Useful properties and contraindications of broccoli

Broccoli is a very useful product that is used in diets, medical nutrition. Vegetable is known for its beneficial properties, but there are also a number of contraindications for which it is impossible to eat cabbage.

Broccoli application

The goodness, the great taste and the nutritional value of broccoli were known in Roman times. From this product you can cook a variety of dishes.

A variety of beneficial properties make broccoli an excellent dietary product. It is often used in numerous diets, in clinical nutrition, for recovery in the postoperative period, or after serious diseases. It is not by chance that this healing plant is headed by the majority of useful product ratings.

The list of indications is extremely wide, includes:

  • pregnancy;
  • baby food;
  • treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • various diets, systems of natural or therapeutic nutrition.

Broccoli is also used for the manufacture of medicines, dietary supplements, it is also used in cosmetology to create natural products for body care.

Nutritional value of broccoli cabbage, calorie

It contains organic nutrients that endow the culture with healing properties. Thanks to this cabbage can be used for diets, for the preparation of baby food, for diabetes, for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract, oncological diseases. The nutritional value is due to the presence in the product of a huge amount of nutrients and components:

  1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Normalizes the connective and bone tissue, restore immunity.
  2. Vitamin A (beta carotene). It supports vision, improves metabolic processes, is a natural antioxidant.
  3. Vitamin PP, or nicotine. Stimulates redox reactions, accelerates metabolism.
  4. Vitamin Fat-soluble. Synthesizes protein metabolism.
  5. Vitamin E. It is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the aging of the body.
  6. Vitamin U. Methylmethionine. It is aimed at the normalization of acidity, helps in the treatment of ulcerative pathologies.
  7. Derivatives of the vitamin B group. Synthesizes ATP, forms protective antibodies, reduces the risk of fetal pathologies during pregnancy, lowers harmful cholesterol.

In addition, the rich composition of broccoli cabbage is complemented by sodium and potassium. The concentration of these elements in 100 g of the product provides a daily rate. They participate in metabolic processes, normalize the water-salt balance. In its protein composition, broccoli is superior to chicken eggs and beef.

100 g of cabbage contains about 3 g of animal protein, which minimizes harmful cholesterol in the blood. About 7 g are complex carbohydrates, they slowly break down in the stomach, which eliminates the rapid insulin release.

In addition, the composition is supplemented with calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc. Also in the product contains amino acids - lysine and phenylamine.

Fresh cabbage is the most nutritious and healthy. Its caloric value per 100 g is only 34 calories. In the form of boiled products lose some of their useful qualities, but also the calorie index is reduced - 27 calories per 100 g. Therefore, the nutritional value is compensated by low calorie content. According to leading nutritionists, broccoli is the best herbal remedy in the fight against cellulite.

Useful properties for men and women

Nutritionists and doctors recommend using broccoli regularly:

  • to strengthen the immune system, increase disease resistance;
  • to prevent the possible development of complications of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • as a prophylactic agent for diabetes mellitus;
  • in the diet for the normalization of insulin levels;
  • as a prophylactic agent of oncological diseases;
  • to improve the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure.

According to medical research, broccoli helps regulate the production of organic cholesterol, reduces the risk of fetal abnormalities, and normalizes digestion. In addition, cabbage has found application in the cosmetic field, it is used to strengthen the nails and hair.

The most valuable composition has a raw vegetable. However, you can use it in a stew, boiled.

Separately allocate the value of the product for cancer patients. With regular use of cabbage, permanent elimination of dead cells, slags, toxins and heavy metals from the body is ensured. Therefore, this product must necessarily include in the diet of those patients who have undergone radiation therapy.

In addition, cabbage is ideal as a prevention of the development of complications due to organic sulforaphane - a substance that restores the body after cancer. And thanks to a combination with vitamin C, an anti-inflammatory effect is provided.

This product is indispensable for the elderly. Due to the same sulforaphane products destroy cartilage growths in the joints. Due to the inclusion in the diet of this product can significantly reduce the constant pain in the limbs, prevent the appearance of arthritis.

However, leading nutritionists and doctors do not recommend eating more than 100 grams of broccoli per day for an adult. High concentration of vitamins and nutrients in cabbage with excessive consumption can cause the development of hypervitaminosis. Children need to eat meals from inflorescences about 2-3 times a week. The first puree from cabbage can be given to children from seven months of age.

Does broccoli have any contraindications?

After examining the well-being of patients who regularly consume this product, nutritionists came to the conclusion that broccoli, as such, has no contraindications.

But on the basis of some recommendations of gastroenterologists, it is necessary to be careful with the use of vegetables:

  • with the presence of individual intolerance or allergies;
  • in the presence of severe gastrointestinal diseases, which are provoked by high acidity.

How to store broccoli?

When choosing vegetables in the market, you need to follow a few simple rules. So, products must be dense, with uniform buds of a single green color. The smell should be fresh, on the surface - no rot, black spots.

Store fresh cabbage for 4 days, after wrapping a wet towel. But to wrap the vegetables in the package is undesirable because the vegetable for the safety you need a continuous flow of air. Deep freeze will increase shelf life.

To put the vegetables in the freezer, you must first separate the inflorescences, blanching them with boiling water for 3 minutes. Then rinse them, let dry. Freezing will preserve the beneficial properties of cabbage throughout the year.

Moreover, it is undesirable to re-freeze the vegetables, because in this case the cabbage will lose most of its beneficial properties.

Major cooking mistakes

Many housewives do not know how to properly prepare this product in order to preserve its beneficial properties as much as possible. For example, when digesting, improper cutting can significantly reduce the beneficial properties of the product.

Incorrect cutting

Broccoli consists of a stem, fragile and tender inflorescences. The stems and inflorescences have different textures, and therefore different preparation times. Thus, each piece of broccoli requires special handling. If you see in the recipe among the ingredients of broccoli, then most often we are talking about inflorescences.

Non-use of stems

The fact is that very many, peeling cabbage, throw out the stems. But they can also be used. For example, the French clean the broccoli stalks with the help of a potato peeler - a very tender flesh is hidden under the coarse and fibrous skin, you just need to release it from the protective layer. Peeled areas should be cut into strips, which can be added to soups, stews, salads.

A well-known culinary author Nigel Slater recommends using stems as asparagus: blanch or steamed. By the way, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, which is very convenient. And the number of beneficial trace elements and vitamins is not less than in inflorescences.

Vegetable digestion

Many people do not like boiled broccoli because of loose and soft mass. Such cabbage is often sold in canteens. However, the point is not in the product itself, but in the cooking time. Try to disassemble the inflorescence so that the parts are the same size - in this case, the cabbage will cook evenly. And remember that after boiling the temperature will continue to act on the product.

To stop the process, it is necessary not only to remove the container of cabbage from the stove, but also to put the inflorescences in a colander and pour over with cold water.

Broccoli can be consumed raw. Cut the inflorescences into large pieces, add sunflower seeds, mix with raisins, season with sour cream. You can also add a few pieces of boiled chicken. Such a healthy salad will be stored in the refrigerator for about three days.

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