Why appear wen on the face and how to get rid of them

Wen - unpleasant phenomenon, primarily from an aesthetic point of view. Swollen skin does not look very attractive. Worst of all, if it appears on the face or other part of the body that cannot be hidden under clothing.

What are Wen, the reasons for their appearance

Adhesives are called subcutaneous tumors of adipose tissue, referred to as official medicine "lipoma" or "lipoblastoma." Although they are called tumors of this kind, they do not pose a serious danger, since they are benign, and the probability of their rebirth is very low.

The main reason for the appearance of a lipoma is the peculiarities of modern nutrition, combined with a sedentary lifestyle and ignoring the daily regimen. Together, these factors lead to destabilization of the gastrointestinal tract, which does not have time to remove the decay products in a timely manner and displays them in the peripheral zone of the body, or rather in the subcutaneous fat layer.

There is going to all the food "garbage", leading further to blockage of the sebaceous glands.

Other reasons include:

  1. Genetic predisposition;
  2. The influence of various diseases (mainly endocrine, infectious, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal tract);
  3. Lipid metabolism disorders;
  4. Bad or improper skin care;
  5. Disruption of hormonal balance (for example, in adolescence).

Transformation of a wen into a malignant neoplasm occurs when it is encapsulated.

So the old lipoma forms a nutrient medium for numerous pathogenic microorganisms.

The deterioration of the situation can occur when self-extrusion, or piercing the lipoma. First of all, it is the risk of infection, and there is also a possibility that the gross damage of adipose tissue will trigger its further abnormal growth.

Types and characteristics of the appearance of wen on the face

Wen on the face can be of two main types.

Milia - white, pale gray formations that appeared due to blockage of the sebaceous gland due to excessive secretion, firmly fixed on the skin and immobile (they are often confused with acne, but there are no ducts in milia):

  1. Primary - are formed spontaneously;
  2. Clinical - caused by inflammatory processes, or mechanical damage to the epidermis.

Xanthomas - capture the eyelids around the eyes, can merge with each other (have a flat and loose type - xanthelasma), are colored yellow or yellow-brown in color, have a fuzzy border, are mobile (therefore, they require additional fixation) often appear in women menopause.

Most often, lipomas (except milia) are localized in those areas of the body where the thinnest subcutaneous fat layer is located. They are often confused with atheromas - cysts of the sebaceous glands, but such education is rapidly increasing in size and certainly requires the participation of the surgeon.

The form and some external signs of the lipoma are attributed to the following classes:

  • localized;
  • spilled;
  • soft;
  • dense;
  • painful (if located near blood vessels, nerves or diarthrosis).
If localization of the formation occurs on the cheekbones, bordering the neck, behind the ears, the skin retains its natural shade due to a deeper location of the wen.

How to get rid of wen on the face: cosmetic procedures

If the size of the lipoma is small, then drug therapy can be dispensed with; if it turns out to be insufficiently effective, then it would be better to remove the wen.

With a conservative approach to treatment in a neoplasm, Diprospan injection is given. This method of exposure should lead to the resorption of the lipoma, but this process cannot be called fast, it can take more than two months. In addition, you may need to re-administer the drug.

When removing small white wen, it is recommended to use a combination of cosmetic and therapeutic techniques:

  • cleansing of the skin by ultrasound, or mechanically (carried out in the clinic with the help of special equipment)
  • various types of peeling: glycolic, retinoic, microdermabrasion;
  • phototherapy;
  • laser polishing;
  • physiotherapy.

To get rid of formations with larger dimensions is used:

  • Excision of Wen.

The operation is performed using local anesthesia. Lipoma is husked together with the capsule, after the incision is sealed with cosmetic stitches. It is possible that scars will remain after excision.

  • Endoscopy.

The incision is insignificant, the lipoma tissue is destroyed and removed, but the capsule remains intact. Through the mini-endoscope, the results of the operation are evaluated. There is a certain probability of relapse.

  • Liposuction

The filling of the capsule is removed by a lipoaspirator through a minor puncture. There is also the possibility that the Wen will arise again.

  • Removal using a laser.

The most modern technique that does not affect the capsule.

In contrast to mechanical removal, this procedure does not imply damage to the tissues of the face and blood.

With the help of a laser, an incision is made in the upper layer of the skin, and then it is removed along with the neoplasm.

The duration of the procedure is 5 - 15 minutes. The method is suitable for the treatment of any, even very sensitive parts of the face. In addition, there is no risk of infection and the risk of probable relapse is minimized.

  • Electrocoagulation.

The essence of the procedure lies in the fact that the wen is burnt by a current. The method is hardly painless, therefore local anesthesia is necessarily used.

The effectiveness of the method is comparable to the effects of the laser, but there are a number of contraindications, including: diseases of the circulatory system, the presence of herpes, cancer. After electrocoagulation, the skin is completely restored at the problem site.

How to get rid of Wen on the face at home

The use of ointments, gels and creams at home is effective only in the treatment of multiple milia. From the means of this category the most popular are:

  • Ointment Videstim.

The active ingredient is retinol, which cleaves wen and significantly reduces their size.

  • Cream Gistan.

It has anti-inflammatory and prophylactic effect, preventing the emergence of new wen.

  • Vishnevsky ointment.

Among the active ingredients are tar and xeroform. It has absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect. Great for treating small wen. Its use during pregnancy is allowed. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

  • Gel Vitaon.

With daily use effectively reduces the number of limes.

  • Ichthyol ointment.

Action: resolving and wound healing. It is unacceptable to use it for the treatment of formations on the mucous membranes. Also, the tool is contraindicated in children under 6 years.

  • Badyaga (available in the form of ointment, cream, gel).

The main component - badyaga (natural sponge, appearing in freshwater). Purposefully used in the treatment of wen, bruises, tumors. Promotes the fastest healing of mechanical damage.

The best folk remedies

To remove unpleasant seals can be used long-known folk remedies. Most of them are designed to increase blood circulation in the area where the lipoma is located:

  • Compress from a freshly torn sheet of Golden Usa (fragrant callus).

Withstand tightly pinned sheet for 10-12 hours, then remove if necessary, repeat the procedure.

  • Garlic gruel.

Grind the garlic (1 clove), add vegetable oil (2 teaspoons) and, mixing the components, rub the product into the problem area. Repeat the procedure daily until complete disappearance of the lipoma.

  • Compress from egg films.

Need a film of raw chicken eggs. They should tightly cover the wen. After some time, the skin on the specified area will begin to swell and turn red. This indicates an increase in blood flow to the covered area. At this point, the compress must be removed.

The procedure can be repeated only after the edema has passed and the natural color of the skin is restored.
  • Juice celandine.

You can take it at the pharmacy, and you can squeeze it out of the plant yourself. A small amount of funds applied over the wen and grind. Half an hour later, wash off the juice. Repeat daily, then a hole should appear on the wen. When this happens, cover the affected area with a bandage with Vishnevsky ointment and do not remove at least an hour.

  • Baked onion.

Bake the onion until soft. Grind the product to a mushy state, mix with a teaspoon of chopped with a scouring soap. The resulting ointment should be stored in a cool, dark place and used to lubricate the Wen twice a day.

  • Honey and sour cream mask.

Mix honey, sour cream and salt (product ratio 1: 1: 1). The resulting product is applied on steamed skin and incubated for 20 minutes, then rinse.

  • Chestnut ointment.

Mince 5 chestnuts through a meat grinder, mix with a tablespoon of honey. Use daily three times a day (if desired, more often).

  • Aloe juice

Used as compresses. The tool is non-aggressive, so no time limit is provided.

  • Mutton fat.

Melt the product with the help of a water bath, then cool it to a tolerable level and apply on a wen, and then rub it thoroughly. Repeat every day for a month.

  • Nettle tincture.

Infuse 50 g of nettle for 0.5 liters of vodka for the 21st day. Further use as needed.

  • Cinnamon powder.

This spice helps to increase body resistance. It can be consumed along with the usual food, and you can eat just like that, accompanied by a copious drink.

Little acne wen in a child's face - how to get rid of?

Lipoblastomas often appear in young children, especially for newborns. They are small and appear on the forehead, chin and in the nose, and at the age of 1-2 years pass spontaneously.

Mandatory elimination of lipomas in childhood is required only if they become a hindrance to the normal development of adjacent tissues.

Surgical intervention in the absence of emergency indications is carried out after five years. When the operation is completed, the tumor is examined for the presence of malignant cells.

When to see a doctor

There are few reasons for going to a specialist if there are Wen Wen, but they are all quite significant:

  • an intense increase in the size of the neoplasm;
  • the formation of a significant cosmetic defect (first of all, concerns wen, appearing on the face);
  • excessive pressure exerted by the lipoblastoma on the surrounding tissue;
  • soreness caused by the resulting seal.

It should be borne in mind that it is better to remove wen while they are small, otherwise noticeable scars may remain after surgery.


Special measures to ensure the prevention of the occurrence of limes are not provided. But to a certain extent, compliance with the following rules can help:

  • use only cosmetics that suit your skin type;
  • try not to get involved in sweet and fatty foods;
  • provide the skin with the necessary hygienic care;
  • Closely engage in the cure of all your chronic diseases;
  • Try to take into account and, if possible, control the hormonal changes occurring in you.
If the wen still appeared, you should ensure its timely and complete removal. This will avoid relapses.

Reviews on the removal of Wen from the face

Wen appear in many people. Some of them decided to remove the lipoma and expressed their impressions on this matter.

My wen appeared unexpectedly, about the size of a bean. First, the cosmetologist advised me to undergo a course of mesotherapy (lipolytic injections directly into the lipoma). Immediately after the procedure, pain appeared, the "horn" on my forehead became inflamed, and there was no result. Almost half a year later, I decided to have surgery with a plastic surgeon. Everything was done under local anesthesia through a tiny incision. The result is excellent, now I don’t even remember about this tumor.

Inga, 32 years old, Omsk

Just a week ago, she discovered a wen. Right above the brow. There was no pain, but the impression was not very pleasant. I went to the surgeon. He inspected, said it was a lipoma, suggested removing. The operation was carried out almost immediately, it took 20 minutes not more. Yesterday the suture was already removed, but there was no trace of swelling.

Olga, 40 years old, Khimki

I had skin problems all the time, but when a scattering of wen appeared on my face, I immediately decided that I needed to be removed. I am afraid of knife-scalpels, so I decided to use laser surgery. Everything went well, and even one inconspicuous scar that remained after removal was corrected by laser polishing.

Anna, 26 years old, Novosibirsk

Thus, worrying about lipoblast removal is not worth it, it is better to just have an operation so that the swelling on the face no longer clouds your life.

For more information about removing Wen, see the next video.

Watch the video: Oranda Goldfish Wen SurgeryTrimmingRemoving (May 2024).