What distinguishes twins from twins biologically and externally

The birth of a child is always a great happiness not only for parents, but also for their loved ones, and if two, three, or even more babies are born at once, this happiness will multiply, but worries and everyday difficulties will increase. Some people until adulthood do not understand the difference between twins and twins.

In fact, the people called the twins those people who were formed from one zygote, that is, from the confluence of the egg and sperm, they are also called monozygous. And twins are born when two sperm cells fuse with two separate eggs.

What distinguishes twins from twins: definitions and wording

In medicine, there is no such thing as twins or triplets. This number only shows the number of children. Need to correctly say: identical and fraternal twins.

Identical twins are born only of the same sex, have the same blood group, skin color, fingerprints, and so on.

Before the age of one, they are confused and even their parents do not immediately recognize.

But the two-needy or fraternal kids, or as they are commonly called twins, outwardly do not have such identical similarities, rather they resemble each other like ordinary children. Twins can be born heterosexual, have a different color of skin, hair, eyes. They also differ in character and of course they cannot be confused.

Biological features

Why identical babies are born, nobody knows to the end, but doctors assume the birth of two or more children for some reason:

  1. After fertilization, the egg begins to divide into two, three or more parts.
  2. At the same time identical babies are born.
  3. Pregnancy can proceed in such a way that babies have one common bladder and one common placenta.
  4. Or each child has its own bladder, but one placenta.
  5. Each fetus is equipped with its own bladder and placenta.

At birth, semi-identical or identical children have their own characteristics. This is a rare case.

  1. A certain polar body is attached to the egg cell, which dies off during fertilization, but in a rare case this does not happen and life originates in this body.
  2. In this case, the polar body can be fertilized or with one or more spermatozoa.

At birth of double-needle or fraternal babies, the following occurs.

  1. Pregnancy occurs with the fertilization of two eggs.
  2. Each baby has an individual fetal bladder and placenta.

External features

All identical or identical people look very similar to each other, especially they are difficult to distinguish in the first years of life.

Identical twins

But it so happens that their appearance reflects each other as in a mirror. For example, if one person has a mole on his left cheek, then his twin can have exactly the same mole on his right cheek.

In addition, they have the same color of the eyes, hair, skin, and even the location of the teeth, as well as the bone and muscle structure of the body. Monozygous children, without exception, are of the same sex, have the same blood group and fingerprints.

If absolutely necessary, transplanting organs and tissues between twins can be done with the confidence that everything will be successful. Also, the twins are always sick at the same time.

The appearance of monozygotic babies cannot be planned and it does not matter how old the mother is. Although, the older a woman carries a child under her heart, the greater the likelihood that twins are born.

Semi-identical twins

Monozygotic twins are semi-identical, but their main difference from identical twins is that they can be born opposite-sex.

Outwardly, they are very similar to each other, but at the same time it can be a boy and a girl. In such people, the mother's egg genes are 100% identical and have half the father's genes. By their genetic similarity, they coincide by 75%.

Sometimes it turns out that semi-identical kids match in gender, but differ in their race.

So if the mother is Chinese, and the father is an Arfican, then one child may be Chinese, and the other a Negro.

Dizygotic twins or twins

These twins can be of the same sex or of different sexes. With their genetic similarity, they coincide from 40 to 60%. Moreover, in contrast to the identical children, it is not always possible to transplant each other's organs and tissues with them.

The appearance of twins can be planned or predicted. Often, twins are obtained when parents decide to take extreme measures and use IVF services.

The twins look like ordinary brothers and sister, their similarity can be strong and not very. They may also have different blood types.

Is it possible to plan the birth of such babies?

As mentioned earlier, it is almost impossible to predict the birth of identical children, no one knows whether the egg will divide or not.

Assuming that twins are born is possible only if someone of the maternal line has identical children.

But to plan dvuzygotnyh twins is quite likely. First of all it affects:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • race, so twins are born more in Africans than in Asians.
  • the age of the mother, the older the woman, the more likely the conception of twins;
  • the duration of the menstrual cycle, the shorter it is, the more often twins are born;
  • some pathology in the structure of the uterus;
  • in vitro fertilization (IVF).

All of these signs can lead to the birth of twizzyotny twins or twins.

How does the education of twins and twins

Raising twins and twins is different from the education of ordinary children. In the womb and since birth, these children are always together. They are always near and in the stroller, in the crib, in the bath, they even breastfeed at the same time.

And so gradually developing, they get used to each other and in their own way develop the world around them. Often monozygous babies become victims of their parents, especially for identical people, when they are equally combed or sheared and equally dressed, thereby attracting the attention of others.

Since the twins are for the most part heterosexual, they should be brought up accordingly. The boy develop responsibility and pliability, and raise the girl in the spirit of the future mother and mistress.

In identical children, despite the external similarity, the nature may be completely different. As a rule, one child is the leader (this is the one who was born for a few minutes first), and the other has a softer and more malleable character.

Therefore, parents should restrain the pressure of the leader and encourage the more compliant and compliant child. The problem of the twins is that they are so accustomed to each other, they are so lacking in this communication that it is difficult to adapt to society. In this case, parents should do everything possible so that children adapt to society.

It is not necessary to emphasize their similarity artificially, on the contrary, the older they become, the outwardly they should differ at least in clothes and hairstyle. On the birthday of identical kids, order or bake you need not one, but two cakes, and always do so. To encourage the enthusiasm and healthy inclinations of each child individually.

In twins, this problem occurs rarely, usually they behave like brothers and sister. As adults, twins can move away from each other, but the twins, on the contrary, are increasingly converging.

What distinguishes twins from twins: draw conclusions

Already in the womb, twins are different from twins.

  1. The twins must have a separate fetal bladder and a separate placenta, while the twins have the same two components.
  2. Twins are always born the same sex, but twins are not always.
  3. Outwardly, the twins are difficult to distinguish from each other, and the similarity of the twins is only 50%.
  4. The twins have the same type of blood, body structure, color of eyes, hair, skin, and so on, which is not the case of twins.
  5. It is impossible to plan the birth of identical children, but the appearance of fraternal twins can be predicted.
  6. In raising twins, there are difficulties with adapting them to the world around them, while twins have almost no such task.

Adults should be able to distinguish twins from twins, but this is not the main thing.

We must understand that twins and twins want to be recognized, respectful people and want, like all children, to be loved and cared for.

And an additional video about how twins differ from twins.

Watch the video: Psychological Research - Crash Course Psychology #2 (April 2024).