Why do white pimples appear on the face, how to get rid of them

Any manifestations of skin defects on the face cause not only aesthetic dislike, but can also be a sign of quite serious diseases. For example, the well-known fact that acne on the face cannot be crushed - under adverse conditions, this can lead to meningitis.

But acne appears, and you need to eliminate them. Before you do this, you need to find out what they are.

What are the names of the little white pimples on the face, their species

There are several main types of white pimples on the face; they differ from each other by the causes of appearance and appearance. These include:

  1. Comedones;
  2. Milia;
  3. Milia;
  4. Acne

The most common type of acne in adults is comedo. These are blocked but not inflamed ducts of the sebaceous glands. Their children's variety is called Miles. In adults, comedones often become inflamed, but children's miles are usually not susceptible to inflammation and very quickly pass without treatment.

Milia is a different type of acne, which is a small formation, dense to the touch, with clear boundaries, they rise above the surface of the skin and are not squeezed out.

Acne in adults is a condition in which various elements of the rash - comedones, milia, pustules, small cystic formations are constantly spilling out on the face, turning into a real disease. Acne of newborns is a rash of small size, which usually do not pose a danger to the child and can pass by themselves.

Why do small white pimples appear on the face that do not squeeze out?

Milia, or white acne - this is the type of acne that occurs mainly in adults and adolescents, although occasionally it is noted in newborns. According to its structure, these are microscopic cysts filled with fluid and keratin clusters with a small amount of fat interspersed.

There are several reasons for their occurrence. Hereditary predisposition, hormonal and metabolic disorders, vitamin A deficiency, excess sunlight and inappropriate cosmetics play a role.

Milia is most often located under the eyes, on the upper eyelid, on the forehead and cheekbones, rarely can be detected in other parts of the body. Squeeze them impossible, because their structure is quite deeply connected with the skin.

Most often they suffer from middle-aged men, but according to more modern data milia occurs regardless of gender.

How to get rid of white pimples

White acne can be eliminated in several different ways. It is best to do this in a cosmetology clinic, where treatment will be quick and effective. Professional cosmetologists use three methods of treatment.

Curettage is used for single eruptions. They are mechanically removed — they are pierced and scraped with a curette along with the capsule. This prevents acne from recurring in the same places.

In cases where there are too many pimples, electrocoagulation is applied. The essence of the method is that under local anesthesia the skin is exposed to high frequency electric current.

This allows you to eliminate capsules that are located deep, and also helps with a high density of milium capsules. After the procedure, a crust forms on the skin, which peels off after a week.

To avoid inflammation, it must be treated with antiseptics. There is a risk of scarring on the skin.

Laser coagulation is the most expensive and effective treatment for milia. It allows even hard-to-reach capsules to be eliminated, as well as avoiding suppuration, damage to healthy tissues, and bleeding.

Folk remedies for getting rid of acne at home

Folk recipes offer a variety of ways to get rid of white acne. They are not always effective, but sometimes they can bring results. For the treatment of various means are used - herbs, medicines and food products.

One of the easiest recipes is calendula washing. To do this, you can buy in the pharmacy a tincture of calendula and dilute it in water in the proportion of 1 tbsp 100 ml. The resulting solution can wipe the face during washing or make compresses.

Another way to use calendula (marigold) is to insist on a collection (you can buy it at a pharmacy or collect it yourself). To do this, dried calendula flowers should be poured with boiling water (2 tbsp. Spoons per glass), infused for 24 hours, then the resulting infusion should be diluted twice and used for washing.

Another popular remedy is the potato mask. Ingredients for it can be found in its own refrigerator. To do this, you need one boiled potato, 2 tablespoons of cream, egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey.

Potato need to knead, add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly and apply on face, paying particular attention to problem areas. The result is achieved with regular use of not less than a month. Also applied mask of cottage cheese and cucumber juice.

The aspirin mask is prepared as follows: you need to soak in water and knead 10 aspirin tablets to a gruel, add a tablespoon of honey to them, and a tablespoon of Vishnevsky ointment.

The resulting mixture can be applied on the face in the morning. Before applying such a mask, it is necessary to make an allergic test on a small area of ​​skin (best of all - on the shoulder or thigh).


To avoid the appearance of white acne on the face in adults, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene and healthy eating.

Daily washing with clean water, the use of suitable cosmetics and skin care products, a sufficient amount of vitamins will significantly reduce the risk of acne.

Also useful will be walking in the fresh air, sports.

White pimples on the face in infants: causes

The causes of white acne on the face of infants may be various factors. The so-called acne of newborns - white spots on the face, similar to acne in adults, usually appear due to an excess of maternal hormones in the child's body. This is normal in the first days of life, then, by about a month, they pass.

Milia - a consequence of the immaturity of sebaceous glands. They appear in children at 2-3 months, then pass independently as the skin formations ripen. As a rule, by half a year the baby’s skin becomes clean.

If this does not happen, you need to consult a doctor. Rashes can appear and disappear, pouring is normal. Unlike adult acne, they are rarely prone to inflammation. But if the inflammation still began, you need to turn to a pediatrician.

Methods of treatment of white pimples in a child

Usually, children's acne goes away on its own, but parents can speed up the process. For this you need to pay more attention to daily hygiene procedures. Even a small child needs to wash and bathe every day.

This helps cleanse the skin of the face, remove excess sebum from it, and prevents clogged sebaceous glands. As an extra precaution, boiled water can be used.

At the same time, it is not necessary to use soap and cleansers - it is enough to use them once a week, and in children younger than two months - less often. Daily use of baby soap, shampoos and bathing gels is permissible only for six months.

If the baby is not allergic, you can wash it with herbal infusions (it is important that it is water infusions, not alcoholic tinctures). Dilution of infusions should not be less than 1: 6. Before you wash your baby with herbs, you need to make an allergic test in a small area of ​​the body.

If there are any unpleasant symptoms, the procedure should be stopped immediately. It is important that the washing of herbal infusions is a medical procedure that should be carried out only if there are symptoms of the disease.

To further improve the skin of the baby, you need more time to stay in the fresh air, but not in direct sunlight. Even in winter, it is necessary to regularly air the child’s room.

In addition, the mother should pay attention to their diet - do not eat what can cause allergies, eat more vegetables and fruits.

If the child is bottle-fed, then it is necessary to reduce the single amount of the mixture or completely change it (in this matter it is better to consult a pediatrician).

What is forbidden for parents to do with white pimples on the face of an infant

In order not to harm the health of the baby, parents should remember what to do exactly can not. First of all, you can not use for washing alcohol tinctures and solutions, essential oils in any dilution.

The use of skin antiseptics, ointments and other means for local use is permissible only after consultation with the pediatrician. All these substances can cause a chemical burn of the skin, moreover, are easily absorbed through it, causing poisoning, so their harm may be much more beneficial.

You can not squeeze acne. Especially if their reason is not fully known. The blood vessels of the skin of the face are closely related to the blood supply to the brain, especially in infants, so the risk of meningitis when squeezing acne in children is much greater. In addition, there is almost always a risk of damaging healthy tissues around the pimple.

Another "no" - in no case should not use drugs without consulting a pediatrician. Everything that parents can do without consulting their doctor is indicated in the previous section. A very large part of the drugs that are harmless to adults is dangerous for children to use.

In most cases, white pimples in infants go away on their own, and treatment measures may be more dangerous than the disease. If this does not occur, or acne becomes red, and no safe therapeutic measures do not help, then you need to contact a pediatrician.

For more information on how to remove milia, see the following video.

Watch the video: Put an End to Adult Acne (May 2024).