Ultrasonic teeth cleaning: pros and cons, aftercare

For many reasons, a very small category of people can boast a perfect snow-white smile. All because of the wrong oral hygiene, smoking, abuse of coffee, strong black tea, coloring drinks, which lead to dental plaque and the formation of tartar.

In modern dental practice, a major breakthrough in the fight against the problem of dental deposits has made ultrasonic cleaning of teeth. Every day this cleaning is becoming more and more popular, winning sympathy through security and comfortable conduct.

About technology in the answers

If there is an intention to completely get rid of the problem of dental deposits, then enhanced self-cleaning with a toothbrush at home will not help. Requires a record to the dentist who will help solve the existing problem.

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth is a modern replacement for outdated methods of getting rid of tartar.

During the procedure, there is practically no discomfort, as well as the ability to injure the oral cavity, in contrast to the outgoing method of mechanical cleaning.

Ultrasound coming from the device is completely safe for health. The amplitude and frequency of its oscillations are designed for a delicate effect on the oral cavity. You should not worry about tooth enamel, as it is not damaged. The essence of the method of ultrasonic cleaning lies in the therapeutic effect and the prevention of the formation of plaque. Ultrasound is fed through special dental devices.

Although the method has long been used in practice, from ignorance of the process of carrying out the procedure, some people are wary of it. Below are answers to frequently asked questions.

How much time is needed?

Cleaning teeth in the dental clinic takes place within an hour, it all depends on the degree of contamination of the oral cavity. After the end of the session, the patient can already proceed to his business.

You can repeat the session after six months, so that the action is fixed. In the future, the doctor will prescribe the procedure independently based on the patient’s oral cavity condition.

Someone for the prevention will need to brush their teeth in the clinic every six months, someone will be enough and once a year.

Who needs a procedure?

The question arises, when should we hurry to see a dentist? If there are symptoms such as: caries, bad breath or bleeding of the teeth - it is no longer possible to delay and delay the visit to the dentist.

For those who do not have the above difficulties with their teeth, but there is a dream to give others a smile, not hesitating their teeth color, professional cleaning will be useful. This procedure will give the natural color of the teeth, clarified by two or three tones.

How is it going?

Professional cleaning takes place in two stages. To begin with, the dentition is treated with an ultrasound device. Next comes the turn of the technology "Air Flow" or "ClinPro".

The "Air Flow" method consists in removing soft deposits and deposits in hard-to-reach places using a special device. During cleaning, the doctor uses the right mixture, which cleans all plaque under pressure and polishes the teeth.

After polishing the patient may suffer pain. To avoid this, a specialist handles teeth with medical pastes that contain fluoride in large quantities.

The process of applying the technology "ClinPro" is also considered a modern technique. The doctor uses glycine powder, which gently treats the enamel and copes with the removal of soft plaque. At the end of the procedure is polished enamel, which guarantees a perfectly smooth surface.

Pros and cons of the procedure

An important advantage of clinical cleaning can be considered absolute harmless to the enamel of the teeth. And all because the device has a special sharpening nozzle, which guarantees safety from any damage.

When using the old method, mechanical cleaning of teeth, as if the specialist did not carry it out carefully and carefully, there was still a danger of damage to the enamel and the appearance of roughness, which entailed unpleasant consequences. Plots because of this accumulated even faster.

Inherent advantage is the clarification of the tooth row to the natural color by getting rid of the layer of plaque and tartar. No wonder many people confuse ultrasonic cleaning with teeth whitening, although these are completely different procedures.

The disadvantage is the inability to carry out the procedure for children and people with hypersensitivity of the enamel. In this case, the doctor may offer local anesthesia, but often many patients have an allergic reaction to it.

Photo before and after

Purpose and possible contraindications

Ultrasonic cleaning is often prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons when preparing the patient for prosthetics, installing braces and implantation. Cleansing before small dental operations is good because it eliminates infections that occur in the sediments and can lead to infection and unpleasant consequences.

You can not agree to the procedure during pregnancy, heart disease, respiratory system, in the presence of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, with exacerbation of diabetes, inflammatory processes and tumors, erosions in the oral cavity, stomatitis, severe forms of tuberculosis, hepatitis, as well as diseases related to extreme risk group.

Strongly refuse to clean if you have dental implants and pacemakers. Ultrasonic waves have an adverse effect on various devices in the human body. In such cases, it will be obligatory to consult a general practitioner.

Reviews of the procedure

Let's look at a few reviews that will help you decide whether to carry out the procedure.

For more than 10 years, she suffered with a stone on her teeth, despite the fact that she kept her teeth in order and was engaged in their hygiene. But the friends told about such a procedure as ultrasonic cleaning of teeth. It turned out that I did not use it for so long in vain, because now I plan to do it at least once a year. So, firstly, it does not hurt at all, the only drawback is that after carrying out the procedure, it is imperative to abandon some of your favorite products, for example, coffee. But the result pleases.


The dentist advised to undergo the procedure after we finally cured all the problem areas. I am very pleased with the result, but the price does not please me a little - whatever you say, it turns out to be very expensive.


Unfortunately, even the best toothpaste and brush did not save: I love coffee, tea, other coloring drinks, which of course, affected the teeth very much. I decided to undergo ultrasonic cleaning. Despite the fact that the doctor said that it would not hurt, some discomfort was still, most likely this is due to large deposits of stones. But the result is really impressive.


Oral cavity care after ultrasonic cleaning of teeth

After the manipulation of the teeth, the first time will have to carefully care for them. It is advisable to change your familiar toothbrush with a new one with soft bristles to restore and strengthen teeth and gums.

The doctor will prescribe the recommended toothpaste to relieve irritation. About chewing gum asked to forget in the best case for five to seven days.

It is advisable to brush your teeth after meals or staining drinks. If there is no possibility to brush your teeth, then you can simply rinse them with a special tool or water.

If possible, smokers should leave the habit for a few days, or better for a week, because after visiting the dentist, the enamel may start to be painted even stronger than before. If smoking cannot be excluded for such a long time, then at least it is worth suffering the next two or three hours.

The first few days due to the fact that the natural protective film was removed from the teeth, products that contain active coloring agents are banned from use:

  • tomatoes;
  • sauces;
  • ketchup;
  • beet;
  • red berries;
  • curry;
  • mustard;
  • chocolate;
  • soy sauce.

All sweets, candies, ice cream, tooth sensitivity to sugar and temperature drops are also excluded, which can cause unpleasant pain.

The first days, doctors recommend drinking water, green tea, apple juice diluted with water. In no case should not use liquids that immediately stain enamel:

  • coffee;
  • tomato juice;
  • Red wine;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • cocoa.

Calcium-containing foods such as:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • natural yoghurt.

Rigid vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, apples, will be considered useful, and soft foods are not recommended due to the fact that they can get stuck in hard-to-reach places and require additional purification.

Today, the safety of the ultrasonic cleaning method, modern technology and convenience of the procedure attract people to undergo a professional tooth cleaning session, which, with proper further care, will give the wearer a dazzling smile for a long time.

Restoring the natural color of teeth is no longer a luxury. Everyone can afford not to be ashamed of his smile. To do this, you only need to make an appointment with the dentist, and with the help of safe ultrasonic cleaning you will get a snow-white smile that will give you confidence for a long time.

Watch the video: How to Clean Your Dental Implant : CIPC Tutorial (April 2024).