Chickenpox in children: symptoms, treatment and prevention measures

Chickenpox (chickenpox) - a disease that is viral in nature, accompanied by severe itching. Ill mainly in childhood 4-6 years. After suffering the disease, 97% of people develop a strong immunity, the rest can have a second illness.

Causes of chicken pox in children

The disease provokes the Varicela-Zoster virus, falling on the mucous membranes, it enters the cells and the blood flow spreads throughout the body. The name of the disease says that the virus is highly volatile, infection occurs in 100% of cases when it comes into contact with it.

Transmission of the virus occurs:

  1. Drip route: when talking, sneezing, coughing. You can get infected even if the patient is at a great distance;
  2. Contact method - particles of saliva or liquid from the burst bubbles fall on the mucous membranes;
  3. Vertical route - transmission from mother to fetus.

Newborns up to 6 months are immune if the mother had had chickenpox long before the pregnancy.

The virus is very dangerous for the fetus in early pregnancy, it causes many pathologies in the development of the child.

Also, can be fatal infection during childbirth, the so-called "congenital chickenpox."

Varitsela-zoster virus is dangerous only to humans, animals are immune to it.

Symptoms of varicella in children

The incubation period lasts from 10 to 21 days, so the quarantine in the gardens is introduced for 3 weeks. The risk of infection increases when the child begins to attend preschool.

The first symptoms:

  1. General weakness, restless sleep;
  2. Nausea and vomiting;
  3. Increased body temperature;
  4. Headaches.

A few days after the initial symptoms, a rash appears. The rash is intermittent and depends on the severity of the disease. Each new rash is accompanied by a rise in temperature, usually, they resume after a few days.

Usually bubbles appear on the skin, but there are also on the mucous membranes. The bubbles quickly burst and turn into ulcers, which form the film. It is very important to ensure that the child does not comb. With premature peeling of the crust, further, scars may remain. Rash accompanied by severe itching.

The number of bubbles can vary in large limits from 20 to 1000, it all depends on the body.

If the child's body is weakened, it is poorly nourished, the disease is severe, unpleasant complications are possible.

5 days after the last wave of rash, the child is no longer contagious. Children are much easier to tolerate the disease than adults.

Diagnosis and treatment of varicella in children

The disease is diagnosed by a doctor, based on the following symptoms:

  1. The presence of watery bubbles;
  2. Vesicles and papules are distributed throughout the body evenly, regardless of the amount;
  3. The wave-like nature of the rash;
  4. General signs of malaise.

Often in the summer, parents take smallpox sores for mosquito bites. But they differ in localization and content of bubbles.

The treatment is carried out at home, under the supervision of a physician. First of all, a sick child is placed in quarantine, since the disease is easily transmitted to healthy people.

The child should be well cut the nails to prevent scratching the sores, the crusts should fall off.

It is very important to monitor personal hygiene, the change of underwear and bed linen should be done daily.

Elements of the rash should be lubricated with an alcohol solution or brilliant green (brilliant green).

Itching is removed or weakened with vinegar. Wet a cotton swab and lightly lubricate itchy places.

If the disease is accompanied by a rise in temperature above 38, it is necessary to give the child antipyretic - Nurofen syrup, children's Paracetamol. Aspirin is absolutely contraindicated for small children.

At the discretion of the doctor can be prescribed medication:

  1. Acyclovir, Zovirax, Virolex - children from two years old, older than 12 - Valacyclovir, adults - Famciclovir;
  2. Zostevir - immunoglobulin;
  3. Novirin, Izoprinozin - pregnant, for the prevention of complications;
  4. Phenistil, Suprastin, Erius - antihistamines, are used for severe itching.

With timely and high-quality treatment, in the absence of immune pathologies, the prognosis is favorable. You can use folk remedies, but only after consulting with a specialist and in the absence of allergy.

Is it possible to bathe a child during illness

It used to be that it was impossible to bathe a child during chickenpox - water contributes to a greater spread of infection.

But these data are unconfirmed, experts have come to the conclusion that it is not only possible, but necessary, to take baths, but to adhere to certain conditions.

Rules when taking a bath.

  1. Do not use soap, shampoo, shower gel;
  2. Reduce the time you spend entering (2-3 minutes), but increase the number of procedures per day;
  3. Do not use loofah;
  4. After a shower or bath, do not wipe off with a towel, just dip the body of the child with it;
  5. Do not wash a sick child at high temperature;
  6. In the water, you can add decoctions of chamomile, celandine, potassium permanganate;
  7. After the procedure, you should treat the pimples with a brilliance or alcohol solution.

Daily water treatments relieve itching and improve the overall condition of the body. Crusts will become softer and disappear more quickly, which will reduce the risk of scars. After recovery, bathe under normal conditions, it is possible in 5-6 days.

What can be complications

Although chickenpox is considered to be a mild illness, but a severe course and improper treatment can cause complications.

Bacterial complications

Through ulcers on the skin, harmful bacteria can enter the body, which can lead to the occurrence of concomitant diseases, such as:

  1. Shingles. If dirt gets on the wounds causes them to rot, the liquid in the bubbles becomes cloudy, the tip of the bubble becomes yellow. Redness and swelling are observed around the areas affected by the infection. In the future, this can lead to the formation of scars and scars, in particularly advanced cases - necrosis occurs;
  2. Bacterial pneumonia. Bacteria that have fallen into the wound, go beyond the skin and enter the lymphatic system, then the blood flow spreads them to all internal organs. Often, pneumonia occurs in a complex form, accompanied by a dry cough first, and then a wet cough;
  3. Meningoencephalitis. The nervous system of the body is affected, accompanied by high fever, nausea, hand tremor, coordination is disturbed.

Viral complications

The virus that causes the disease, has an active effect, through the blood, it can get into any internal organs. With improper and late treatment, it often causes complications.

  1. Viral pneumonia and encephalitis. They often suffer from children who have had lung diseases before. Getting to the lungs, the virus finds the weakest and most unprotected places;
  2. Inflammation of the optic nerve. Getting on the cornea of ​​the eye, the virus causes the appearance of papules on it, which later turn into scars. This may cause complete loss of vision;
  3. Arthritis. Varitsela-zoster falls on the joints and causes their inflammation. Accompanied by an unpleasant aching pain in the joints.

Prevention, vaccination and vaccination against chickenpox

The main measure of prevention is to protect a healthy child from the sick, in the kindergarten, quarantine is introduced. But this measure is ineffective, since the virus belongs to the volatile, to get infected, just go to the room where the patient is. But many parents, on the contrary, try to have a child with chickenpox in childhood, as adults are much harder to suffer the disease.

Vaccination is considered the most effective method of prevention.

Children up to 13 years old need one injection of the vaccine; adolescents need double injection.

Vaccination is done absolutely healthy children and prevents infection by 100%. If your case was an exception, and your child fell ill, then the disease will proceed in a mild form, complications are excluded.


From the above text remember the main rules and follow them. Then the disease will be a thing of the past.

At the slightest suspicion of the disease, you must immediately go to the hospital. Follow all the recommendations of the doctor, do not self-medicate.

Carefully ensure that the child does not scratch the rash, briefly cut his nails. Wash your hands as often as possible to prevent additional infection in the wounds.

If the expectant mother did not get chickenpox in childhood, then avoid pregnancy during pregnancy. The disease can cause irreparable harm to the unborn child.

If your child has immune or other chronic illnesses, be sure to get him vaccinated.

A little more information about chicken pox in children can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: Preventing Shingles (May 2024).