What happens in the 30th week of pregnancy with the baby and the expectant mother

To describe the feelings of a woman who has learned that she will soon become a mother, neither prose writers nor poets are subject to. Spending every day in this state means being born again with the child. Even if mom is young and inexperienced, the feeling of life inside herself, responsibility for her, makes her unusually attractive, mysterious, and inspires respect.

30th week of pregnancy

So what happens at 30 weeks gestation? Now you all know! Week 30 is the third trimester of pregnancy or seven and a half months from the beginning of conception. At this time, the fetus reaches 1400-1500 g, in fact, it is already a child.

A woman begins to gain weight, which is legitimate and acceptable. It is considered the norm increase to 11 kilograms. If she is gaining more, then the likelihood that the child will be large increases, and this is undesirable. Often in such cases during childbirth complications occur.

During this period, you need to follow the food and attend special courses for moms. From the diet should exclude flour and fatty foods. Instead, eat fish, dietary meat, vegetables, fruits. Products that cause allergies, which include honey, chocolate, and caviar, should be introduced into the daily menu gradually, checking their effects on the body.

The future mother should be careful in everything, remembering that her muscles are weakening every day. You can not make sudden movements, slopes, everything should be smooth and unhurried. Getting out of a chair or chair just as slowly and carefully.

Walking in the fresh air is useful for both mother and child, but they should not be long. One should not take a walk, let the husband take the responsibility to breathe fresh air every day with his wife.

Feelings women on week 30

On the thirtieth week, the woman's body is rebuilt under the child. The internal organs put pressure on the diaphragm, causing inconvenience to the heart, liver, stomach, etc. Women in this period suffer from frequent urination, there are problems with the intestines, and dizziness may appear from exercise.

It is better to shift all homework to other family members, a pregnant woman should learn to sleep in a comfortable position, and sitting on a sofa or chair, legs should be placed on a chair or other object so that they do not swell, and no varicose veins develop later.

During pregnancy, the spine and lower back take on most of the load. The larger the fruit, the load increases. At night, many pregnant women complain of convulsions, and women with weakened walls of the venous vessels (moreover, this is transmitted genetically), necessarily after childbirth complications arise in the veins.

Therefore, you should take care of the legs. During pregnancy, with edema it is imperative to make baths, lubricate the legs and feet with special ointments or solutions, such as menovazin, horse chestnut tincture, heparin ointment, cream "Sophia" and others. You only need to follow the instructions for use and consult your doctor for an allergic reaction to the ointment or solution.

Due to the fact that the body is physically changing, women often have headaches. They appear due to high blood pressure.

Hot days, hot dry air, rooms where there are a lot of crowds have a bad influence on pregnant women.

The development of the baby looks like a fetus

To visit the doctor at 30 weeks of pregnancy should be regularly every two weeks. The fruit grows and already occupies all the space. Growth of the child reaches 35 centimeters. It becomes more difficult for him to move inside the uterus, as it occupies all the space.

  • The adipose tissue of the child increases markedly, which makes it possible even for preterm labor to be protected. The skin of the baby is still wrinkled and has a reddish tint. Hair or fluff lanugo on the body gradually decreases, many babies are born with this fluff. On the head, the fluff does not disappear.
  • The internal organs begin to work smoothly, the brain is almost completely formed, the heart beats clearly and rhythmically.
  • Mothers at this time again appoint an ultrasound examination to identify the position of the fetus, its activity, check the lungs, the movements of which are clearly visible on the ultrasound.
  • At 30 weeks of development, the baby’s eyes are wide open, he already knows how to frown, shrugs shoulders, reacts very sensitively to sounds, distinguishes his mother’s voice from his father’s voice.
  • It is not for nothing that a pregnant woman is advised to look at everything beautiful and to be charged only with positive energy, since the baby feels and understands everything.
  • In addition to all this, the fetus begins to produce sleep and wakefulness, hiccups becomes less. Since the baby cannot spin and spin, he actively moves his legs and arms, "hits" his mother.

During this period, attentive mothers count the number of blows or movements of a child per day. The rate is the number of movements per day up to 28 times.

Examination and obligatory analyzes

In the last trimester, pregnant women are examined:

  • Blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Smear on flora;
  • Measurement of pressure and size of the abdomen.

A blood test must be done to detect the presence or absence of HIV infection and determine the mother's Rh factor. All of these tests are recorded in the history of the disease. During contractions, on the way to the maternity hospital, the woman takes them with her so that the doctor can navigate during the birth.

Ultrasound helps doctors to study the heart of the child and the urinary tract. If any defects or other abnormalities of these organs are identified, they will know how to act in this or that case.

In addition to ultrasound, pregnant women are often prescribed doppler examination, which determines the rate of placental blood flow.

During this period, the uterus rises quite high above the navel, approximately from 7.5 to 10.5 cm. The woman has shortness of breath, as the uterus presses on the diaphragm, which in turn presses and somewhat displaces the heart. Sometimes a woman feels a slight pain in her stomach, which should not be overlooked. This is normal, as the uterus can come in tone.

If, however, the pain is strong, pulling, similar to pain in the menstrual period, interfere with the pregnant woman, then she should consult a doctor.

In extreme cases, the doctor will prescribe such a drug as no-shpa. When the tone of the uterus reaches its peak, that is, it becomes hypertonic, women are asked to lie down for preservation. Under the supervision of doctors, it is much easier to eliminate the causes of hypertonus.

Many women during pregnancy reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood, anemia occurs. It appears due to a lack of iron, protein, folic acid in the mother's body. In some cases, a lack of hemoglobin led to preterm labor, delayed fetal development, and so on.

If a pregnant woman behaves inadequately, eats chalk, the skin has a pale shade, nails and hair become brittle, and other unpleasant symptoms, then the likelihood of developing anemia is high. If the case of anemia is not so neglected, mommy should balance the diet, include the meat of beef, rabbit, liver, and eat fruits and vegetables in the diet.

During pregnancy, dietitians recommend drinking milk, four times a day. Of course, if a woman does not have individual intolerance to this product. Milk contains a lot of vitamin B, calcium and proteins that help the development of the child’s internal organs.

Black bread and bran bread, beef meat, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, fresh fruit are useful, all of these products are important for the baby at 30 weeks of development, when the liver is in full swing.

Tips for the future mom

Future mothers should remember very strictly that alcohol and tobacco harm the baby’s health, therefore, even if a woman smoked in the past, this bad habit must be abandoned, and as for vodka, brandy and other strong drinks, then there can be no speech.

If a pregnant woman does not want to gain excess weight, which is not as harmless as it may seem, then she should give up:

  • Flour food, sweets that lead to obesity and the occurrence of caries;
  • Animal fats that are bad for the heart and the development of the fetus;
  • Salty foods that cause high blood pressure and swelling;
  • Coffee and green tea in large doses.

All these products have a negative impact not only on the mother, but also on the child. If a woman can not make their own diet of the day, then she should use the services of specialists.

During pregnancy, all mommies need to be attentive to their health, not to allow a decrease in immunity, to avoid patients with SARS, not to get sick with a cold or an infectious disease. Caring about the health of the baby should be at the forefront.

It is necessary to use various painkillers as needed and only with the blessing of the doctor.

If, however, the child chose to be born prematurely, should not panic, modern medicine will ensure that 100% of the children will receive qualified medical assistance. You just need to pull yourself together and be in the hospital on time.

Such kids are now connected to special equipment that supports their livelihoods for the first time.

The child during this period is fully formed, his organs are functioning well, it remains only to help them a little.

In the 30th week of pregnancy, working women receive maternity leave. The first thing they need to think about is the future child, therefore, the calmer, more disciplined the mother, the healthier the child. Maternity leave should be spent with benefit, exploring all possible literature about children, about caring for them, bringing up.

Small physical exertion and walks in the fresh air will only benefit the mother and child.

A little more information about the 30th week of pregnancy can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: 30 Weeks Pregnant - 30 Weeks Pregnant Baby Position and fetal development (May 2024).