Why there is dryness in the vagina and how to get rid of it

Throughout their lives, women often face problems of an intimate nature. In the event of any discomfort, you should immediately see a specialist. The same applies to the appearance of dryness in the vagina. In our material we will look at why this usually happens and how to properly treat it.

The main causes of

In medical practice, this problem is called colpitis or atrophic vaginitis. But this term is still valid in relation to certain variants of the appearance of pathologies. Moreover, the processes of thinning mucous membranes, size changes can be associated not only with hormonal disruptions, but also with infection of the urinary tract due to the use of inappropriate hygiene products.

The most well-known symptoms include:

  • burning sensation;
  • "tightness" of the walls;
  • severe itching;
  • pain during intercourse.

If the problem is related to hormonal disorders, then the above symptoms include:

  • lack of desire for sexual intimacy;
  • dryness and the appearance of bleeding during sex.

It is important to remember that the decrease in natural lubrication causes a thinning of the epithelium of internal organs, the beneficial microflora worsens, which can cause an inflammatory process. It is for this reason that the mood deteriorates, the woman feels lethargic, weak.

To solve a problem, you first need to determine why dryness in the vagina occurred. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. A serious illness, and only a doctor can establish it. Often occurs with uterine myoma, severe inflammation, Sjogren's syndrome.
  2. Change hormonal levels. Often the problem appears during pregnancy or menopause.
  3. Common causes. Dryness can be caused, for example, by improper hygiene, taking antibiotics, drugs that lower blood pressure.

It should be remembered that the use of modern gels and fragrances for the care of the intimate area often causes dryness, because such agents contain a lot of "chemistry", which leads to disruption of the glands. In addition, the problem may be banal allergies.

Also, the reason may be the use of linen made of synthetic fabric, and size is important - tight underwear leads to impaired blood circulation, itching, irritation.

But it is important to remember that the appearance of dryness can be caused by menopause or pregnancy, often this problem occurs during or after menopause. Let's take a closer look at each of these cases.


Discomfort is often disturbed even by healthy women, especially 2-4 days before their appearance. It should be remembered that during this period the level of the hormone progestogen increases, which suppresses the production of estrogen, which leads to such problems. It should be remembered - such dryness is not a sign of any pathology, you just need to wait.

During pregnancy

Often the pregnancy is not quite smooth - the woman feels unwell, nausea, and dryness in the vagina is observed, which is caused by a change in hormonal levels.

After childbirth

After the birth of the child, the problem usually goes away by itself, rather quickly the body begins to function normally.

However, about 15% of pregnant women continue for a short period after birth to complain of vaginal dryness, itching. It is important to remember that this period does not last more than three months.


Climax, or menopause, is a period of significant changes in a woman's body. Such a restructuring is associated with a significant decrease in estrogen production. On average, this problem concerns more than 50% of women. In the event of unpleasant symptoms, it is mandatory to consult a doctor.

Age problems

Approximately seven years after menopause, the amount of estrogen is reduced by almost 80%. According to studies, 75% of women are over 60 and suffer from colpitis with all the ensuing consequences: itching, dryness, bleeding. It is also mandatory to visit a doctor.

The main methods of treatment

To get rid of dryness, you should visit the doctor, because only a doctor can diagnose, find the problem and prescribe treatment. Of the required procedures, a woman should undergo an examination, where the doctor will take a smear, prescribe a complete blood count, which will avoid the development of urinary tract infection.

There are several general measures that are aimed at eliminating pathologies:

  1. In the case of menopause, non-hormonal therapy is prescribed.
  2. During pregnancy or when feeding a child, you should use safe moisturizers, such as ointments or gels.
  3. With improper hygiene, you should abandon any cosmetics, toilet scented paper.

But to take antibiotics, hormonal drugs without consulting a doctor should not be, because self-treatment with such serious drugs can cause the appearance of infections.

In addition, doctors advise the following:

  1. To lead a regular sex life, and with one partner.
  2. Eat right, do not get carried away with too salty or spicy food.
  3. To refuse from bad habits.

What medications can help

If the problem is associated with a violation of the production of estrogen, doctors usually prescribe non-hormonal pills, which are effective in the case when hormones cannot be taken for many reasons, for example, because of pregnancy, etc. There are a variety of drugs: candles, homeopathic tablets, ointments, creams that will help relieve discomfort. For example, before sexual intercourse it is best to use lubricants without fragrances, you should also take vitamins A and E, which will maintain a healthy state of the skin and mucous membranes.

You can use Vagikal candles on the basis of calendula, which relieve a burning sensation, itching, remove dryness, help heal wounds. You can also use the suppository vaginal Feminela, providing a similar effect. Cycatridine will help, which provides moisturizing of the vagina for a long time. Means Klimadinon stimulates the production of estrogen.

When menopause occurs or age-related changes, doctors usually prescribe hormone replacement therapy. It is important to remember here - only a doctor can prescribe drugs after a thorough examination, because if you prescribe a treatment yourself, this can cause dysplasia.

Such therapy involves the use of tablets, suppositories, ointments. For example, Dermestril or Divigel gels are injected with a special applicator, while the discomfort disappears within an hour. The gynecologist introduces special hormonal rings: dryness and burning disappear after a couple of hours.

You can use candles for the vagina (for example, Oripod), they need to be applied for a course of two weeks, and, as doctors advise, the number of candles is reduced to the end of the reception.

In some cases, additional prescribed courses pills.

Help traditional medicine

If you want to eliminate dryness folk remedies, it is best to do the bath, do not forget about douching. The main thing, choosing the appropriate option, take into account personal preferences, such as allergies or intolerances.

You can help deal with the problem in the following ways:

  1. For this you will need oregano, nettle and calendula, chamomile and veronica drug 50g. Mix all the herbs together, pour 500 ml of boiling water, cook for five minutes and then leave to infuse. A course - on 100 ml of funds within 12 days. If after this dryness has not passed, it is worth to consult a doctor.
  2. Excellent help from dryness decoction motherboard and uterus boron. It is necessary to mix 50 g of dry grass, pour 0.4 liters of water, boil the mixture. Take 70 ml of broth three times a day before meals.
  3. Douching with calendula is a very effective option. It is important to remember that it is possible to douche with dryness no more than five times - in the opposite case, it is possible to disrupt the beneficial microflora.

You can also make useful baths of motherwort, which not only help relieve discomfort, but also relax. Pour 50-60 g of dry grass with 0.5 liters of water, boil for about three minutes, and after the infusion is done, strain it and add it to the bath. Try to take such baths at least once a week to get rid of the problem.

As you can see, there are various methods of treatment, including in traditional medicine, but it is worth remembering that if the symptoms persist for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Watch the video: Vaginal Dryness Mayo Clinic Womens Health Clinic (May 2024).