What do the moles on the face of women mean

The opportunity to learn about oneself and one's fate from birthmarks came to us from India and Tibet. The locals believed that the mole was a bunch of information and energy of a person, a kind of karma label.

By the color, shape and location of these tags, you can predict your fate and learn about hidden talents and opportunities. So, moles on the face - what is their value in women?

How to read the value of moles on the face?

Give a clue to the solution of a mole can its appearance and location:

  1. Forehead. Marks in the areas above the eyebrows and near the bridge of the nose are a sign of intelligent and capable people. The best professions for them are a politician, a diplomat, or a civil servant. The right side of the forehead at the roots is responsible for leadership, the ability to organize and cause sympathy among others. Such people have a stubborn and unshakable character. But the markings in the area on the left warn about the weak and driven people. They are also capable of extravagant acts.
  2. Eyebrow area. This place is also called the “third eye”. Naturally, in this area, moles indicate a good intuition of a person, mental development, a thirst for knowledge of mystical and esoteric things. Therefore, most often these people have the makings of extrasensory perception and clairvoyance. But it is impossible to determine whether this sign will bring happiness or misfortune.
  3. Nose bridge. This area is responsible for the creative and vibrant nature, thirst for travel, adventure and adventure. People tagged on the nose have a lively fantasy.
  4. Eyebrows Mark the birthmark on the eyebrows on the right side indicates a good marriage. Such people early meet their half, but family life remains happy for many years. But the mole on the left eyebrow can mean difficulties in married life.
  5. Whiskey. On the left side signs are marked sentimental natures. Such people have the gift to see and remember dreams that come true. Many fortune tellers can see the same mark. It is carefully hidden, as there is a belief that a bad evil can deprive of a gift.
  6. Cheekbones The marks on the cheeks generally indicate a strong personality, which is designed to fight for high life values. People with such qualities become leaders and have great weight in society.
  7. Eyes. Usually, markings are on the outside of the eye. Their owners are modest and calm.
  8. Ears. A mole in this zone can be a sign of a bouncer and a liar. In rational people, this translates into originality of thinking and worldview. But the presence of markings inside the ear is a sign that all is not well with metabolism or the nervous system.

What does the shape and color of moles on the face in women

In addition to location, has its own value and color moles. The treatment often depends on the location, but there are general rules:

  1. The most common are shades of colors such as brown and yellow.
  2. Black is often a bad sign.
  3. Golden, rich shades of pink, honey yellow, are considered marks of good luck.
  4. Emerald shades of green have a good meaning.
  5. Green with a mixture of blue promises problems.
  6. Red color depends on many criteria. This is a sign of the zodiac, and the relationship with Mars, etc.

The influence of the mole and its strength are measured by the saturation of the color. The weaker the shade, the smaller the value of the mark. And the more intense, the more influence it has.

Ancient people attached importance and shape of moles. Determine what information carries the label can be on the general grounds. So, if she:

  1. Round - foreshadows good, is a good sign.
  2. Convex - a person with such a mark is waiting for happiness and luck.
  3. Oval, elongated - the owner of such a mole is doomed to a constant series of tests and difficulties. The darker such marks, the harder it will be life.
In addition, the side on which the moles are located is also important. On the left are usually those who carry positive information, and on the right - negative.

Differences in the meaning of moles on the face in men and women

According to statistics, the number of moles in men is significantly less than in women. And in many ways the meaning of the marks is not different. There are only a few features in the interpretation:

  1. Glory and success are predicted marks located in the forehead. They have a particularly strong influence on the right side.
  2. The marks on the side of the neck speak of constant unhappiness. But the front means a possible career growth.
  3. The carefree life is provided to owners of marks on the ears.
  4. Difficulties, troubles and severe trials are destined to those who have marks on their shoulders.
  5. About a man with moles in the back can say that he is honest and open.
  6. An indecisive person is given marks on his feet.
  7. It is destined to be a lazy and inactive person who has moles in the area of ​​the buttocks.
  8. Paired moles on the feet are usually worn by people with an extraordinary journey of travel. If the mark is only on one leg, the value will be different. So, on the left foot, signs appear in dreamy but cautious personalities. Mark on the right means that you can not dream of traveling.

How to interpret moles esoteric

During the Middle Ages, moles were considered marks of devilish power. Therefore, because of them could easily burn at the stake.

According to the esoteric, there are only three areas, moles in which can be a sign of the presence of extrasensory and paranormal possibilities.

  1. Temporal area. In this place moles appear in people with highly developed intuition. Such people have the opportunity to develop their abilities. These include: predicting the future, clairvoyance and good insight. It is impossible to deceive such a person.
  2. Knee zone. The ideal location of the mark is slightly above the patella. This mark indicates a predisposition to practice magic. In addition, people with similar signs can communicate with the world of the dead. Dreams indicate a strong connection between a person and otherworldly forces. In them, a person often sees relatives who are not alive.
  3. Lip area The “fatal” label should be directly above the upper lip. Such an arrangement speaks of the ability to hypnotize and the presence of the gift of persuasion. With the help of innate charm, such people easily manage people. Another ability is the materialization of words. Said under the influx of emotions the word may well come true. Often a mole above the lip suggests that a person is able to influence the mood of others. Often called glacial.

Moles have a lot of meanings. It all depends on their location, shape and color. But if you know the general rules, you can easily “read” people. This ability is useful in any professional field.

There is a chance to meet people with supernatural skills. This, too, can be learned from the moles on their face. And although there are differences between men and women, in many respects the location of the tags is the same.

And a little more information about the meaning of the birthmark on the cheek - in the next video.

Watch the video: What Moles On a Women's Body Say About Their Personality (May 2024).