How to make a thin waist and remove the stomach at home

It is difficult to imagine the owners of the fair sex, who would not have dreamed of a thin, perfect waist. The fashion for bodies is changing, once curvaceous forms were in fashion, then thin, model standards became fashionable.

But at any time, the beauty and femininity of the body could be judged by the waist. The hourglass shape will probably never go out of style.

What should be the perfect waist

Many have heard a long time ago that in the people the ideal body parameters are the size of circles 90-60-90. But is it possible, for each type of body structure, height, weight, other parameters of an ideal figure correspond.

In fact, it is quite individual and the waist size of sixty centimeters for one will be too small, and for the other too much.

Scientifically, with the help of formulas and calculations, the ideal parameters of a modern girl have been compiled. They can be considered in the table and decide for themselves how far these calculations are far from reality.

Height, cmWaist circumference, cm

Here you can see that the waist volume is growing in direct proportion to the weight, therefore, with the growth of 175 cm, it is not necessary to strive for parameters 90-60-90. It is not necessary to achieve the waist volume indicated in the table.

Remember, it is important to be feminine and neat, and not frantically strive for fifty centimeters in volume and look exhausted. Perhaps it is physiologically impossible to do. There are always ways to become slimmer, the main thing is to understand that for this you need and try hard.

How to quickly make the waist thin

To make a waist thinner is quite realistic. Have patience, because quickly nothing happens and does not fall from the sky, especially thin waist. Subcutaneous fat with an inactive lifestyle and overeating, unfortunately, does not quickly go away.

After all, he becomes a good camouflage of our aspen waist. Here is the answer to the popular question - is it possible to quickly make the waist thin?

Subcutaneous fat protects the body from temperature changes, protects internal organs and stores energy when hunger occurs. One gram of fat contains nine calories, therefore, you can calculate how much energy is needed to burn a few pounds of fat.

Thus, to burn a kilogram of fat, you need to spend 9 thousand calories, given that one effective cardio (for example, running) burns from 500 to 800 calories. This is a laborious job that requires a certain amount of time and effort. It all depends on you.

Suppose the body was starving all day, and even received physical exertion, and in the evening took the incentive prize as a bun, then in this case you should not expect a positive result.

The fact is that the body does not give up fat during fasting, as it leaves it in reserve for a rainy day.

When food, especially sugar (flour, sweet) enters the hungry organism, it is immediately deposited as fat in the problem areas.

Hunger slows down the metabolism. Therefore, you need to eat several times a day and always just the right food. The sooner you begin to comply with all measures, the faster you will achieve the result.

Top tips for a slim waist

To obtain the required volume of the waist circumference, it is necessary to apply a set of certain measures. Consider the basic principles of how to make the waist thin.

  1. Do not overeat, it leads to overweight;
  2. Eat right. Proper nutrition takes a large share of success;
  3. Consume enough water, because a dehydrated body tends to draw in excess water and swell;
  4. Exercise, energy for exercise will be taken from subcutaneous fat;
  5. Rest and get enough sleep. Sleep should be at least 8 hours, the tired organism will not give up energy and fat;
  6. Do not be nervous. Stress produces a hormone cortisol, which disrupts the metabolism.

Exercises for slimming at home

For the formation of a thin waist and a beautiful taut belly, it is not necessary to go to the gym and spend money. There are many exercises for the waist that can be performed at home or in the near park. So, how to make the waist thinner and remove the stomach? Exercises to help!

Cardio load

You should know that fat is not burned locally, it is in the desired place, it burns evenly throughout the body. So, to get fat from the abdomen, you need to work on all muscle groups. Especially pay attention to the loads that maximize energy consumption.

These are cardiovascular, such loads train the heart muscle by increasing the pulse and blood circulation. These include: running, cycling, jumping with a skipping rope, special cardio equipment. You can run in the park, jump with a rope is possible at home. There are many options, the main thing to start.

Lying down

Quite simple to perform, but very effective exercise. It is carried out by springing movements, which will help to burn excess fat due to the large number of repetitions.

Lying on the floor, hands behind head, chin looking up, legs bent at the knees. With an exhalation, we tear the shoulder blades from the floor to the height of the matchbox, lower the breath, feeling the work of the rectus abdominis muscle, especially its upper part, bringing it to a burning sensation in the muscle.

The main thing is to breathe correctly, not to make the throat lock hold your breath.

Exercise can be done 30-60 seconds. If necessary, repeat the three approaches. It is important not to overdo it and leave strength.


Features of the implementation of the technique of this exercise is that his work includes a deep transverse muscle of the abdomen, which is located in the inner layer of the abdominal muscles and performs a stabilization, that is, supporting function. Pulling up to the spine, the muscle will make the stomach more flat.

Lying on the abdomen, feet resting on the floor, we begin a slow rise of the body, vertebra behind the vertebra up, feeling the work of the abdominal muscles. Hands in front of you or on the shoulders. The main thing is not to make jerks. We also descend slowly and gradually.

It is important to breathe correctly. We inhale and as we exhale, we begin to ascend, we inhale the top again and as we exhale, we descend without holding the breath. The number of repetitions from 20-30 times, to the sensation of burning muscles in 2-4 approaches, taking into account physical fitness.

Lifting legs

This exercise is aimed at working on the rectus abdominis muscle, a large load is directed to its lower part.

This technique will help strengthen the muscle, tighten the lower abdomen, burning fat.

On the female type, fat is deposited in this zone of the abdomen and on the sides. Therefore, the exercise is to learn.

Lying on your back, palm under the buttocks, to prevent stress on the lower back. The lumbar region is pressed tightly against the floor. Keep your legs straight below, and with an exhalation, raise both legs to an angle of 90 degrees, and lower to inhale. We carry out 20-30 repetitions on 3-4 approaches.

Lateral twisting

This exercise is designed to work out the oblique and intercostal muscles of the abdomen, it will help reduce the waist. Exercise should be performed with its own weight, since excessive force loading can increase the thickness of the muscles, this will only expand the waist. For example, block torsional exercise machines for oblique muscles, contribute to a set of muscle mass, so avoid large weights.

So, lying on his back, legs bent at the knees, feet shoulder-width apart, rest on the floor. We put the right palm behind the head and tearing off the right shoulder blade from the floor, stretch our elbow to the opposite knee in a diagonal. 20-30 reps on one side, then on the other.


Great exercise that uses absolutely all muscle groups. In particular, both the outer and the inner layer are well included in the work of the abdominal muscles. The exercise is static, that is, performed by holding this position for a certain time.

Put your palms on the floor, at shoulder level, put your legs across the width of the pelvis, tear off your knees from the floor and take an equal position of the whole body parallel to the floor. It is important that the press is involved in the work, because its work will not only strengthen the muscles, but also eliminate the load on the spine, prevent lumbar sagging.

We maintain the position of 30-60 seconds whenever possible.

Hula Hup

The usual name is a hoop for the waist. To delineate the waist zone and break up fat deposits, after exercising the press, end the complex by rotating the hula hoop.

But here you need to be careful, if you have problems with the lumbar region and inflammation of the internal organs, the exercise is prohibited, as it can aggravate the disease. Rotation accelerates blood circulation and increases the pulse, so it can rightly be considered a fat burning method of training.

To start, 5-10 minutes will be enough, then the time can be increased.

Food for thin waist

As already mentioned, nutrition refers to the main methods of obtaining aspen waist. The importance of nutrition is 70-80% success. Of course, there are factors that prevent to get the desired result.

For example, genetic predisposition to fullness, hormonal disruption, lack of digestive enzymes that digest fat and carbohydrates. In this case, you need the help of doctors.

If the body is completely healthy, and excess weight is still present, rather, you overeat or eat improperly.

No need to sit on diets, as this is a temporary effect, forget about them. Make it a rule to eat right.

The main principles of proper nutrition:

  • less carbohydrate, more protein. Carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, flour, sweets) are necessary to maintain energy in the body for life. Therefore, they are not recommended to be included in the diet in the second half of the day, since the non-consumed energy in the form of carbohydrates will turn into fat deposits in the waist and hips. For the evening, leave the protein - meat, fish, dairy products and vegetables;
  • remove simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are simple and complex. For weight loss, it is preferable to choose precisely complex carbohydrates, cereals. These carbohydrates, unlike fast, easily digestible (fructose, glucose), do not increase the level of insulin, which adds weight. Therefore, remove them from the diet, and leave the cereals and fruits for the first half of the day;
  • do not starve, eat often. Hunger contributes to the retention of fat to save the body. This is its protective function. If you eat often in small portions, then the SOS signal does not come to the brain, and fat is easily transferred to energy for processing;
  • do not overeat Although you need to eat often, it does not mean that you need to eat half the daily rate for breakfast. Portions should be small and contain less variety of foods at a time, as it will be very difficult for enzymes to digest all the ingredients. Thus, the metabolism can slow down;
  • drink water on an empty stomach and between meals. Water not only removes protein decomposition products (ammonia) from the body, but also removes the false feeling of hunger, removing it for a while.

Another way to get a very thin waist

This can include a pleasant and useful way - massage the abdomen. You can do as a self-massage, and with the help of a specialist. Massage affects the improvement of metabolism, improves blood circulation, breaks down fat deposits, tightens and improves skin elasticity.

And also, massage will help restore strength after the complex of exercises.

Self-massage is desirable to do on clean skin with the addition of cosmetic oil for massage. By grabbing the fat fold, as if by rolling movements, we stretch the skin up and down. Do not bring to pain and bruises.

5 effective tips to make your waist thinner in a week

How to make a thin waist and flat stomach in a week? Consider the most effective measures. In keeping with this complex, the waistline will noticeably decrease in volume in just one week.

  1. We start to run in the morning on an empty stomach. Energy will be taken from the fat depot immediately, it will quickly lead to fat burning;
  2. We remove the sweet. Do not litter the body with excess calories, we follow proper nutrition;
  3. Eat more vegetables and proteins. They have the least calories, and the portions look more impressive, so they are quite saturated;
  4. Drink flaxseed or olive oil before breakfast. Surprisingly, the consumption of unsaturated fats leads to weight loss, since their molecular compounds are capable of capturing free fat from the body and excreting it in more than what it received.
  5. We consume less salt, but do not exclude. Excessive salt intake retains water and leads to swelling, which adds extra centimeters at the waist.

How to make a waist thinner: reviews

I was very helped to achieve the result of a complex of five effective measures. I started to run in the morning on an empty stomach, I removed the sweet, ate more vegetables with the addition of olive oil. Received minus 5 centimeters in waist. The result is available in just a week!

Inga, 26 years old, Syktyvkar

Loved the set of exercises at home. Exercise really helps reduce waist. Engaged every day for 15-20 minutes. At first I jumped on a rope for 5-10 minutes to warm up the muscles, then twisting, lifting the legs, a plank, side twisting. Performed a set of three approaches, finished training the rotation of the hoop with special massage balls to break the fat for 5-10 minutes. The complex does not take much time, and the effect is obvious - minus five centimeters at the waist in two weeks and minus three kilograms of total weight.

Oksana, 30 years old, Moscow


To achieve the goal, to have a thin waist, there is little training for 15 minutes, there must be strong-willed work on yourself every hour, every day.

To be healthy and beautiful, the dream of every girl. Applying all the tips in practice, it will be quite easy to do. Do not forget about the main principles:

  1. Proper nutrition;
  2. Physical exercise;
  3. Rest and sleep.

All this in the complex will quickly lead to the final result. It is quite possible to have a perfect waist, the main thing is just to want and go forward to the dream.

Some more exercises for a thin waist are in this video.

Watch the video: Workouts for Women : How to Lose Belly Fat with Exercises (May 2024).