Effective ways to strengthen nails at home

"Hands are the girl's business card ..." (Coco Chanel)

It is impossible to imagine the harmonious image of any woman with scruffy hands and nails. The hands of a woman can tell a lot about their owner. No wonder once upon a time men paid particular attention to the hands of a girl. To kiss the pen of the beloved is the highest pleasure that a lover could dream of.

And now the women who take care of themselves do not disregard their hands and nails.

But, unfortunately, it happens that not always, it turns out, to grow beautiful, healthy nails. Nail brittleness is a problem that many girls know firsthand. Why does this problem occur? There can be several reasons:

  • diseases. Moreover, it can be any chronic diseases of internal organs, as well as disorders of the endocrine or nervous system;
  • nutrition. This refers to an unbalanced diet, poor in useful elements, vitamins;
  • contact of hands without protective equipment with household chemicals;
  • frequent procedures involving chemical exposure. This may be a build-up, the use of poor quality varnish.

Strangely enough, but many people think that there is only one solution - build-up. But this is not true. There are plenty of ways to self-strengthen the nail plate. We propose to consider in detail some ways.

"Quick" recipes masks to strengthen nails at home

Lemon nail mask

The easiest way to whiten the nail plate, restore exfoliating, dry nails.

How to make a lemon mask:

  1. Cut a whole lemon into two halves;
  2. Dip your finger tips in lemon halves, hold for 10 or 15 minutes.
  3. After the procedure, wash your hands with water, apply a nourishing cream or oil;

It is necessary to make such a mask once a week. The result will please after the third fourth procedure.

Curd Mask to strengthen

Cottage cheese rich in calcium will saturate the plate and contribute to its strengthening.

  1. Prepare a mixture of 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of mint, which must be chopped;
  2. Apply the mixture to each nail, keep for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse hands thoroughly under warm water, apply a nourishing cream.

"Water procedures" or baths to strengthen the nails at home

Hand care bath is a useful and effective procedure that helps restore the health of the nail plate and improves the condition of the hands.

Gelatin bath to strengthen

Many housewives have long noticed the benefits of the use of gelatin in home cosmetic products. It is used in the composition of masks for hair, and we propose to strengthen the nails in a gelatin bath.

  1. It is necessary to dissolve one tablespoon of gelatin in two glasses of hot water;
  2. Mix thoroughly, cool to a temperature in which it will be comfortable to hold hands;
  3. Immerse your fingers in the bath for 20-30 minutes;
  4. Wipe the nails with a napkin, smear with cream or oil.

Simple sea salt bath

Sea salt is an effective remedy for strengthening, but with frequent use this procedure can dry the plate. Therefore, this procedure can be performed no more than once a week.

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water;
  2. Put your hands in the solution for 20 minutes;
  3. Wash your fingers with water, smear with cream.

Tray of decoction of herbs

  1. One tablespoon of chamomile, oak bark, flax seed brew in 400 ml of water;
  2. Cool the broth;
  3. Immerse fingers, hold in broth for 30 minutes;
  4. Wipe your hands with a napkin, apply cream.

The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a week.

Oil fortification

Cosmetic essential oils have become very popular among women who prefer to carry out the procedure for the care of themselves at home. The oils have also received wide application in cosmetology, as they are used as additives in all means of skin, body or hair care.

And we will try to apply the beneficial properties of oils to strengthen the nails at home.

Useful oil mixture

The composition of this mixture of oils for application helps to nourish and strengthen the nail plate.

  1. Mix in one teaspoon of glycerin 1 drop of bergamot oil, a drop of ylang-ylang oil, lavender oil;
  2. The resulting mixture is applied to the nail and cuticle, leave overnight.
Oils for nail care can be used in the composition of mixtures or masks, as well as an independent tool, which is enough several times a week to lubricate the nail plate.

The most effective oils:

  • Castor oil;
  • olive;
  • patchouli oil;
  • rose oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • lavender;
  • almond oil.

As well as many other oils that can be selected based on the characteristics or preferences of each woman.

Gel and Biogel for strong and healthy nails

Along with the traditional means to strengthen the nail plate, many have long used professional tools for manicure, which also contribute to improving the strength of the nail.

The most popular are gels or biogels. These tools for professional manicure, having a special composition that promotes the gluing of micro-cracks in the plate, provide protection for the nail from damage.

Gels - the most aggressive in composition. They contribute to the protection of the nail, but are not suitable for long-term use.

Biogels are a sparing agent that strengthens the plate, while allowing air and useful substances to pass through.

The procedure for applying the gel or biogel can be carried out both in the salon and at home. To do this, you must have available the composition itself, a UV lamp, a set of nail files, a pusher, a liquid for removing gel residues.

The procedure resembles the process of applying varnish.

Iodine for nail strength

Iodine - the most popular means to eliminate breakage. The iodine solution itself contains alcohol, so it can be used for lubrication in its pure form no more than once a month.

For greater efficiency baths with sea salt, you can add a few drops of iodine, in this solution, hold your fingers.

Mask with iodine and olive oil

Nutrient, the regular use of which will return health, will eliminate the fragility of the plates.

  1. One tablespoon of olive oil mixed with three drops of iodine, lemon juice;
  2. Apply the mixture with a cotton pad, rubbing into each plate;
  3. To leave means, for the night, having put on gloves from cotton.

Strengthening nails with iodine at home is considered very effective.

Folk remedies against breakage

The problem of fragile, brittle nail plates was not alien to our grandmothers. Therefore, the strengthening of nail folk remedies at home has always been given special attention.

What tools to solve the problem of fragility used before?

  1. Iodine and salt — these two remedies were also popular among women who watched over them;
  2. Broths of herbs chamomile, calendula, cedar for compresses and baths;
  3. Wiping aloe juice;
  4. Wiping vodka tincture with red pepper;
  5. Application of melted beeswax for smooth and strong plates.

Also quite effective way - rubbing vaseline in the nails at night. Vaseline gives the main power, closes the cracks, contributes to the smoothness of the plate.

Along with the procedures for external exposure took beneficial vitamin formulations inside.

One of the popular recipes is an oil herbal tincture:

  1. Grind a small bunch of parsley, dill, celery, tarragon.
  2. Pour chopped herbs with vegetable oil and insist for two days.
  3. Take one tablespoon half an hour before meals in the morning.


This vitamin cocktail salad will improve the condition of not only your marigold, but also your hair.

"People's" ointment for nails:

  1. Heating mix 40 ml of calendula oil with a hard-boiled egg yolk and five grams of natural wax;
  2. Rub the plates with the received ointment and leave for the night wearing gloves;
  3. The procedure is carried out 1-3 times a week;
  4. Ointment stored in the refrigerator.

Seven "not" that will help preserve the health of the nail plates

  1. Do not wash dishes without gloves;
  2. Do not wash the varnish with acetone;
  3. Do not cut with scissors;
  4. Do not paint with varnish with aggressive composition;
  5. Do not often build up;
  6. Do not walk for a long time with a gel coating;
  7. Do not file an iron file.

Observance of these simple recommendations will allow to keep a beautiful look and a healthy state of a marigold.

The most important rule in the art of caring for themselves - do not be lazy. If you give yourself every day for at least half an hour, then the problem with imperfections of hair, skin, nails will be solved. And recipes and tools that can effectively help, enough.

It does not matter whether you use cosmetics from the store, essential oils, natural products from the refrigerator or herbs. It may be that some method will not have the desired effect, but for a friend it worked as “excellent”.

We are all different, and therefore it is important to find "your" recipe that will be effective only for you.

If you could not immediately find what really helps, do not despair, because there are a lot of recipes and tools. Try, search.

"Everything is in our hands, so they cannot be omitted" (Coco Chanel).

A few more tips on nail strengthening are in the next video.

Watch the video: How to Strengthen Your Nails Naturally in Just Two Weeks Home Treatment! (April 2024).