect for the face: choose the right kind of gymnastics

The training course is suitable for women from 25 years. Facebook or facial gymnastics as a separate direction was formed at the beginning of the last century and immediately gained popularity among women. This is a set of exercises aimed at training the muscles of the face that are not involved in normal life.

Regular classes have a great result on the skin and shape of the face. Exercises are effective for:

  • improve skin nutrition, color;
  • increased blood flow;
  • help maintain skin elasticity;
  • slowing the aging process;
  • getting rid of mimic wrinkles;
  • removal of edema under the eyes;
  • strengthen the muscles of the face, chin and neck.

The development of this area of ​​gymnastics has led to the formation of various complexes aimed at solving certain problems. The most popular are:

  1. Exercises for the correction of the oval face, shape of the cheeks, chin. These exercises without plastic intervention can eliminate the sagging areas, make the face more thin and prominent. Suitable for women of mature age. You can start practicing from the age of 25, when the first signs of aging appear.
  2. The fight against age-related changes - wrinkles. Mimic and age wrinkles are associated with elasticity and elasticity of the skin. The complex of exercises is aimed at improving the nutrition of skin cells and training the facial muscles.
  3. Removal of fatigue. Monotonous work, stress, prolonged work at the computer leave their mark on the face: the skin turns pale, irritations, red spots, a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin appear. Daily complex will help to cope with all the consequences of stress and work.
  4. Narrowly focused complexes. All exercises are localized on one problem: exercises for the lips, eyelids, chin.

In addition, all techniques are divided into strength and support. The first are recommended for women 35-40 years old, characterized by gradually reinforcing loads.

The second is a set of preventive measures that have a cumulative effect. The longer and more regular gymnastics, the more pronounced the effect becomes.

Contraindications for facial gymnastics

In some diseases and skin conditions, any exercise for muscles and skin is prohibited. These include:

  1. Surgical intervention (plastic, skin resurfacing), including Botox injections, mesotherapy - exercise can completely eliminate their effect.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Inflammation of the facial nerve, neuritis.
  4. Acne, rash - there is a possibility of increasing their number.
  5. Dermatological diseases, fungal or bacterial lesions of skin areas.
  6. In the absence of evidence - for young skin.

In all other cases, you can choose any set of exercises, create your own and practice daily. Gymnastics is available even during pregnancy.

Secrets of successful workouts from wrinkles

Understanding the physiology of the process

The appearance of wrinkles, a second chin, bags under the eyes is a consequence of the weakening of the skin (elasticity and elasticity) of the skin, sagging of mimic, neck and other facial muscles, a decrease in their volume. Gymnastics is aimed at eliminating the cause of aging - training the muscles, so its effect is more prolonged compared to cosmetological procedures.

An integrated approach to facial skin care will allow you to achieve better results and feel young and attractive longer.

Training the muscles of the face, like any other based on the alternation of phases of tension and relaxation.

Additionally, the rule of breathing is connected: any tension on inhalation and relaxation with exhalation. Load can be increased gradually.

Choosing time and complex

To achieve a noticeable effect, gymnastics is performed daily, twice a day. The best time: in the morning and 1-2 hours before bedtime. At this time, the skin is semi relaxed. Duration of employment can vary from 5 to 20 minutes.

Masters recommend initially to choose a common complex to improve the tone of the entire face. It should include from 8 to 15 different exercises, repeated 6-10 times. After 3 months, the complex should be changed so that the muscles do not get used to the same type of load. If necessary, it is changed to a specialized one and the problem areas are being finalized.

Complex exercises for the lips

Extra care

Before classes, you must wash and remove dirt and all makeup from the skin. Then a few minutes light pats warm up the skin, increase blood flow. In order not to interfere with hair, they are collected in the tail or fixed with a rim.

It is better to perform exercises while sitting with a flat back in front of a mirror. After gymnastics, wash face with cool water and apply cream. Sometimes exercises combine with the process of applying a daily cream.

Universal complex of gymnastics for face and neck against wrinkles

One of the most common complexes for daily facial gymnastics at home includes the following exercises:

  1. Remove the cheeks. We form a balloon in the mouth. We begin to roll it across the mouth from one cheek to the other, around the lips. At the same time we strain the muscles of the cheeks and lips.
  2. For beautiful lips and nasolabial wrinkles. Fix the index fingers position of the corners of the lips. Pull the lips into a tube, trying not to move the corners of the lips.
  3. Remove the "foot". Close your eyes and gently tap with your fingertips on the eyelids and skin around the eyes.
  4. Fingertips fix the position of the corners of the eyebrows at the nose. We are trying to frown, holding the corners of the eyebrows.
  5. Fingers of both hands are laid on the forehead - we are trying to be surprised, raising our eyebrows upwards, not allowing fingers to form folds.
  6. For smoothing and leveling the chin. Open your mouth wide and pull in your lips. Fingers laid on the collections. Trying to close your mouth.
  7. From the second chin. Throw back the head and tongue groping a knob in the sky. In this position, turn your head to the left and right, pulling the neck as far as possible.

We remove wrinkles: facial gymnastics

Facial gymnastics for the face against wrinkles under the eyes is also available for independent performance at home. The following exercises are most effective:

  1. While inhaling, we slowly grit our teeth and stretch our mouth in a smile. On the exhale, relax the "smile".
  2. Fold lips and strain. Exhale with force through them the air and relax.
  3. We take a deep breath through the nose and at the same time strain and open the wings of the nose, fix the position for 2-3 seconds and relax with an exhalation through the mouth.
  4. On the exhale, we strain the muscles of the chin and tongue, tilting the head back. On the exhale, relax and return the head to the upright position.
  5. Retracting the cheeks, breathe in through the nose, fix the position. Exhale through the mouth, relaxing the cheeks.
  6. Close your eyes, look down. Palm pressed to the forehead and tighten the skin up. We fix the position for 10 seconds, perform several rotational movements with the eyes (the eyelids remain closed), relax.
  7. We bulge the lower lip forward, throw the head back and tighten the facial muscles for 10 seconds. After we lower our heads, relax.
  8. At a fast pace raises up one or the other corner of the mouth. At the same time, the muscles of the lips and cheeks must strain.
  9. We open our eyes wide for 4-5 seconds, squeeze our eyes for 4-5 seconds with force, open our eyes, blink and 3 times for 5 seconds we squint.

Qigong - anti-wrinkle Chinese facial gymnastics

The young faces of Chinese women cannot help but attract attention. Most people use the special practice of self-massage - qigong - to keep their skin young. This is a simple set of exercises that can be performed anywhere and at any time.

All exercises are performed with the pads of the fingers, palm, protuberances of the hand or fist.

The movements should be smooth and light - the skin does not need to be strongly rubbed or stretched. The standard set of exercises includes:

  1. Perform smoothing movements with your fingertips on the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin and neck - all exercises are performed from top to bottom. Then fingers gently pat these zones.
  2. With the palms, stroke the whole face, separately pay attention to the lips and eyelids. Having worked their fingers.
  3. Stretch the muscles of the face, gently pressing on them.
  4. Bend your thumbs and joints, knead the lower part of the palms - here the points responsible for the condition of the skin on the face are concentrated.
  5. Stroking the face with fists, trying not to move the skin.
  6. Then we press a little on the face, remembering the rule from top to bottom.
  7. We represent that in hands thin gold threads are clamped. Distribute them with gentle movements over all the surface of the face, neck.
  8. Lightly comb the head (hair) with our fingers, iron our hands and feet, completing the set of exercises.

Magic effect: reviews

She was always afraid of surgical manipulations, and the cream seems to have already exhausted itself - no matter how much I tried them, and for a long time there was no effect. Every year wrinkles became deeper, their number increased. But I have not yet 40 years old. But then I remembered how grandmother spoke about facial gymnastics. And she took the risk that time is practically not wasted. In less than 2 months, as my friends noted, the complexion was refreshed. I began to study even harder (I tried not to miss a single day). Already a year has passed, and now I compare my photos and enjoy the result - I certainly did not get older. And though it was not possible to get rid of deep wrinkles, but they became less noticeable, and drooping cheeks and the second chin disappeared.

Ekaterina, 32 years old, Kaspiysk

I am 28 years old and my biggest problem is “crow's feet”, a pair of forehead wrinkles and a second chin. At the same time I lead an active lifestyle and visit a fitness club. The idea to perform gymnastics for the face appeared unexpectedly, and it complemented my classes. From the first day I believed in the effectiveness of training and, as for my figure, I made maximum efforts for the face. The result is a neat chin, more delicate facial features and almost imperceptible wrinkles. 3 months of classes were not in vain and now have become a daily habit. I wish everyone to “train” their charming face with the help of gymnastics.

Inga, 28 years old, Moscow

Face gymnastics is a simple and effective way to fight wrinkles. It fits almost everyone and with regular classes leads to noticeable results. Many different complexes and techniques have been developed, you can create your own - any load on the muscles of the face will become noticeable.

In the next video - another set of exercises for the youth of the face.

Watch the video: How to reduce forehead wrinkles with face yoga (April 2024).