What is Reishi mushroom and where does it grow?

Longevity mushroom or a mushroom that gives health - this is how the tree mushroom is called Reishi. Indeed, in its healing qualities, this unique product surpasses even ginseng, which is considered a panacea for many pathologies. Modern Russian scientists and mycologists often call him a tinder or ganoderma.

Reishi Mushroom Story

On the territory of Russia and nearby states, this mushroom has been used for medicinal purposes quite recently. But in Asian countries its healing properties have long been known. Reishi's mushroom has been used successfully to treat many pathologies over the centuries. About him narrate medical treatises of China, Korea, and Japan.

They highly praise this mushroom, the medicinal properties of which, according to the texts, are capable of giving longevity and eternal youth. According to scientists of the past, tinder can help heal or prevent many diseases. In Japan, in antiquity, he was declared a deity and distributed honors. Naturally, with such fame, the demand for mushrooms was very high. In all countries where its healing properties were known, the accidental discovery of the Reishi mushroom was considered a sign of divine grace.

This is not surprising, since one mushroom could ensure a comfortable life almost until death. However, according to recent studies, the beneficial effects of this fungus on health have been known in ancient times, and its use for healing has not hundreds but thousands of years.

The scientific name of the Reishi mushroom is lacquered Ganoderma. It belongs to the Ganoderm family, the genus is Ganoderma. The name "Reishi mushroom" in Japanese means "mushroom of spiritual strength." In China, it was called the immortality mushroom - "Lingzhi". The name “Sacred Mushroom” is also common.

The main description of the Reishi mushroom

The tarpaulin varnished is a saprophyte, grows well on dead, weakened, dying trees.

Sometimes it can be found on coniferous trees, but this rarely happens, since deciduous species, especially birch, alder, oak, and beech, are the best substrate for growing the fungus.

As a rule, Reishi prefers the above-mentioned trees or their lower part, which is located close to the ground. Often, the mycelium uses as a substrate the roots located underground, since the fruit body itself is on the ground. Fruit bodies may be two or three years old, but in most cases are annuals. Formed mycelium in summer.


  • length ranges from 5 to 25 cm;
  • diameter - up to 3 cm;
  • the form is uneven, cylindrical;
  • the skin is glossy, dense, the color matches the color of the cap.


  1. Like the leg, it has a glossy surface.
  2. Diameter - from 3 to 18 cm.
  3. The form. Reminds a fan, rounded, can resemble a kidney.
  4. The edges. Pointed, bent down, often wavy.
  5. On the top of the cap you can find a growth zone, which has the shape of a circle. Each such zone is colored in its own way.
  6. The flesh. Solid. At a young mushroom the pulp is hard, resembles a sponge, as it gets older it becomes harder and harder. The old mushroom has almost wooden flesh.
  7. Color from yellow to brown.
  8. The smell and taste are not pronounced.

Hymenophore: located at the bottom of the cap. It resembles a single-layer tube of small length, which does not exceed 1.5 mm. The pores are small, round. In a young fungus, it is almost white, but as it grows it darkens, it can become brown. Spores ranging in size from 8 to 10 microns in size. However, it should be noted that the appearance of the fungus and its composition is very dependent on the substrate.

Where grows?

The traditional place of growth of this fungus - the southern and southeastern regions of Asia, including China, Japan and Korea. Because of this, many believe that the high cost of this fungus is associated with low prevalence. However, Reishi mushroom grows in other countries, but, as a rule, countries are located in subtropical latitudes. In temperate latitudes, it can also be found, but much less frequently. Sterile lacquered grows in Russia, but in such parts as:

  • Altai;
  • North Caucasus;
  • Krasnodar region.

Unfortunately, it will not be easy to find it, because it is not a widespread mushroom, but for an experienced mushroom picker this is not a problem, the main thing is to know the places.

Favorable conditions for its growth are:

  • heat;
  • high level of humidity;
  • the presence in the place of growth of dried trunks, stumps, and so on.

It is senseless to look for it on living trees, because it happens very rarely and most often means the rapid death of the fungus.

In many ways, the low prevalence is due to the roughness of the spores, which can only multiply when there is a certain temperature, humidity and a suitable place. The texture of the spore itself makes it difficult to attach to the cortex, which explains the rarity of the fungus. Also, Reishi mushroom can be grown in artificial conditions - this is a very profitable business. And for this perfect cottage. Truth needs prepare:

  • small plot;
  • mycelium.

You will also need patience - the latter is due to the fact that fruit bodies can be harvested approximately 4-5 years after planting. This is because the fungus is fully ripe when the fruit body turns dark brown. Only in this case, it will have a full range of therapeutic properties. There is also the option of growing on sawdust. In this case, a variety of nutritional supplements are needed to feed the fungus.

Medicinal properties

The spectrum of biological activity of medicinal properties, which are obtained from tinder, is very wide. Reishi's mushroom is effective in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, it is used to strengthen, cleanse the body, improve memory, physical strength, to increase efficiency, which will get rid of fatigue and bad mood.

The high content of organically bound germanium in the composition of this fungus contributes to the saturation of the blood and heart with oxygen, helps to avoid myocardial hypoxia, improve metabolic processes and improve immunity.

In addition, germanium lowers the level of free radicals that promote aging. The polysaccharides beta-glucans present in the composition have antibacterial and immunomodulating properties, which helps to reduce the pressure and the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.

They also have a hypoglycemic effect, increase susceptibility to insulin, which is very important in the treatment of diabetes. Of great importance is the polysaccharide lanastan, which is also contained in the tinder. This component has anti-allergic effect, prevents the development of antibodies and mediators of allergic reactions. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce such manifestations of allergy as itching, swelling, rashes.

Currently, research is being actively conducted in medical centers in Japan, Canada, America and other countries to study the therapeutic properties and possibilities of using this fungus in official medicine for the treatment and prevention of cancer.

An important role for the human body is played by the triterpenoids that make up the fungus - they have similarities with steroid hormones. It has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitumor effect. Triterpenoids reduce blood viscosity, prevent the appearance of blood clots, and therefore are very effective in preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system and their consequences in the form of a heart attack or stroke.

Means and preparations based on Reishi fungus have been used in folk and even traditional medicine as part of complex treatment and for the prevention of cancer. And all thanks to the fact that such drugs have a pronounced antitumor and immunostimulating effect, it helps patients to more easily tolerate chemotherapy, provides a longer remission. The listed medical properties of this fungus make it possible and effective to use it in the following cases:

  • liver diseases, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and so on;
  • diseases of the digestive tract organs: gastritis, ulcers, enteritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system, such as atherosclerosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases, such as bronchial asthma, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • impotence or decreased libido;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • immunodeficiency state.

Also, Reishi mushroom is effective for losing weight, because it allows you to speed up metabolism, normalize metabolic processes, reduce appetite, cleanse the body.

Procurement of raw materials

For the treatment and prevention of using the fruit body of the fungus. Collection of blanks produced from July and ending in November. Over the past 15 years, the tinder mycelium has been successfully grown commercially on special plantations in Asia and Japan. If desired, it can be grown at home.

To do this, you need to buy mycelium on wood sticks, take a freshly cut log, preferably a hardwood tree, drill it along the edge so as not to touch the core, make holes 5–6 cm deep in a checkerboard pattern.

Then it is necessary to insert sticks with mycelium into the holes, and cover them with wet sawdust. The log is left to germinate the fungus.

To plant and grow the Reishi mushroom, choose a clean, damp place that is protected from drafts and sunlight. The temperature at the same time should be around + 18 ... +25 degrees, while you need to daily check the humidity of the substrate, avoiding both overwetting and drying.

Important: Considering that this mushroom is very difficult to find in the wild, especially without experience, and growing it can turn into a lot of problems, it is recommended to buy ready-made dry raw materials from proven manufacturers for medical purposes.

Application Methods

From the dried fruit bodies of this mushroom, you can make an alcoholic tincture, decoction, tea, water infusion.


It is necessary to grind the dried fruit body of the Reishi mushroom with a coffee grinder. Take 10 g of the mixture, pour into a glass jar, add 500 ml of vodka. Leave the composition in a dark place for 45 days. Then filter it, take it daily before breakfast in an amount of from 5 to 20 ml.


One teaspoon of crushed mushrooms pour 100 ml of water, leave to infuse. When the composition has cooled to room temperature, it should be filtered and drunk before eating. Repeat the procedure three times a day. This way of using ganoderma is ideal for losing weight. The duration of receiving funds - 2 months.


Take one tablespoon of minced mushroom, put it in a saucepan, add 500 ml of water, boil for 30 minutes. Then cool, filter, take 20 ml before meals three times a day. The resulting decoction should be stored in the refrigerator.


To make tea, take two teaspoons of raw materials, fill with one liter of water and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Use as usual tea. You can also add a little raw material when brewing black, fruit, herbal tea at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. This ingredient will give the drink a specific taste.

In the case of the absence of contraindications, such mushroom tea will bring great benefits to the body, will contribute to its strengthening and healing.

Are there any contraindications?

Reishi mushroom has a lot of useful properties. However, some people use it contraindicated. These include:

  • women during pregnancy, lactating mothers;
  • people with bleeding problems;
  • children under the age of 7;
  • people who are allergic to tinder or with pronounced individual intolerance.

And in order to protect your health, before you start taking any funds based on Reishi fungus, you should consult with your healthcare professional.

Watch the video: Growing Reishi Mushrooms At Home (April 2024).