Fasting day on the water: the benefits of how to conduct, feedback and results

A sufficient amount of fluid is one of the most important conditions in the fight against extra pounds. Add to your weekly schedule one day of unloading on the water to activate metabolism and start weight loss processes.

Fasting day on the water: the benefits and harm

Twenty-four hours only on one water, without food, can solve the problem of excess weight much faster and cheaper than the "magic" pills of dubious quality and origin. By the way, according to the results of research, it was proved that after a short-term fasting, cells of the human body are updated.

Therefore, all those who consciously limit themselves to eating look younger, slimmer and live a long time. A cleansing program can do more harm than good to the body.

Therefore, if you are “unloading” for the first time, be sure to visit specialists to rule out diseases in which it is impossible and dangerous to refuse to eat even one.

This is diabetes, any stomach problems, no matter gastritis or ulcers.

Unloading rules

To decide whether you need unloading, answer yourself, just honestly one question. Do you have extra weight to get rid of? If your answer is yes, then this day will not hurt you.

So, the basic rules for unloading:

  1. It is necessary to choose a reasonable day, because it is not known how the body will react to the rejection of food, there may be headaches and general weakness. Therefore, a great option for those who are going to unload the first time - a holiday. But there are people who find it easier to starve during working hours, because the work process is distracting, and food restrictions are more easily tolerated;
  2. Of course, you need to drink clean water without gas, not less than two liters per day, but this is only suitable for people whose weight does not exceed 70 kg;
  3. If you have a stronger build, you need to drink more. Calculate how much you need to drink a day is very simple. Daily need is 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight;
  4. Get ready for this day in advance, but rather for 2 days. On the first preparatory day, exclude from your menu, meat dishes and products, alcoholic beverages, sweets and fatty foods. On the second day, eat only products of plant origin. It can be porridges from various cereals, pasta, any vegetables, fruits;
  5. In order not to overload your body, do not plan for this day difficult matters and meetings, they will certainly require large emotional and physical costs;
  6. To avoid harm from daily fasting, leave the discharge gradually. Portions of food should be small, in the diet oatmeal on the water, steamed vegetables, rice and fruit.

How to spend a fasting day on the water

  1. Starvation is better to start in the evening, so dinner should be light, and after that you should refrain from eating and drinking clean non-carbonated water during the day;
  2. If you really want to lose weight, you need to drink one glass of pure water every 2 hours;
  3. If you feel that weakness does not pass, just add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water. This is perfectly acceptable;

Various options for fasting days on the water

The main drink for any option is purified water. Count on the amount of fluid needed for your current weight. On average, you need to drink at least 40 ml per kilogram of your weight. Drink fluids throughout the day in small doses.

What should be considered in the fasting day on the water

Drink water throughout the day. A sufficient amount of it - the most important condition for the natural cleansing of the body. But not all water is suitable for a fasting day. To clean the body you need to drink only healthy and proper water.

About that that flows from the water tap and speech can not be. Bottled product, as a rule, is cleared not only from bacteria, but also from important compounds - such liquid only flushes beneficial trace elements out of the body. Best suited water passed through a stationary carbon filter.

What you need to consider in the day of loading on mineral water

There are no bad substances in mineral water, just on the fasting day it is necessary to use dining room, but not medicinal water, in which there are salts that are final for health, but not on this day.

Therefore, buying mineral water, examine the level of mineralization on the label. If the indicator is less than one gram, it means that the water is from the category of canteens, and you can drink it during unloading.

What should be considered in the fasting day on the water with honey

Honey contains nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, organic acids, phytoncides and much more. It is a biological stimulator that improves metabolism, so the process of purification is faster. Honey is better to add 1 tsp. in warm water. The cold will slow down the absorption, and the hot "kill" some of the useful properties.

What should be considered in the fasting day on the water with lemon juice

The most common option is to mix water with juice squeezed from lemon.

But before you start to drink this water, consult your doctor: gastritis and gastric ulcer are strict contraindications.

Start drinking water by adding 1 lemon to 1 liter of liquid. Or simply add a lemon slice or a few drops of juice to a glass of warm water. Drink in small sips. This drink washes away toxins and slags from the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up the metabolism.

What you need to consider in the fasting day on the water and green tea

Green tea contains minerals and the most complex organic compounds that are necessary for the human body. When losing weight, this product is almost indispensable. Experts recommend every 2 hours drink a glass of freshly brewed tea plus two liters of pure water for the whole day.

How often can you arrange fasting days on the water

"Unload" on health, but not more than once or twice a week. If you abuse, you will easily earn the same problems that arise when you have a strict restriction on food.

It is very good to arrange "unloading" after the weekend, choosing for this the first day of the week. During this period, refuse to eat and focus on ordinary water without gas, which you can drink up to three liters.


Please note that all tips and recommendations for unloading on clean water are suitable only for healthy people. And even this category is better to consult a nutritionist.

It is undesirable to hold fasting days for patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, and it is not recommended to refuse to eat after serious illnesses and with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fasting day on the water for weight loss: how much can you lose?

We are all afraid of the phrase "hungry day", but not afraid of numerous strict diets. But the unloading in clean water, held once a week - the most effective way to get rid of extra pounds and start the process of weight loss.

So, depending on the initial weight, you can "throw off" 1 kilogram easily. But know that you will not be able to lose weight if you arrange a hungry day on Mondays, and on other days of the week you are not denied yourself anything. From the unloading day it will be good if you change the whole power system.

Feedback and results

As for the fasting day on the water, my own and so far the only experience ended successfully. I managed to lose weight in 1 day almost per kilogram. But more, I don’t want to mock myself, I’d rather keep moderation in food all the time.

Natalya Litvinova, 35, lost 900 grams in one day.

At one time I was sitting on different diets, but all this helps only for a while, exhausts my nerves and empties the wallet. So now I eat by the principle of eating moderately, mostly protein foods, vegetables, some carbohydrates, plus one unloading day a week, when I drink only pure water without gas.

Larisa Ostroumova, 28, managed to get rid of an extra kilogram per day.

I was accustomed to mothers fasting days. I am not a water lover, but I try very hard. I do so, I take most of the liquid in the first half of the day. After seven hours - the very minimum, otherwise I wake up in the morning with edema.

Veronika Andreeva, 25 years old, result: minus 800 grams in 1 day.

Additional information about the bottom of the water can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: 18 Day Water Fast Results, WOOOOOOOOO!!! (May 2024).