Features of metabolic restoration in the body

One can only envy the person who, eating everything up to which his hands reach, does not get fat at all. This happens because of a good metabolism, which helps to carry out all metabolic processes. At the same time, a completely different picture can be observed: a balanced diet contributes to weight gain.

Such a metabolic disorder can occur at any age with any person. In the end, other health problems may develop, since the chemical processes of food splitting in the intestines and its processing occur with impairments.

It is the metabolism that can be called the basic condition of human life, since without the assimilation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, life simply stops. When a violation occurs in the assimilation of at least one element, failures gradually begin in all organs.

What factors affect the metabolism, why it is disturbed and what it leads to

By itself, the metabolism is of 3 types: high, slow and normal. Each of them affects a number of factors, knowing that you can control the set and weight loss.

  1. The presence of muscle mass is a determining factor in metabolism, since every kilogram of muscle can burn almost 4 times more calories than adipose tissue in the same amount. It does not even require constant exercise, because the muscles are involved in the metabolic process day and night.
  2. The time interval between meals should be optimal so that the body does not begin to postpone food stocks for the future. The most useful is the fractional food 5 times a day every 3 hours in small portions.
  3. A balanced diet with the participation of all types of proteins, fats and carbohydrates so that the hormones are released at a normal pace.
  4. Drinking at least 2 liters of water per day to accelerate the breakdown of nutrients in the body.
  5. In many ways, the metabolic rate is a genetic gift from parents.
  6. The metabolic processes in the body of women and men, as well as their rate of flow, differ.
  7. The presence of pathological diseases in the body can slow down the metabolism, as well as hormonal problems.
  8. Constant stress and overwork can cause a slowdown in metabolism.
  9. Long-term diet can cause slow metabolism, especially if it is severely limited by certain foods.

Most often, metabolism is influenced by age and heredity, but other factors can slow it down. Since modern man is constantly exposed to stress, leads a wrong lifestyle and often starts the treatment of diseases, a metabolic disorder is not something rare and unexplored.

Symptoms of impaired metabolism are easy to notice, as they immediately appear in the form:

  • deterioration of the skin, especially of the hands and face;
  • deterioration of hair and nails, unhealthy skin color and damage to the enamel of the teeth, because the body loses the necessary amount of nutrients;
  • increase and decrease in body weight, shortness of breath, sweating and edema, in rare cases developing into muscular dystrophy.

The effect of metabolism on weight loss, weight gain

Metabolism itself is the rate at which the body processes food and turns it into energy.

When the body absorbs the optimal amount of calories, it is impossible to gain extra weight, but when the calories are much higher, they gradually turn into body fat. With impaired metabolism, the body simply lacks a normal amount of calories, or there are too many of them, so losing weight or gaining weight occurs.

How to restore metabolism in the human body

In general, a high metabolism is considered a boon by many people, because it does not allow them to become fat, therefore, as a rule, no one normalizes it.

The most dangerous is slowing down the metabolism, which can be normalized, if you follow healthy habits, slightly change the daily routine.

Sign up for a massage, go in for sports all the time, avoid stress, and begin to eat and relax. Such rules are relatively simple, so absolutely everyone can follow them. But sometimes it happens that a person, already leading a healthy lifestyle, is still getting fatter even from the smell of a delicious bun, so other helpers can help to increase the metabolic rate.

  1. A nutritionist can prescribe pills that help speed up the metabolism. These include saturation-enhancing Reduxin, Xenical blocking the absorption of fat. Oxandrolone helps reduce fat deposition and accelerate muscle development, while Glucofage enhances lipid metabolism. They will not be able to influence too much, but as an addition to complex treatment they act quite effectively.
  2. Normalization of nutrition and use of products that accelerate the process of metabolism. It needs a large amount of water to maintain the water balance in the body. All food should be divided into 5 servings, it should be foods rich in proteins and omega-3 fats. Be sure to require the consumption of large quantities of fruits and vegetables during the day. Diversify your food with spices and seasonings: red pepper, cinnamon and ginger help to increase metabolism. Useful high-quality green tea without sugar.
  3. There is a special diet - table №8 by Pevzner, which is aimed at the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. It is more focused on recovery in general, and not on weight loss. The principle of the diet is to switch to vegetable and protein food with the exception of fatty, fried and smoked food from the diet. Of course, you should completely give up bad habits. Dairy products help to develop muscles, and spices - to increase the rate of metabolism.
  4. With the help of vitamin complexes can also affect the work of metabolism. Iodine, affecting the thyroid gland, accelerates the metabolism, and chromium allows useful substances to be absorbed much faster. Many other vitamins and minerals can also help speed up metabolism, but only a doctor should prescribe vitamins, as hypervitaminosis can occur.
  5. In case of serious metabolic disorders, a biostimulator may be prescribed, which improves metabolic processes and increases the body's defenses. They are made from herbs - ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Schizandra Chinese, Rhodiola rosea and rows of other plants.

Folk methods

Folk remedies have very few side effects, but at the same time they should be used with great caution, because you need to know exactly what influenced the metabolic disorder and only influence this factor.

  1. To normalize the metabolism, an infusion of sniffing, prepared by infusing a teaspoon of grass with 200 ml of water for an hour, will help. The portion is divided into 3 parts, which are consumed 20 minutes before meals.
  2. To restore fat metabolism, a salad of grated carrots and cabbage is suitable without any dressing. It should be in the morning and two hours before bedtime.
  3. With improper diet, you can normalize the metabolism by the healing composition of 3 tablespoons of hops, 3 tablespoons of wild parsnip and 4 tablespoons of green beans and celery. The whole mass should be brewed at the rate of 4 spoons of collection per liter of water. A decoction is prepared for 3 hours, after which it is filtered and drunk 75 ml 7 times a day.

The use of folk remedies depends on the degree of metabolic disturbances, so it is best not to prescribe them yourself, but to adhere to the doctor's opinion.

Disruption of metabolism in the body is very dangerous, not only because there is a risk of getting fat, dangerous diseases can occur. Therefore, in case of disturbed metabolism, it is required to consult a doctor to identify the cause.

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