Syrup Erespal: instructions for use, cost, reviews

Very often the flu or cold is accompanied by a cough, so similar symptoms of the disease in the upper and lower respiratory tract can ruin life very much.

If you abandon their treatment to the mercy of fate, you will subsequently receive complications that can lead to serious illnesses. Therefore, if you have a cough, you should not self-medicate, it is better to immediately contact a otolaryngologist, who will prescribe you treatment after the examination.

One of the most popular means prescribed by doctors for the treatment of the respiratory tract is Erespal, which is often also released under the names Eladon and Erispirus, depending on the country of origin.

The composition of Erespal and its pharmacological action

By itself, Erespal is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps to cure diseases associated with disorders in the bronchi and lungs.

At the moment, in addition to the syrup, they are also produced in tablets, but the best option for treating a patient is, nevertheless, a liquid transparent syrup with an orange tinge. Very often sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle, so it should be thoroughly shaken before use.

The main active ingredient here is fenspirin hydrochloride, and auxiliary are extracts of vanilla and licorice, glycerin, saccharin, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, potassium sorbate, sucrose, and orange dye, which gives the syrup a distinctive color.

It is standardly sold in plastic dark bottles of 150 ml and 250 ml by prescription. The standard price for a 150 ml bottle is from 220 to 260 rubles, and for 250 ml - from 400 to 480 rubles.

The taste of this medicine is quite sweet, gives a hint of honey and vanilla, so children eagerly drink it.

By itself, fenspirid has a strong anti-bronchoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect, and is also often prescribed as an antispasmodic and antihistamine drug.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the fact that fenspiride has the ability to reduce the possibility of producing cytokines, which are biologically active substances, responsible for the development in the body of the tumor necrosis factor, free radicals, which appear from arachidonic acid.

They are responsible for the fact that the process of inflammation begins, and also bronchospasms appear. Fenspirid almost completely blocks the metabolism of arachidonic acid, which leads to a decrease in the symptoms of the disease in the bronchi.

Indications and contraindications

Erespal syrup is prescribed in cases where there is a disease in the body that affects the upper and lower respiratory tract. The most common diseases are:

  • standard infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, one of the symptoms of which is necessarily a cough;
  • flu, whooping cough, or measles, that also has a cough or sore throat;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • laryngitis and rhinopharyngitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis.

Any of these diseases is serious enough, and if you treat them incorrectly, the complications will be quite dangerous. Erespal copes with them well, but the medication has contraindications. There are only two of them:

  • syrup should not be given to children under the age of 2 years;
  • The drug is prohibited to use if there is hypersensitivity in the body to one or more components.

In fact, there is no standard negative reaction to taking this medication, so the main contraindication is the presence of an allergic reaction.

This medicine should be taken very carefully by diabetics because it contains sucrose, which can lead to an attack.

How to take Erespal syrup for children and adults

Syrup is intended only for oral administration. Drink it before eating. Instructions for use:

  1. The standard dose for adults is 45 to 90 ml per day, that is, about 3-6 tablespoons. The effect of the drug itself occurs only a couple of hours after administration and generally depends on the concentration of phenripine in the body. That is why it is very important to consult a doctor, who will prescribe the amount of admission and its duration, depending not only on the severity of the disease, but also on the individual patient data;
  2. Children under 2 years old are not allowed to take the drug, and after 2 years, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 4 ml per day for each kilogram of weight;
  3. A child weighing up to 10 kg should take no more than 20 ml of syrup per day, that is, 4 teaspoons. It is advisable to dilute it in tea or water without sugar, because the syrup contains a lot of sucrose;
  4. If a child weighs more than 10 kg, then its rate should not exceed 60 ml, that is, 4 tablespoons.

Usually the positive effect of syrup is noticeable after three days.

Use of syrup during pregnancy and lactation

In the official instructions of the drug there are no restrictions on the reception of funds during pregnancy and lactation. However, this is more due to the fact that no tests to identify contraindications simply was not conducted.

Doctors do not prescribe this drug to pregnant women, and during lactation they are not advised to take it in order to avoid side effects.

Side effects and the possibility of overdose

In general, this syrup has a number of very serious side effects that can affect any area:

  • drowsiness and dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • fatigue and asthenia;
  • erythema, pruritus, urticaria, and various types of rash;
  • angioedema.

As soon as at least one of these side effects appears in the body, it is best to immediately consult a doctor. However, complaints about the poor effect of the drug are relatively few, so the development of side effects is more dependent on individual intolerance.

If there is an overdose of Erespalo and you feel a number of side effects in the form of vomiting or nausea, drowsiness or agitation, as well as sinus tachycardia, you should immediately seek help for symptomatic treatment.

It is standard for this to do a gastric lavage, prescribe absorbents and, in rare cases, prescribe an ECG or artificially support vital functions.

Interaction with other drugs and special recommendations

At the moment, any studies that would be aimed at finding out how the syrup interacts with other medicines have not been produced.

However, experts still do not advise taking it along with other sedatives, because it can greatly increase the effect of drugs.

Erespal in no way replaces antibiotic therapy, since this syrup itself is not considered an antibiotic. Syrup is also not recommended for patients with diabetes, but it can only be prescribed for people under the age of 18, since tablets are allowed only after the age of majority.

One of the side effects of the drug is drowsiness, so its use before driving in a car is not recommended, especially if it was done at the same time as alcohol.


He became very sick with the flu, and with all the symptoms, including a strong, coughing heel. I tried a whole bunch of funds until I turned to the doctor, who prescribed Erespal for me. His action very quickly put me on my feet, and for the price he pleased me.

Olesya, 28 years old, Moscow

The whole flu has gone up on its feet without going to the doctors, and therefore it got a complication in the form of sinusitis. However, I was afraid to make punctures, so I asked the doctor to find medication. He appointed me not only the washing, but also this drug, which freed me from the need for a puncture.

Veronika, 35 years old, Samara

Already that year, this is the means I have number one during infections. As soon as the cough begins, I immediately acquire it, re-read the instructions and start adding it to tea for myself and my loved ones. I have never had any side effects, and there was no allergy. At the same time, the price of the drug is quite affordable for any person.

Lydia, 42 years old, Tomsk

A little more information about Erespal can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: Обзор сиропа против кашля "Эреспал" лекарство от кашля. Laletunes (April 2024).