When is the longest day of the year, how long does it last, as its ancestors noted

The length of the day is constantly changing. What does it depend on? The sun - the flow of heat and energy at noon takes a certain height. When the tilt of the axis of rotation of the Earth has the smallest value, then the altitude for some time seems to freeze and the day becomes the longest. When this happens, which day in the year is the longest?

A bit of history

People in the old days lived without a clock. To rationally plan their time, they observed nature and adhered to a certain order. Due to their lack of education, it was difficult for them to explain the causes of thunder, rain and other natural phenomena.

Worshiping the pagan gods, each person tried to appease the wrath of fictional strong beings.

On the longest day of the year, people made wreaths and lowered them into the water. The rite of sacrifice and worship was performed.

Fern in ancient times before the adoption of Christianity in Russia was considered a sacred plant. The sun helped him grow, and the flower was amazingly beautiful and tender. Many wanted to find the full-blown beauty and give it to their loved one.

Forest spirits guarded the sacred plant and did not want to part with magnificence. Hiding a miracle from human eyes, natural "guards" tangled the paths. Daredevils tore a flower, not afraid to get punishment, and some of them had to stay away because of fear.

How long is the longest day of the year

After the adoption of Christianity, the tradition of searching for fern disappeared and passed on to the celebration of Ivan Kupala (July 7). But the longest day falls on July 21 and lasts 17 hours and 32 minutes.

It turns out the numerical mismatch. Therefore, the day of the solstice today is not confined to the previous celebrations. However, signs and rituals are preserved to this day.

What adhered to in the old days

Our ancestors were very attentive to nature and accepted its gifts. The collected herbs on the day of the solstice had incredible power to heal the disease. The adults, together with the children, before the dew fell, went to the forest and brought home herbs. The unusual smell saturated the room and cast out unclean spirits.

The lovers swore eternal love on this day. The words of recognition were quite significant. The union of young people lasted for many years.

Therefore, young people loved to guess on flowers and plants, to find their soul mate and live with it happily and serenely.

Any word and movement had a continuation and imprinted on the fate of man.

In the longest day of the year they made a wish. While thoughts got over, hands wove a wreath of bright flowers. As soon as the dream was determined, a wreath was put on the head. It remained to wait a bit, and the idea must be executed.

On the day of the solstice, they collected all the trifles from the wallet, scattered it on the threshold of the house or lowered it into the slot of the entrance door. Soon welfare improved, and money began to appear from nowhere.

How was this explained? Nobody was surprised at anything. Just took the gifts and enjoyed them.

A few ancient will take

  1. At sunrise, the water collected from the well has an unusual power.
  2. The collected bouquet of herbs protects the house from diseases and evil spirits.
  3. Nettle, scattered on the threshold of the house, protects from the evil eye.
  4. People born on this day can heal and predict events.
  5. Jumping over the fire helps the family to get stronger, and intact embers are a reliable talisman from thieves and fires.

As noted the day of the summer solstice in Russia

The day of the solstice for our ancestors was of great importance. The harvest and human welfare depended on the sun, which made it possible for all living things to grow. Therefore, everyone tried to appease the heavenly body in order to grow grain in the fields and make a profit in exchange for the labor invested.

The dwelling was decorated with branches and flowers. People had fun, the youth took a round dance. Dances and songs sounded all day, and in the evening bonfires were made.

It was believed that by jumping over a fire, a person was freed from negative energy.

For a young couple, jumps increased up to three times in a row. Holding hands, they easily crossed the fire barrier. According to legends, their future became cloudless, happy, having many children.

People must swim in rivers and lakes. The water washed away the unpleasant sensations, leaving the soul and body clean and unspotted. People forgave insults and tried not to say bad words. Remaining for some time cleansed of evil, they thought about good deeds and actions.

Modern attitude to the holiday

For modern man, the day of the solstice does not have the same meaning as in the old days. Fast rhythm and desire to increase their well-being overshadows the ancient customs. Now, none of the young people will dance round and thank the sun for the light and warmth. He wants to have time to do a lot of things, while the daylight of the largest size.

Some individuals are interested in which day of the year is the longest shadow (the ratio of the sun to the horizon).

December 21, when the shortest day is on earth, the shadow becomes the longest, because the sun is low over the horizon. The higher, the shorter.

History teaches us not to forget the traditions passed down from generation to generation. In them, understanding and kindness, sincerity and purity. Follow the old rules and the house will be filled with warmth and love.

A little more information about the longest day of the year is in the next video.

Watch the video: Are We All Related? (April 2024).