Why in the heat so much swelling of the legs and how to get rid of this problem

In fact, the problem with swelling of the legs has long been known to anyone in this world. There are a huge number of reasons why these extremities undergo similar edema.

Very often in this way the body warns its owner about a possible disease. However, there are also such cases that the swelling occurs simply because of the intense heat. In this article, you will learn exactly why such a climate condition causes such an unpleasant problem, as well as how to quickly get rid of it.

Why legs swell in heat

In order to fully delve into this issue, the first thing is absolutely necessary to understand exactly how the human body is built. All limbs, every cell of the body must be constantly filled with oxygen, so the heart constantly drives the blood enriched by it throughout the body.

For the blood to flow into the very lower extremities, the heart requires tremendous effort. However, the blood, which has already given its oxygen, is obliged to go back, for a new dose thereof.

Here it comes to the rescue is the special structure of the veins, which push the blood back with the help of valves, creating peripheral circulation.

When the air temperature becomes excessively hot, the circulatory system is obliged to adjust its work in such a way as to completely prevent any overheating.

In the legs, this is due to the dilation of the blood vessels. However, in this way, the dilated veins can not fully push the blood back, which leads to the formation of edema.

Another cause of swelling in the heat is excessive perspiration, which haunts anyone in a similar climate. With sweat out of the body and salt, with which the veins are standard and pull the blood. The lack of such salts also affects the development of edema.

Symptoms of leg edema in hot weather

If you think that due to the rather hot climate you may develop swelling, then you should first focus on the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the feet to such an extent that they increase in size;
  • heaviness or other soreness in places of edema;
  • everyday shoes feel pretty cramped;
  • when removing the sock traces of rubber bands;
  • if you press your fingers in the ankle area, then the pressed fossa will remain for some time.

All these symptoms can appear as a whole bouquet, or one by one, so you should listen carefully to your body.

Are swelling feet dangerous due to heat

Doctors at the moment it is not proved that such swelling in hot weather can be dangerous, so it is considered to be a completely natural state. If you think that only the weather has influenced the occurrence of edema, then you do not need to contact a specialist, because getting rid of them is easy enough at home.

However, it is still not recommended to simply tolerate such edema, since by themselves they are always a warning that the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed, and with it the blood circulation.

Therefore, immediately use the appropriate means to relieve edema. However, if the measures taken did not save you from the problem, you should still consult a doctor.

What to do if the legs swell in the heat

First of all, after you have found swelling in your legs, you should not immediately rush to the pills. Perhaps to get rid of the problem will help simple exercises.

We remove swelling without drugs:

  1. Even just walking on tiptoe for a few minutes helps to get rid of weak edema perfectly;
  2. Go to the wall, and then press it to the heel. Try to raise your toes as high as your body can withstand. If you do this exercise a couple of times a day, then it will not only cure swelling, but will also be an excellent prevention;
  3. Put a pencil on the floor and try to lift it with your toes;
  4. Rotate slowly with your feet, with your toes sticking out as much as possible.

However, in addition to the exercises, there are several other little tricks. For example, you can simply cool your legs with ice cubes or wear compression socks for a similar problem, although you will need to walk all the time.

Pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies

If such measures did not help, then it is worth resorting to more effective means. Traditional medicine in such cases offers the use of special gels and ointments.

However, before applying them, it is still better to consult a doctor, since the ultimate cause of leg edema may not be heat at all, but real health problems.

To quickly get rid of edema, choose those funds that have in their composition heparin and rutin. The best representatives will be: Trokserutin Vramed, Trombless and heparin ointment.

These funds simultaneously have not only a anti-edema effect, but also cool and anesthetize the body, gradually eliminating microthrombs. However, the effect of such funds is temporary, therefore it is impossible to cure the problem in this way.

Traditional medicine offers mainly the use of various foot baths, which can be prepared according to their preferences. In this bath you can add:

  • sea ​​or table salt;
  • mustard, only necessarily dry;
  • coniferous extract.

Also a great help will be a massage, which should be done with ice cubes. Do they need from herbal decoctions.

Well, if absolutely necessary, just drink a diuretic tea so that all the excess moisture comes out of the body. Just check yourself before taking them, because there may be individual intolerance.

Prevention of swelling

Of course, to easily get rid of the swelling of the feet in the heat - that's fine. However, it would be much better to simply not let them reach such a state. And since the main culprit of such edema is clear, then with the onset of summer it is best to think about prevention.

How to avoid swelling of the feet in the heat:

  1. At the end of the day, when you go to bed, be sure to lift your legs up. Hold them in this position for about a quarter of an hour;
  2. Be sure to take a douche in the morning and in the evening, since such a temperature difference helps to improve the condition of the vessels;
  3. Do not eat salted, smoked or spicy foods in summer, because due to the subsequent heavy drinking, the amount of water in the body will exceed the norm;
  4. Completely remove the sweet soda from the diet, preferring either water or natural juices and fruit drinks;
  5. Be sure to swim or do water aerobics, because this way the body cools at the same time, and this exercise does not have any load on the veins.

As you can understand, it is impossible to simply ignore the problem of swelling of the legs in the heat, despite the fact that it is usually quite harmless to the body. It is best to give the body some incentive to completely get rid of any edema using the best method for you.

Additional information on the topic of the article can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: How to Reduce Swelling in Legs, Feet and Ankles Quickly Due to Fluid Retention and Edema (April 2024).