What can clean the intestines at home quickly, efficiently and without harm

There is a version that the cause of any human disease is improper nutrition. And the first and brunt of indiscretion in food is applied to the intestines. The intestine is a body that has one remarkable property: all undigested products can be stored in it from the moment it hits until the end of life.

Of course, such "storage" does not lead to anything good. Food that has not completely decomposed, firstly, it clogs the intestines, reducing its throughput and absorption capacity; and, secondly, acts as a toxin, constantly residing in the body.

Most often, this is fatty and fried foods, as well as foods containing a large amount of artificial additives. Therefore, regular cleaning of the intestines is absolutely necessary for the vast majority of people living in the city.

Below we talk about how to clean the intestines at home. Let's get started!

When you need to clean the intestines

Unfortunately, the need for regular cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract, few people realize. It happens that a person decides to clean his "own inner world" after the appearance of a number of symptoms characteristic of a slagged organism.

Problems that begin with ordinary fatigue and migraine can develop into dangerous diseases. Intestinal cleansing urgently should be carried out with the following manifestations:

  • frequent abdominal distention;
  • the formation of large amounts of gases;
  • worsening gastrointestinal tract, associated with constipation;
  • fatigue, accompanied by headache;
  • sweating limbs;
  • bad breath;
  • general weakening of the immune system.

The above symptoms in one or another stage of life can reveal almost every urban dweller. The risk zone includes people who do not monitor their diet, do not play sports and do not practice natural cleansing of the body by fasting.


General contraindications for bowel cleansing:

  • acute form of Crohn's disease;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • diverticulitis;
  • oncology (colorectal cancer);
  • severe hemorrhoids;
  • appendicitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Various methods of cleaning the intestines have separate contraindications.

For example, hydrocolonotherapy is not recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, renal failure, prostate adenoma.

You can not begin the procedure of cleaning the intestines of a person whose body is in a state of severe dehydration (at the beginning of the process a lot of fluid is lost).

Cleansing the bowel with enema at home

Enema was used in antiquity, so it still remains the most effective way to clean the lower GI tract. How to effectively clean the intestines with enema at home?

The use of enema at home requires adherence to a certain sequence of actions and taking into account the nuances.

  1. The choice of methods of cleaning and the choice of an appropriate enema (in most cases, the usual "pear" is ineffective and you have to use the Esmarch mug).
  2. Water preparation. Water should be boiled, the temperature of 38-43 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher, there will be a risk of burning the internal organs, and if lower, then it can be completely absorbed by the intestinal walls.
  3. If the patient sets himself an enema, then it is best to do it, standing on all fours and head down. In the case of another person’s help, the effective posture for an enema will be lying on its side.
  4. Tip of the enema should also be boiled and smeared with petroleum jelly. It needs to be injected no less than 5-7 centimeters to ensure full fluid penetration into the intestines.
  5. After the contents of the enema is completely in the intestine, the patient should try to keep the water in itself for as long as possible (from 5 to 15 minutes). The longer the fluid will be in the intestine, the more significant the cleaning will be - if you go to the toilet immediately, some of the fecal stones formed will remain.
  6. The best time for setting an enema is in the morning, immediately after waking up (5-7 am).
  7. Strict adherence to the selected cleaning method is mandatory. A single enema from a weekly course will not give the desired result.
  8. Applying the Esmarch mug, you need to control internal sensations. When pain occurs, the correct action is a temporary stopping of the procedure (without removing the enema tip) in combination with massaging the abdomen.

The most common bowel cleansing option is a Walker enema (in two liters of water, dissolve 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar), but the following enemas will also give a good result:

  • beet enema. 500-700 grams of beets finely chopped and pour a half liter of boiling water, insist half an hour and heat to the desired temperature. Course 5-10 procedures. The advantage is the softness of the enema, so that it is quite suitable for children;
  • hypertensive enema. 1 teaspoon of salt per half a glass of water. The water temperature is 24-26 degrees Celsius. Due to the effect on the intestinal mucosa, the enema causes an abundant output of fecal stones 30 minutes after application;
  • garlic enema. One clove of garlic (no more!) Grind and stir in one glass of boiled water. After heating the solution to the desired temperature, enter into the intestine, and overcoming a slight burning sensation, hold the liquid inside for at least five minutes. An additional positive effect from the enema will be the release of intestinal parasites. The course is one week;
  • enemas with herbal decoctions. Two tablespoons of dry medicinal herbs (sage, mint, chamomile and others) pour half a liter of boiling water. The resulting solution is desirable to boil, but if there is no such possibility, you can simply insist 20 minutes and strain. This variant of the enema involves the absorption of part of the injected solution by the internal intestinal walls, which increases the healing effect.

Ways to cleanse the intestines at home without an enema

Enema is not the most pleasant procedure, therefore, faced with the need to clean the intestines, a man of the Slavic mentality will prefer to find another way. Fortunately, there are a lot of those.

How to clean the intestines at home without an enema:

  • The method of cleaning with salt water.

The most accessible and effective enough, but requiring a certain endurance and discipline. The procedure is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. In a few liters of water, dissolve the sea salt (optional) in proportion to one teaspoon of salt per liter of water.

The temperature of the resulting mixture should be about forty degrees Celsius. Then within one and a half hours it is necessary to drink 10 glasses of salted water. Two glasses at once, and then all the rest. You should monitor the release of water from the body.

Reception of salt water should be continued until it comes out as clean as it was drunk. After an hour and a half, be sure to eat. Best suited cooked rice. Thirst quench water.

Any drinks (tea, coffee, sweet water) directly at the end of the procedure are not recommended. This purification is best done 3-5 days, with intervals of 1-2 days.

It is also possible to increase the concentration of salt in water (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water), but this solution can provoke nausea and vomiting, which, accordingly, will stop the procedure, not bringing it to the end.

  • Lemon-saline slagging.

A less rigid variation of Shank-Prakshalana, adapted for unprepared people. To spend rasklakovka should be early in the morning, at least two and a half hours before leaving the house.

In one and a half liters of water dissolve one tablespoon of salt and juice of one lemon. After drinking one glass of the mixture obtained, within five minutes you need to perform various exercises related to turning the body - bending, “grinding”, rotating the lower part of the body.

After 10 minutes, repeat everything from the beginning. After going through five cycles, there should be a desire to go to the toilet, if they are not there, then you need to drink another glass of lemon-saline solution. It is forbidden to lie in the intervals between cycles - this action can negate the whole effect of the procedure.

  • For patients with diabetes mellitus, intestinal cleansing with mineral water and sugar is suitable.

Heat 750 ml of water to body temperature, then dissolve one and a half tablespoons of sugar-xylitol in it, and immediately drink the maximum possible amount of the mixture. Then about 20 minutes should go around the house.

During this time, you can not sit or lie down! After this time, drink up the remaining water and wait for the urge to the toilet.
  • Cleaning with fresh juices.

The main condition is the naturalness of the juices (the most appropriate apple and carrot), the absence of flavors, dyes and other artificial filth in them. The technique is as follows.

During the day, you need to drink 2 liters of juice, dividing them into 5-6 servings. There is nothing impossible, in case of strong thirst, you can drink the minimum amount of warm boiled water, but it is better to suffer.

Of course, it is not recommended to leave the house, as the intestines can begin to be cleaned at almost any moment. When using juices that have a pronounced laxative effect (beetroot, plum), the procedure changes.

Acceptance of these juices - one glass 30 minutes before meals three to four times a day.

How to clean the intestines folk remedies

Folk remedies for cleaning the intestines differ from the above, on the one hand, the softness of the impact, and on the other, a longer period of use. If, for example, lemon-salt rasping or cleaning with juices is carried out in one day, then folk remedies are calculated for 5-7 days.

Read below, than from folk remedies you can clean the large and small intestines.

The most common folk remedies are as follows:

  • honey peeling

It can be used even in case of inflammation of the intestines, with precise observance improves the microflora. In one liter of water should stir five tablespoons of honey (best grasses).

It is advisable to wait for the complete dissolution of honey. Take one glass of the resulting solution before each meal. The course lasts one to two months without interruption.

  • cleaning porridge

In Russia, healers recommended that people who had problems with their bowels eat rice-porridge for breakfast. This method is very easy to use today.

The method of cooking porridge is simple: take half a cup of rice and half a cup of oatmeal, add water and cook until ready. To enhance the cleaning effect of porridge can be eaten twice a day - for breakfast and dinner.

It must be remembered that in the finished porridge can not add anything except salt (to taste). The maximum duration of a cleaning course is one week, usually four or five days are enough.

  • decoction of grass senna.

It is characterized by a strong laxative effect and has long been used to cleanse the large intestine. The tool should not be used by children, there may be unpleasant consequences in case of overdose, which causes a short duration of the course (7 days).

The broth is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of dried herbs is poured with a glass of water, after which the mixture should be boiled for 5 minutes, removed from the heat and allowed to brew for 15 minutes. Take a third of a glass a few hours before bedtime, if necessary, the dosage can be reduced to a quarter of a glass.

  • cleaning with boiled milk.

Fast folk remedy intestinal cleansing - a tangible effect is achieved in one step. Boil a glass of milk and leave for one day in a warm place.

The milk must be monitored - a film will form on it, which must be removed immediately. After a day in a milk, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil, and then drink at night.

The next morning, it is better to make breakfast small and healthy - eat a couple of apples or a fresh beet salad.

  • Kissel to clean the intestines.

Useful and very tasty folk remedy. Ingredients required: a pound of prunes, 50 grams of buckthorn and one bottle of holosas.

The dishes in which the pudding will be prepared should be enameled. After mixing all the components thoroughly, pour the mixture into two liters of water, boil it, hold it on low heat for half an hour, remove it from the stove and strain it several times.

Drink half a glass once a day before bedtime. After receiving it is advisable to keep dry fast until morning.

Cleaning the intestines with drugs at home

Looking for a way to quickly clean the intestines at home without harm? You to help drugs. However, before using any pharmaceutical agents, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Preparations for the thorough cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract are no exception, although the number of unintended consequences of their use is minimal.

Pharmaceutical agents that cleanse the intestines, in their overwhelming majority are drugs of a laxative effect. According to the principle of work in the body, there are three main groups of drugs:

  • Chemicals.

They act exclusively on the large intestine, therefore they are not suitable for complete gastrointestinal tract purification Getting into the colon, they recreate the effect of an enema.

The action of these drugs begins no earlier than six hours, so they can not be used as an emergency aid for poisoning. This group includes an inexpensive drug "bisacodil".

Method of application - once a day, before bedtime. Adults - 5 milligrams, in the absence of effect - 10-15 milligrams, children over 6 years old - 5 milligrams. Contraindications - acute intestinal diseases.

  • Means imitating intestinal occupancy.

When they enter the body, they "create the appearance" of a full intestine, after which the excretory system naturally cleans the entire gastrointestinal tract. Drugs in this group are characterized by rapid action, their typical representative is “Lactulose Poly”.

Sold in the form of syrup, applied once a day, 1-3 tablespoons for adults, 1-3 teaspoons for children. Contraindications include hypersensitivity. Overdose may cause diarrhea, nausea, flatulence.

  • Mechanical stimuli.

Remove fecal masses from the intestine, providing water flow to the gastrointestinal tract. The most extensive group of drugs. These include salt solutions, activated carbon.

Gently cleans the intestine preparation "Fortrans". It is applied as follows: 4 sachets of the drug dissolve in 4 liters of water. After a minimum breakfast, one liter of the resulting solution is taken inside.

Three hours after that, you need to eat loose, and drink another two liters of liquid. The remaining liter should be drunk after another hour. Contraindications - pregnancy, preschool age.

Preventing intestinal slagging

In medicine, there is a principle - "prevention is better than cure." To avoid intestinal contamination is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to eat properly and regularly hold fasting days.

Of course, if the intestine is already slagged, it must be properly cleaned. But even in this case, it will be useful to fast a day or two before the cleaning procedure.

For a general cleansing of the body and the prevention of gastrointestinal contamination, we can recommend the following diet (calculated for 2-3 days):

  • use at least 2.5 liters of water per day;
  • fish, chicken is only for lunch and with a garnish of several kinds of vegetables;
  • To replenish vitamins, drink at least two glasses of freshly squeezed vegetable juice per day, as well as at least one glass of herbal tea;
  • Thermally processed food should be three times less than raw.

For prolonged bowel cleansing (more than one week), foods that may interfere with the process should be excluded from the diet. It:

  • meat;
  • a fish;
  • milk products;
  • flour products;
  • eggs;
  • alcohol;
  • confectionery.

This list is close to the vegan food system. Even for the most weak-willed person to partially limit himself to food for several weeks is not difficult, given how much benefit he will bring to his body.

Very effective therapeutic fasting. With a complete refusal of food, a positive result will become noticeable on the third day.

And if a person is confident and adheres to dry fasting for several days, then on the second day the process of cell renewal will cover the entire body. The advantage of fasting is a small number of contraindications - cancer, purulent inflammatory processes and pregnancy.

Reviews on cleaning the bowel at home

At first I did not believe! Cleaning this way reduces weight, it took ten kilograms! I thought it was an ordinary nonsense, but when I tried it myself, my opinion changed.

Ekaterina, 32 years old, Moscow (about home bowel cleaning with salt water)

I am now allergic to salt. Not the real truth, but eating or drinking something salty will not be under any pretext. Cleansing went well. По окончании я обследовалась у специалистов и они подтвердили, что у меня всё в порядке.

Дарья, 24 года, Омск (об очистке кишечника солёной водой)

Фортранс - это жесть. Эффективный, но выпить надо очень много, причём ты не застрахован от спазмов и болей в животе. Его чаще всего перед операциями или рентгеном назначают.

Николай, 34 года, Самара (об очистке кишечника препаратом "Фортранс")

Чищусь уже четвёртый день, чувствую себя замечательно. В массе теряю, кушать совсем не хочется, чувство голода как будто умерло. Иногда овощи ем, а так силы буквально из воздуха берутся.

Инна, 35 лет, Тула (об очистке кишечника клизмой)

Пила свекольный сок месяц, вначале из-за большой дозировки появлялась боль в правом боку, потом пропала. Кишечник полностью очистился, печень как у восемнадцатилетней девочки. Всем советую.

Майя, 44 года, Новосибирск (об очистке свекольным соком)

Принимаю травяные отвары вовнутрь уже больше трёх недель. В первые несколько дней не рисковал далеко отходить от туалета, а потом всё устаканилось. Скоро окончание курса, уже потерял семь килограммов, и энергия плещет через край. Надо теперь не запустить себя опять и продолжить сбалансированно питаться.

Алексей, 31 год, Анапа (об антипаразитарной травяной очистке)

Очистка кишечника - это очень полезное для здоровья мероприятие. Если к нему подойти с умом, то через несколько дней ЖКТ правильно перестроится, а организм вернётся к нормальной переработке пищи.

Дополнительная информация о способах почистить кишечник дома - в следующем видео.

Watch the video: How to Cleanse Your Colon Naturally at Home Colon Cleanse Smoothie (May 2024).