Delayed delivery at 40 weeks gestation

Waiting for childbirth is an exciting process, and every expectant mother is in doubt and worried when the deadline has already come, and the baby is in no hurry to be born. Experiences only harm the woman and the fetus.

Remember that the deadline set by doctors is not the exact date of birth, and sometimes there can be a completely understandable reason for the delay:

  1. In recent months, activity has been reduced. The woman did not move much, so the tone of the uterus is not increased.
  2. The child is large, weighing more than 4 kg.
  3. Psychological attitude of the woman in labor.
  4. Low hormone levels or heredity.
  5. The impact of chronic disease.

The main recommendation at week 40 is no panic. Due to the fact that childbirth can begin suddenly, a woman should know the main signs that it is time to go to the hospital:

  • the regularity of the bouts, the intervals between which do not exceed 10 minutes;
  • the water all departed immediately or gradually;
  • high body temperature, diarrhea or vomiting.

What happens in a woman's body at 40 weeks?

Do not rush to give birth. It is necessary to take into account not only the state of the mother, but also the child. He, too, must be ready to be born both physically and psychologically. For postponed children can only be attributed to those babies who do not leave the womb at week 42.

What happens at week 40:

  1. The uterus does not grow in size.
  2. The stomach also does not grow anymore.
  3. Weight gain stops, and in some cases, a woman can throw off 2-3 kg.
  4. Heartburn, swelling and other ailments.
  5. The mucus plug has not moved yet, but soon it will happen. A woman will determine this by discharge. They will be white or yellowish.
  6. There is strong pressure in the lower abdomen.
  7. The body of the baby is easy to feel.
  8. The uterus descends and begins its contraction and gradual opening of the cervix.
  9. The volume of the bladder decreases, which causes a woman to go to the toilet more often.
  10. Breaks the lower back and sore back.

On a note! The statistics is such that only 5% of women give birth within the prescribed period. Most often this happens either a week earlier or later.

First or second birth?

The first birth is significantly different from the second. Women who give birth not for the first time are calmer and more collected. The main difference is that the second time the delivery is faster, and the contractions are more intense. Some women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time may be in the prenatal state for more than a day and feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. The cork does not always come off in advance, and if it is not understood during the first birth, a woman who gives birth a second time will immediately notice.

An experienced woman in labor knows that there are training bouts and already generic. At first birth, these two concepts can be confused. The interval between training bouts and childbirth can take several hours and even days. Symptoms of the upcoming second delivery are not symptomatically different from the first. The contractions are easy and not cyclic at first, and then they intensify, become strong, frequent and regular.

If the general condition of the woman in labor at 40 weeks is unstable, it gets dark in the eyes and you feel unwell, it is better to make sure, go to save and spend a prenatal period under medical supervision.

Incorrectly set deadline for DA

The DA is a preliminary date for the birth of a baby. The gynecologist determines it by the last menstrual cycle. Ovulation in most cases occurs 10-15 days after menstruation. It is for such a number of days that the doctor may be mistaken in his calculations. Indeed, for many women, menstruation may take another cycle, even when the uterus is already fertilized.

If the interval between menstrual cycles is more than 27 days, then it is most likely that the woman will give birth after 40 weeks, but if it is less than 25 days, then the birth can begin even earlier. An ultrasound scan is performed every month, and according to the results, the doctor can deliver his due date. As practice shows, most often it differs from the original date. The approximate age of the fetus is determined, which does not give a full guarantee that a woman will give birth on that day.

The statistics is that doctors often make an inaccurate diagnosis, and the baby is born after 40 weeks. This can be attributed to a small insurance from medical professionals.


Delayed delivery may be due to genetics. In order to dispel your fears, you need to communicate with older women in your family, and if they transferred children, it is quite possible that this feature was inherited. Genetic characteristics of the mother affect the rate of fetal development.

If the child is ahead of development, it can be born at 37 weeks, but there is no danger if there are no signs of beginning labor at 40 weeks. Experts say that it is better to carry the child than to give birth to it earlier. Do not try to bring this moment closer, stimulation in some cases can only harm.

If the general condition of the mother is satisfactory, it means that the time has not just come and you need to be patient.

Baby is not ready to be born yet

Each baby in the womb develops individually. Someone this process is faster, someone is slower, but this is not an indicator that the child is lagging behind in development.

It is worth worrying when there are indications from doctors or there are signs of indisposition:

  1. The fruit froze and is not active.
  2. The woman in labor is deteriorating health.
  3. Blood discharge.
  4. Cutting pain
  5. Fainting

Some children in the womb are lazy. This may be due to the large weight of the fetus. Feelings for a woman may arise from a fall or a blow. In other cases, it is better to calm down and follow the doctor's instructions. For confidence it is worth making unscheduled CTG and ultrasound. If a specialist confirms that the heart is beating smoothly and there are no other visible abnormalities, it is worthwhile to take a deep breath.

IMPORTANT! Alertness can cause a rapid heartbeat in an infant, a dramatic weight loss of the fetus or mother, excretion of milk, feces in the amniotic fluid, or an increase in the volume of the abdomen in a short period of more than 5 cm.

Stimulation in the 40th week of pregnancy: the pros and cons

Stimulation is a popular procedure that is carried out when the time comes, but the child is not in a hurry to be born. It is used strictly as prescribed by the doctor and most often in difficult situations, when there is a real danger, and not just unreasonable fears of the future mother. If the 42nd week is over, and there are no signs that labor is about to begin, then stimulation is indicated.

The woman has the right to refuse the procedure, so the appointment signs the consent. If there is a threat to the life of the mother and child or the woman is unconscious, stimulation can be carried out without her consent. A woman can do stimulation on her own at home from week 39: a safe home mode is charging and walking in the fresh air.

Accelerated delivery

It is dangerous and categorically forbidden to accelerate childbirth by medication, being at home, it should be done already in the maternity ward. To speed up labor, there must be reasons:

  1. Hypoxia of the fetus.
  2. Blood circulation disturbance in the placenta.
  3. Rhesus conflict.
  4. Ended 42 week of pregnancy.
  5. Rupture of amniotic fluid.

The desire of the mother to give birth faster can also be taken into account. Doctors will only meet if there are indications and no contraindications.

Methods that cause contractions and are safe for mom and baby:

  1. Hormonal medications are used during pregnancy, which is considered full-term. Means belong to group antihestagenny.
  2. Drugs that soften the cervix and allow it to fully open. They belong to the group of prostaglandins and are produced in the form of a solution.
  3. Laminar preparations stimulate the opening of the uterus.
  4. Amniotomy is the usual puncture of the bladder in which the fetus is located. Sometimes this bubble has a thick shell and is not subject to self-breaking. After puncture of labor and delivery will begin in a matter of hours.
  5. Aromatherapy. To speed up labor use jasmine and rose oil. Inhalation of this fragrance accelerates the generic process.

Even if it is necessary to speed up labor, there are some contraindications when it is impossible to do this and a cesarean section can be shown:

  1. Narrow pelvis.
  2. Uterine scars.
  3. The fruit lies wrong.
  4. There is danger of choking the fetus.
  5. Placental abruption.

If a woman has a sick kidney or heart, there are inflammatory processes in the body, then it is dangerous to prescribe drugs to speed up labor activity, and doctors will look for other solutions.

Possible dangers in the 40th week of pregnancy

Childbirth is a test that has many dangers. Women need to understand that their sanity and control over their emotions can simplify the process of their baby being born. Consider the types of complications:

  1. Baby suffocation by the umbilical cord.
  2. Malovodie.
  3. The fragility of the placenta.
  4. The leakage of amniotic fluid.
  5. Violation of the internal organs.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to know that there may be complications, but you cannot inspire and fear that this will happen to you. You can not panic, you must trust the doctor and follow his instructions.

Watch the video: How to recognize the signs of labor - Early labor signs (April 2024).