How to quit smoking at home

Abuse of bad habits is very dangerous for health. You can addicted to them at one time, but getting rid of dependence is very difficult.

Most smokers eventually think: "How to return to a healthy lifestyle? How can you quit smoking yourself?". In fact, there are a lot of ways and there are even methods by which you can forget about cigarettes right at home. Let's look at the most effective ways.

The first step and morale

The most important thing in getting rid of any bad habit is your own desire. It turns out that if you do not want to quit smoking, you simply will not succeed.

Think well: whether you need it, you can either hold out without a nicotine sticks, or you just decided to work under the pressure of close people who regularly remind you that smoking is evil.

Before you take decisive action, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do I really want this?
  2. Why do I need this?
  3. How will I change, and what will happen to me after complete healing from addiction?

With motivation, we will help you! Probably not every smoker can imagine how harmful a cigarette is and how health will change without nicotine abuse. Let's take a closer look at this.

After the extreme nicotine sticks are sent to the ashtray, in your body:

  1. Already after some half an hour the arterial pressure drops to normal values;
  2. Essential oxygen will start to enter the bloodstream ten hours later;
  3. Blood circulation in the heart, the brain will improve in a day;
  4. You can, as before, naturally feel the tastes and smells after three days;
  5. Disgusting obsessive smell will disappear from the hair, skin and mouth from five days;
  6. The complexion will be much better in a week;
  7. The cough will disappear, chronic fatigue, frequent and debilitating headaches will leave you after a month;
  8. A wild desire to go in for sports, to lead an active lifestyle will appear in six months;
  9. Twice the risk of various heart diseases in a year will decrease;
  10. The risk of developing malignant tumors in the lungs in five years will decrease tenfold.

Now you can imagine the danger of regular smoking. Is it worth it? Or is it better to stretch a little and once and for all leave the addiction to the past? The choice is yours!

Effective ways

How to stop smoking on your own forever at home? Fortunately, in our time to quit smoking is very easy. The benefit of a variety of techniques there is enough. Choose any and start to change your life for the better!


This method is rightly called one of the most effective. Hypnosis is perceived by each person individually, but the result of it is aimed at all for one goal - to get rid of the source of the problem.

Some heavy smokers rush to the reception of a hypnotist with a special diploma confirming his skills, others, saving time, watch the specialist’s actions online, while others buy the famous book by Alain Carr "Easy way to quit smoking".

Many consider the last technique doubtful, but in vain! It really helped a lot of smokers, and after reading the book, they never again returned to addiction.


In the fight against smoking, all means are good and many are ready to even resort to acupuncture. "Nonsense" - you say? And no! Nicotine addiction is a reflex that occurs in the head, and acupuncture can suppress it significantly.

The result is noticeable after only one session: the desire to smoke almost disappears. And then the matter is yours. The most difficult thing is to endure the first week, and then the cigarette will no longer be necessary.

Nicotine patch

This means a new generation. You can buy a nicotine patch officially at the pharmacy. This technique has one minus - it does not act immediately. To recover from addiction, you must complete a course of 8 to 12 weeks.

During this period, the patch should be worn regularly. No contraindications, the almost complete absence of side effects make this method available and very common in our days.

Chewing gum

This technique is aimed at causing aversion to smoking. We advise smokers not to abuse this way. This is because the effect of chewing gum is minimal, and the price for it is quite high. Quit smoking, thanks to chewing gum, it is possible, but only with a strong desire of the smoker.

Tablets, sprays, teas

The list of drugs and medicines that can help a person to quit smoking once and for all is very long. It is important that such products have special certificates confirming the quality of products. Pay close attention to this!

Monastic tea

This drink take three weeks. Disposal of the habit arises, thanks to the miraculous composition of tea: mullein, medunits, comfrey, black elderberry.

Nicotine sprays

The benefits of the drug in its natural composition. It includes herbal ingredients that help you forget about smoking quickly and forever: lemon balm, ginger, mint, hops. If you combine the use of nicotine sprays with smoking, a cough reflex will occur, a sore throat will appear.


Many tablets can be safely used at home. Quimpix, Nikorette, Corrida Plus, Zyban, Tobex will help you to quit smoking. Of course, before using the medication, it is best to consult a doctor. The course is on average two to three weeks.


This technique is particularly progressing in recent times. And all thanks to its effectiveness. It is necessary to comply with only one condition: put innovative development on the arm or neck.

After a couple of weeks, you will forget that you were once addicted to smoking. Attention: before buying and using the product, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions for use of the product.

Once and for all!

Let's look at how to quickly quit smoking at home. Some express advice can help in quick quitting smoking. The main condition - to comply with their immaculately!

  1. Get rid of cigarettes: tear them, cut into small pieces and then send them to the toilet or trash. You should also do with all matches, lighters, ashtrays. Leave the smell of cigarettes in the past: wash all your clothes, wash them thoroughly;
  2. Do not hold the opinion that you need to throw gradually. Once and for all! We decided - thrown! Stretching pleasure, postponing this moment is the worst thing in getting rid of a bad habit. Some people think that a sharp throw is stress and this can only make the body worse. It's a lie! You will do worse if you do not leave this habit and continue to poison your body;
  3. Psychological conditions play a major role in this issue. Think carefully about what cigarettes are for you and what you associate with them. Accustomed to smoking a cigarette after drinking a cup of coffee? Give it up for a while and drink tea instead of coffee. Do you smoke with friends while relaxing over a beer? Change your lifestyle, leave these gatherings for a month in the past. A simple argument can be quite effective. Argue with a friend that will no longer return to cigarettes. Argue for something valuable to you.

Centuries-proven methods

In quitting smoking, all methods are good and folk are also not an exception. We have collected the most affordable folk methods and recipes.

Useful fee

It is necessary to mix two parts of the grass pikulnik, Icelandic moss, horsetail and gill mixed with three parts of nettle, a part of a mountaineer bird fill with half a liter of boiling water. Broth to simmer for ten minutes on the fire, after which it must adhere and strain well. Drink three times a day after eating a third glass.

Antinicotin tea

Leaf tea (one spoon) must be brewed in two glasses of boiling water. Next, you need to add half a spoonful of chicory root and medicinal valerian, mint, fragrant root and nettle. Hour decoction insist, use half a glass twice a day.

Means for ages

Two spoons of oat seeds, pre-shredded, pour boiling water. The broth is boiled for five minutes, insist about an hour, filtered and take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

Good for the whole body

Fish oil is also a good helper in the fight against smoking. It is necessary to accept every day, in the early morning and before going to bed in a teaspoon.

The means of Professor Filatov

Helps smokers for many years. Take a spoonful of eucalyptus leaves, pour 100 ml of boiling water, insist 60 minutes. Next, filter the broth, add a spoon of honey and glycerin. Take this miracle remedy seven times a day for one-fourth cup.

Soda is an old but effective remedy.

Washing the mouth with this remedy weakens craving for nicotine. One spoon is dissolved in a glass of water and this rinses the mouth. You can take the soda inside by dissolving four spoons of the product in half a glass.

Remember that the treatment of folk remedies is one month.

Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics not only helps to get rid of the bad habit, but also has a positive effect on the whole body. It is best to conduct classes in the morning, as well as at a time when the desire to smoke is particularly high. As a rule, after the completion of gymnastics, the desire to drag on is lost for some time.

  1. Exercise first. Do it standing or sitting. Initially, you need to completely relax, throw out all thoughts from your head. Deeply inhale, feel how the air fills the lower part of the lungs. The belly in the process bulges. The chest at the time of the respiratory gymnastics rises from the bottom up. You can sense a wave that moves slowly through the body. Warning: keep the spine as straight as possible. Then slowly, smoothly exhale. Repeat the exercise several times. Breathe in on four counts, exhalation is similar. Take your time doing the exercise. Repeat ten times;
  2. The second exercise helps to increase the volume of the lungs, especially the lower part of them. We get up, leave the distance between the feet, about 40 centimeters. Hands are located above the waist, in the region of the beginning of the ribs. This is followed by a breath in the nose, bending back, hands on the sides. Lean forward, hands back to the ribs, make a slow exhalation. At this time, the ribs should be slightly squeezed. Repeat three times. If during the exercise you start to cough, gymnastics is better to stop;
  3. The third exercise. Inhale through the nose, exhale goes through the mouth. We start the exercise at a slow pace, gradually accelerating it. For one moment is to carry out 30 breaths and breaths. After completing the exercise, we rest for a minute. So that the result was as good as possible, it is worth doing six approaches;
  4. There was a sharp desire to smoke a cigarette right here and now? It's time to do the fourth respiratory gymnastics exercise. We hold for five seconds the breath after a deep breath, slowly exhale. Repeat ten times. After completing the exercise, you may feel slightly dizzy. It's not scary, just the brain began to be saturated with oxygen.

Antinicotinic diet

Complete refusal to smoke is heavily tolerated by the body. It is quite logical, because he is accustomed to the regular flow of nicotine and requires something in return. Many in this period begin to "seize" this feeling, especially fatty or sweet food. As a result, there is excess weight. How to prevent this?

Everything is very simple. To eat at the time of getting rid of the pernicious habits is better with fresh vegetables, fruits, kefir and bread. If you feel a constant feeling of hunger, eat often, but in small portions.

Drink drinks through a straw, thereby deceiving the body. Write your diet in a special notebook to carefully control everything you eat.

The production of endorphins can trigger exercise. Moreover, it will help you to distract from the desire to "drag on."

An important reason - pregnancy

Many women who smoke, after learning about their interesting position, think: how not to harm your baby. Of course, it is best to prepare for pregnancy in advance and quit smoking before it appears.

But it happens that this question begins to interest women after two noticeable stripes. So, how is it easier to quit smoking at home for pregnant women?

Doctors say that you should not leave immediately, so as not to cause stress on the body, which negatively affects the development of pregnancy.

There are three options; a suitable future mother can choose herself:

  1. Some women, upon learning that they will soon become a mother, automatically stop smoking and drink alcohol;
  2. If you do not have a physical dislike for cigarettes, it is worth trying to reduce the consumption of cigarettes;
  3. Acupuncture. As mentioned above, this method is very effective;
  4. In the end, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist, he will help you effectively, and most importantly correctly forget about smoking without harm to health.

Quitting smoking at home is real. After reading our article, you can choose the best method that suits you best. But do not forget that the main thing is your desire! Watch your health more carefully, do not ruin it with nicotine. Remember: you can relax in other, more useful ways. All the best!

A few more tips from a psychologist - in the next video.

Watch the video: Herbal Home Remedies : How to Use Herbs to Quit Smoking (May 2024).