How to learn to kiss passionately

The kiss is the most ancient art which, as well as many occupations, come with practice. A person who kisses for the first time does so timidly and uncertainly, because this is a new and unknown phenomenon for him, this is what he had only heard and watched about before, but did not do it himself.

There is another reason why the first kiss is often timid and insecure. The fact is that if a kiss happens for love or love, then people who are going to kiss kiss each other very much and are afraid to do something wrong.

Therefore, the first kiss is always gentle, timid and insecure. Also, this kiss is short, not a passionate result, but reminiscent of the touch of the lips to the lips.

Why do people kiss?

People kiss because nature is so arranged that sympathy first appears between a man and a woman, then it develops into love, which involves bringing bodies closer together. At first it usually manifests itself in a kiss. If people trust each other and want to be closer, then they touch each other with their lips.

This is an intimate place that, when touched, produces the hormone pheromone, which is responsible for sexual desire.

With the kiss also in people of the opposite sex, familiarity between the bodies takes place. They sniff each other (yes, like animals!) And thus get used to it.

It may happen that after a kiss, people disagree, they understand that they are not suitable for each other. This process began millions of years ago with the advent of humanity. This is a natural action that serves people for procreation.

If, after the process of dating with lips and sniffing, people understood that they fit together, their relationship develops into more intimate ones and they begin the process of procreation.

Not only in humans, but also in animals, kisses also have a place in life. However, each animal has its own kiss. Many animals just sniff, some scrutinize, and others intuitively find a mate.

Kissing, if they occur between people loving each other, should bring pleasure from the touch. Therefore, those who do not know how to kiss better learn this, in order to continue to give the opportunity to enjoy kissing themselves and their partner (partner).

Peculiarities of kissing

Big kissing kisses are considered deeper and more intimate kisses, typical of passionate love and attraction. It is considered indecent to engage in such activities in public. After all, a kiss is an intimate activity, unless of course it is symbolic and friendly.

A big kiss is an art that requires some preparation. After all, there is a technique for kissing a kiss that allows it to be correct.

Since olden times, girls have learned to kiss tomatoes, as they are approximately similar in shape to the lips. They are just as soft and rounded.

But it does not mean at all that if a girl or a guy did not practice kissing on tomatoes, he would not be able to do this beautifully with the opposite sex. Much the ability to kiss is given at birth.

How well a person can kiss, his temperament depends. If a person is choleric or sanguine, then he does it skillfully, passionately and loves this process. But melancholic and phlegmatic, as a rule, do not like to show their feelings and therefore kiss rarely and reluctantly.

How to kiss a swagger without a tongue: technique and tips

You can kiss passionately in two ways:

  • with tongue;
  • without language.

Both one and the other option is correct.

The opinion that you need to kiss only the wrong language is a kiss. Often people confuse kissing passionately with a French kiss.

Indeed, in the French kiss there is the participation of both languages. However, if we talk about a kissing passionately, then this means touching the lips tightly, sucking each lip a little bit alternately and not sticking out your tongue at the same time.

Kissing tips

In order not to be in an idiotic situation, a passionately kiss should take place according to some elementary rules. If we take them into account, then even any timid teenager will not suffer a fiasco, but will be able to kiss her partner with particular pleasure, even if he has the first kiss in his life.

Rules kiss kissing:

  • brush your teeth thoroughly;
  • use an air freshener or chewing gum;
  • completely relax;
  • throw all thoughts out of your head and concentrate on your partner;
  • Do not overdo it with the absorption of the lips, otherwise you can hurt the partner.

If the kiss is not the first in life, and the person has sufficient practice in this matter and by mutual consistency the partners can experiment with the kiss in rather coarse tones, that is, with lip suction. In this case, they must be prepared for the fact that after such kisses may remain traces, such as bruises or smudges.

There may also be pain. After all, the lip area is very tender and therefore sudden movements can injure the skin.

For many people, no matter what age they are in, kissing a big passion, especially with the participation of the language, are generally considered taboo. Many religions prohibit doing this, because it looks vulgar and ugly.

And for others there is no sexual relations without kissing with the participation of language. Thus, all people are different in character and temperament, therefore, for each technique a kiss is different and there are no rules and restrictions here. To make everything go smoothly, you need to try and get to know yourself and your partner very carefully.

Technique kiss with the language: the rules and techniques

A kiss involving a language is a very serious step and it requires special preparation. You can not do it thoughtlessly, because of how well the kiss will be made, may depend on further relationships with a partner.

How to kiss passionately with the tongue:

  • brush your teeth well;
  • refresh your breath;
  • slowly approach the partner’s lips;
  • look into your eyes and smile;
  • gently touch his hand or cheeks;
  • try to touch the upper lip;
  • close eyes;
  • detach from the lip and lean back a little;
  • catching a partner's glance, make sure that he wants to continue;
  • get close to the lips again;
  • touch the upper lip, sucking it a little;
  • touch the lower lip;
  • slightly opening the mouth, slightly penetrate the partner’s mouth with the tip of the tongue;
  • if the partner reciprocates, then penetrate deeper into the mouth, covering the language of his tongue;
  • hands to embrace the head of the partner or firmly holding his hand;
  • eyes close.

This technique is most common among fans of kissing passionately. If a partner picks up the initiative, then together it will be easier to understand this situation, even if both partners have never engaged in kisses before.

After all, nature is designed so that the body, in contact with a kiss, must themselves manage the situation. A person only needs to help them with his mind a little, following simple rules.

Kiss technique depends on how partners are ready to kiss. On how a kiss will be passionate and protracted depends on many facts:

  • mood;
  • the nature of the partners;
  • situation;
  • lip skin condition, personal hygiene.

To make the kiss unforgettable, the partner must ensure the perfect condition of her lips. Not only oral hygiene should be in order, but also lips. If it is cold outside, then the lips must be moistened with balm.

In no case should you try to kiss your partner if there is a cut on her lip or, for example, herpes.

This can cause discomfort or even scare off your partner. It is better to wait for the wound to heal and to proceed with the first kiss with confidence.

How to learn to kiss a passion without a partner

The question of how to learn to kiss a passionately, worries every teenager, because it will have to be done sooner or later.

If the student has not had time to learn how to kiss at school, then entering into adulthood, he usually becomes uncomfortable at the moment when the time comes to kiss his partner, but this has never happened before. In order not to be trapped, you need to get ready for the kissing passion.

Rules kiss without partner:

  • learn to relax;
  • get rid of fear and constraint;
  • lips should be soft and relaxed;
  • For a partner simulator, you can choose several options for items: your own hand, a tomato, an apple, or something else that comes to hand.

Apple and tomato are perfect for teaching kissing passionately.

Kiss Technique:

  1. stand in front of the mirror;
  2. take an apple (tomato);
  3. slowly touch it, mouth open;
  4. lips gently suck the apple, slightly capturing it between the lips;
  5. imagine that in front of you is not an apple, but your partner's lips;
  6. closing his eyes, gently move his lips over the apple, slowly tilting his head first to the left, then to the right.

If you follow all the rules, then nothing complicated in the kiss should not be.

If people suit each other and like them, then the process of the first kiss for a pump should go smoothly.

How to kiss on the first date

The first date is a vibrant and very important event in the life of every person. To make it go smoothly and with pleasure, you need to remember a few rules:

  • prepare your mouth for kisses;
  • do not worry;
  • do not hurry;
  • feel your body and soul;
  • listen to the desires of the partner;
  • don't overdo it.

The first date should leave a certain understatement to the partner so that he (she) can count on the next meeting and wait for her with impatience.

At the first kiss, in principle, as in the second, and the third, you can not be tense, otherwise the lips will be firm and the kiss will not take any pleasure. You can not hurry and be distracted by something, otherwise the partner will see that his partner does not think about a kiss, but just kisses "for a tick."

What not to do when kissing

  • Do not bite and strongly suck the lips of your partner. This may cause injury. In addition, bringing pain to the partner, the kiss may be the last for both;
  • you can not eat garlic or onions before the kiss. These insidious vegetables will turn the breath into a very unpleasant one and, when kissing, the partner will not feel pleasure, but rather, on the contrary, disgust;
  • you can not use force and, without listening to the wishes of the partner, to continue the technique of kissing to your taste. You should always listen to the wishes of your partner, and to listen is in a figurative sense. After all, the couple during the kiss does not talk and does not discuss the kiss itself. Therefore, the eyes and touches need to learn to understand each other's desires.
Whatever happens, whatever the situation, the elementary rules in kissing are required.

Partners can always help each other find an idyll and retire, bringing unforgettable pleasure from touching the lips.

And more information on the topic - in the next video.

Watch the video: How to Kiss Passionately. Kissing Tips (May 2024).