Facial Hyaluronic Acid: Benefit, Harm, Application, and Reviews

The human body produces collagen and elastin, whose work consists in rejuvenating the skin, giving it elasticity, and also serving as a kind of obstacle from the appearance of wrinkles and folds on the face.

To produce these components, a certain amount of hyaluronic acid in connective, nerve and cartilage tissues is necessary. And with age, the production of this unique acid in the body decreases, which leads to premature aging of the entire skin integument - the epithelium.

What is hyaluronic acid, its benefits and harms

Hyaluronate, or hyaluronic acid, is a rather complex polysaccharide, which is built from the residues of simple carbohydrates. The young body is capable of producing this substance in sufficient quantity, but with each age change, that is, when a person becomes older every year, the need for hyaluronate increases.

The polysaccharide component is mainly produced in the connective tissues, during the day five grams of it breaks up and re-forms in the same amount.

One of the unique properties of hyaluronate is the ability to retain moisture in the cells, which contributes to the promotion and use of polysaccharide acid in cosmetology, as well as in the treatment of certain specific diseases. In a biotechnological way, you can get almost natural hyaluronic acid.

It is contained in cosmetics, biological additives, but it has a superficial effect on the skin, but injections with this polysaccharide have a much deeper effect. As a result, the benefits of artificial hyaluronate are as follows:

  • increase of elasticity, tone of epithelial layers;
  • alignment of the oval face;
  • ensuring the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • restoration of water balance in the cells;
  • blood circulation improvement;
  • reducing the number of mimic, age-related wrinkles and folds on the face.
The only harm of drugs, injections, injections containing this polysaccharide substance is the reduction of the body's natural production of hyaluronate with prolonged artificial administration.

Also, if there are any contraindications to hyaluronic acid, a number of complications may appear in the form of hematomas on the face, reddening of the skin or puffiness. To prevent the application of such damage will help the use of the body's required amount of fluid - more than one and a half liters of water per day, adherence to a good lifestyle and good nutrition.

Contraindications to use

Various preparations containing artificial substances that are naturally produced in the body can cause irreparable harm to health. With the introduction of injections, injections, taking tablets with hyaluronic acid, you should first consult with your doctor, do a thorough physical examination and pass the necessary tests.

There are a number of reasons why the introduction of this complex polysaccharide into the body should be excluded. These include:

  1. Any bleeding disorders, allergic reactions to the drug, autoimmune diseases (arthritis, diabetes);
  2. It is forbidden to take pills, make injections, injections, and also carefully apply cosmetics with hyaluronate during pregnancy, lactation;
  3. For any respiratory diseases (influenza, ARVI), skin rashes at the intended site for injection;
  4. After deep peeling - and thermal, and chemical, laser resurfacing of the skin on the face.

There are also a number of rules that must be followed after injections with hyaluronic acid:

  • physical activity should be avoided;
  • do not use scrubs, ointments, creams with exfoliating effects;
  • avoid visiting the sauna, prolonged exposure to the sun.

It turns out that any anti-aging procedures should be done only after communication, consultation with a qualified specialist, choosing an individual course of taking pills, injections, using cosmetics with hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid for the face: use in beauty salons, prices

Many beauty salons offer a whole range of services aimed at rejuvenation, working with problem areas of the skin, correction of the shape of different parts of the face. There is a list of procedures that are carried out using a variety of preparations with hyaluronic acid. These include:

  • bio-reinforcement - highly effective facelift, face correction;
  • hyaluronoplasty - elimination of defects caused by cosmetic procedures, rejuvenation without injections;
  • mesotherapy - eliminating wrinkles, smoothing deep folds, moisturizing the skin of the face;
  • biorevitalization - elimination of age-related changes on the face, neck;
  • fillers, plastic lips and other cosmetic procedures.

There are services of cosmetologists who use more often due to their effectiveness. In beauty salons for services related to rejuvenation, purchase drugs with active substances based on hyaluronic acid (with different concentrations from 1% to 8%).

The cost of injections, injections directly depends on the price of this active substance, the number of procedures, the beauty salon markups for cosmetology services for skin rejuvenation and on average varies from 1,500 rubles per 1 ml of the preparation with hyaluronate.

Mesotherapy known to many, which removes and smoothes mimic, age folds, wrinkles, consists in the introduction of a gel under the skin, penetrating into the voids that fill them, as well as in retaining moisture in the cells. The effect lasts for a year (depending on age), and the cost of this procedure is four thousand rubles and more.

Biorevitalization is produced by preparations in which hyaluronic acid is contained with little or no other additives, which favorably affects the production of collagen in the body in a natural way. The cost of the procedure begins with six thousand rubles.

One of the most popular procedures in beauty salons is contour plastic.

The principle of its action is based on giving the skin a beautiful healthy color, elasticity, but more often it is used to increase, to shape the contour of the lips with the help of hyaluronic acid - the active ingredient contained in the preparation.

The price of injections starts from ten thousand rubles with the effectiveness of the procedure from two to twelve months.

Cosmetic procedures can take place without injections, injections, but this still requires drugs with different percentages of hyaluronic acid - refreshing tonics, moisturizers, milk, essence, mask with a cleansing effect.

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid for the face: cream, gel, serum

Many expect an incredible effect when using cosmetics, which contain hyaluronate, but they forget that the main principle of this complex polysaccharide is not to rejuvenate the skin of the face, but to increase moisture in the cells. The main advantages of various creams, gels, serums with hyaluronic acid are:

  • deep hydration, moisture preservation in the epithelium cells - with age, with a decrease in the production of a polysaccharide substance, the skin loses its elasticity and tone, acquiring dryness;
  • prevention of early appearance of the first wrinkles on the skin of the face, folds - starting at the age of 25, you should use moisturizing day creams, cleansing masks, toning milk, serum with hyaluronate;
  • The drug with hyaluronic acid favorably affects the production of collagen in the body - the skin is not dry, elastic, suitable for almost all skin types.

For the correct effects of cosmetics with the active substance - hyaluronate, increasing its effect on the skin should be regularly cleaned pores using scrubs, peels. Only then cosmetics will allow for a long time to preserve the beauty and youth.

Hyaluronic acid tablets

Scientists have found that hyaluronic acid produced in the body is contained in small amounts in human saliva, the vitreous body of the eye and cartilage joints. The use of tablets with this substance begins to manifest itself not immediately - only after two months the skin will begin to smooth, become more elastic, moisturized.

This process takes such a long time for the reason that hyaluronate acts on all organs as a whole when the tablet is dissolved in the body. First, the crunch in the limbs disappears, which determines the correctness of the drug intake, then an improvement in visual function may occur.

Drugs in the form of tablets have a less effective effect, but much safer than injections and injections. To maximize the benefits, medicines with hyaluronic acid should not be washed down with water, swallowed - it is better to dissolve them gradually in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva (dissolve).

Qualified experts believe that taking pills, capsules should be started no earlier than thirty years in order to:

  • cure diseases associated with cornea, vitreous body, dry eye syndrome;
  • to prevent the occurrence of age-related changes of the skin of the face;
  • in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • improve the condition of the skin, internal organs;
  • for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (crunch in the joints).

Consultation with a specialist before use is necessary.

In addition, each of them will advise parallel pills with hyaluronic acid to take vitamin C (improves the absorption of drugs in the body), to increase the daily amount of water you drink to three liters per day, and also indicate the period, the number of intake.

Rules for the use of hyaluronic acid for the face at home

Based on components with hyaluronic acid - it is a powder (acid) and its salt (with sodium); you can make a simple face mask at home. It will not give the effect that injections are given in beauty salons, but it will perfectly moisturize the skin, remove small wrinkles, give freshness and improve the complexion.

Preparing a mask is quite simple - to dilute two grams of powder (the active component of hyaluronate) in thirty milliliters of water (boiled and cooled beforehand), and then thirty minutes after swelling and the appearance of lumps, you need to mix the mixture again to a uniform consistency.

This mask is enough for several procedures applied to problem areas of the skin. It will not be necessary to wash it away, it is well absorbed. After that, it will still be necessary to use an additional top over anti-aging cream or mask.

It is recommended to use a mask made by yourself at home twice a week. The number of sessions should be at least ten, the maximum effect will be achieved in fifteen procedures.

Do not forget that the skin of the face, which is sensitive to all external influences, gets used to all cosmetics with hyaluronate; therefore, a drastic change and deprivation of an additional moisturizing effect can lead to dryness, sagging of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid for the face: reviews of injections, injections, creams, serum, home use

The best reviews about the preparations, which include hyaluronate, receive injections, shots made by qualified specialists in good beauty salons. This is due to the fact that this method allows deeper, faster access to the intercellular spaces that are dehydrated.

The effect comes faster, it is perfectly visible on the face after several sessions - the skin becomes elastic, becomes not only fresh but also healthy, fine wrinkles disappear altogether, nasolabial folds are smoothed.

When using cosmetics with this polysaccharide, it is necessary to wait a long time (about two months) to see the effectiveness of any rejuvenating and moisturizing cream, serum, tonic on the skin, but it is still much safer for the face.

Salon procedures have to be done constantly, because the skin can sharply become dry, edematous, flabby. At home, starting to use products with hyaluronic acid should be already thirty years old, in order to preserve youth, to eliminate the premature appearance of mimic, age-related wrinkles.

Elena: Passed a course of injections in the cabin. I can say for sure - they work! The skin became soft, wrinkles on the forehead and on the sides of the eyes smoothed noticeably. I recommend to try.
Oksana: I used a cream with hyaluronic acid, I was very pleased. The skin shines, filled with moisture, no tightness. Sorry, the cream is over. I'm going to get a new cream to maintain such a wonderful skin condition. I recommend to everyone.
Violetta: I will never decide on injections that are made in salons, but at home I will be happy to use something new for skin rejuvenation. Hyaluronic acid tablets became another object of my home experiments. I do not know how the others, but I did not notice the steep result, but maybe I just initially overestimated their bar.
Maria: When I turned 30, I began to notice that wrinkles appear, although very slightly, but very unpleasant. It's so eager to stay young and beautiful. Bought serum on the advice of a colleague. From its use only positive emotions, the skin is just super, I don’t remember where I saw wrinkles there!

Additional information about the drug is in the next video.

Watch the video: Hyaluronic Acid in 3 Minutes. Why I Love It. Viestelook (April 2024).