What period after conception is it worth doing a pregnancy test?

Waiting for confirmation of pregnancy is a very important moment, especially if this event is long-awaited. Gynecologists claim that the specific time of day when a woman does a test is not so important. It is not necessary to omit the test in the morning urine or carry out the procedure after a specific number of days after the last menstrual cycle or sexual intercourse. Experts are sure of one thing: the later the test is done, the higher its accuracy.

What happens in the first days after conception

Most women, especially those who are not going to become a mother for the first time, insist that they even unconsciously know without a test that they are pregnant.

After conducting a social survey, it is worth analyzing the list of those symptoms that tell you that conception has happened:

  1. Minor blood flow.
  2. Increased body temperature.
  3. Slight malaise.
  4. Heavy lower abdomen.
  5. Chest is sensitive, especially nipples.
  6. Tingling in the uterus.
  7. Early toxicosis.

It is these symptoms that will push any girl to buy a test or to go to a doctor, but there are also imaginary symptoms that should be known to those who have encountered this for the first time:

  1. Nausea. Analyze your meals for the last day. Maybe it's just indigestion.
  2. Menstrual flow ahead of time. This may be a hormonal failure.
  3. Nipples may whine in anticipation of a new menstrual cycle, and not because the woman is in position.

To avoid doubt, scientists have long developed special tests. They come in many forms. There are ordinary ones who only report the fact that the girl is in position, while others say in numbers how many weeks have passed since conception.

Remember that about 7 days after fertilization, the egg that met the spermatozoon is only beginning to change. Embryo origin is a complex process, and in each organism it takes a different time. During this period, a tiny embryo is formed, which is trying to join the uterus.

If the attachment did not occur, then the menstrual cycle will report this. If the embryo is implanted successfully, the formation of the placenta begins. Also, the umbilical cord is formed, and this process all takes different time. The fact is that during the first days the human body perceives the embryo as a foreign body. Rejection is the first reaction, it is she who provokes the discomfort of a woman.

In a woman's body, hormonal changes are taking place. A new hormone hCG appears. It is his appearance that says that a woman is already in position. Accurately determine the period will not earlier than 15-20 days after intercourse or menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy test after conception

Test makers assure that they give an accurate result of 99% in the early stages, but these are only unfounded statements and you should not believe them. When buying a test, pay attention to its sensitivity. Indicators should not be below 20 and 25 mUl / ml.

The most effective tests according to consumers:

  1. EVA and similar tests are not very sensitive, but accurate. This is the rare case when the advantage of the test are not indicators of sensitivity, but indicators of urine.
  2. Frautest and similar products have a high sensitivity, of the order of 25 mU. In these tests, you can be confident at 99%.
  3. Lady and similar tests have a lower sensitivity, only 20 IU. They will give the correct result only after 2 weeks of the field of fertilization. Early testing is likely to give a false result.
  4. Insure is able to detect early pregnancy.
  5. BB test and First Sign are considered the most accurate. They will show pregnancy even with low urine levels.

On a note! Women assure that the most accurate result is given only by a personal examination of the gynecologist and the delivery of the relevant tests.

What are the pregnancy tests

Instruments for testing a lot. There are the following types of devices:

  1. Inkjet devices are considered affordable and modern means to detect pregnancy in the early stages. They have a complex structure and high sensitivity. The result is determined in a minute. This testing can be carried out in any conditions.
  2. Inkjet test cassettes are a more complex system. Urine passes through many channels that have a latex layer with antibodies. With low levels of hCG, it will show a reliable result.
  3. Digital indicators respond to the presence of hCG in the urine. It is determined whether the woman is in the position, with an accuracy of up to 97%, even in the early period.
  4. Tablet tests work with high accuracy. It is enough to put a drop of urine in the indicator to get the correct result in the early stages. This is the most expensive type of test, but also the most accurate.
  5. Test strips, despite their low price, can not be attributed to the less effective. Their advantages are ease of use and accessibility.

There is a test with reservoir capacity. Although they show accurate results, they are not so popular due to the inconvenience of use.

How to make a test

There are certain rules that will help get the right result. And there are moments that can contribute to obtaining false results. If a woman takes potent drugs, then this can adversely affect accuracy. If a woman undergoes a course of injections that stimulate the uterus for a quick conception, then you can do the test after such procedures no earlier than 20 days later.

If diuretic drugs are taken, they significantly change the indicators of urine, so the test may give a false result. If a woman does not believe the tests, then it is better to register with a gynecologist or donate blood. An analysis can be done within a week after conception, and it will give an accurate result. Just remember that if later the embryo will not be able to grow to the uterus, the pregnancy will be false.

On a note! It is better to donate blood for analysis 10 days after fertilization. In this case there will be complete confidence that the embryo is already attached to the uterus.

When to do a pregnancy test after ovulation

In medicine, there is no specific time frame when a woman should test after ovulation.

The basic rules that will provide accurate results and will not leave doubts:

  1. You should not conduct testing earlier than 7 days after ovulation.
  2. Do the test in the morning. It is better to carry out the process even before eating.
  3. Urine container must be sterile. It is better to purchase it at a pharmacy and unpack it immediately before testing.
  4. Observe the dough time. No need to pull out the strip too soon. Do not be afraid that the strip will absorb too much liquid. She will take only the required amount.
  5. The exact result will appear on the strip no earlier than 10 minutes. Therefore, it is worth patience and after processing the test set it aside and wait for the result.

The woman may be to blame for the wrong test result. If she uses the test in the evening, and during the day she consumed a lot of fluids, then testing may show an incorrect result, even if in fact the woman is already in position.

What if the result is uncertain

After the woman has tested and is not sure that the result is correct, then it is worthwhile to act according to the following scheme:

  1. Buy a couple of tests from other manufacturers and do the test again in the morning, immediately after waking up. It is possible to test at once with several devices one portion of urine.
  2. If the result is confirmed, for complete certainty, you can donate blood.
  3. Make an appointment with the gynecologist and confirm the result.

Previously, when there were no tests, women immediately visited the gynecologist when they realized that they had a delay. Most of the tests are quite effective, but if you want to know for sure, then you should pass a simple examination by a gynecologist.

When to go to the doctor?

It is better to consult a doctor 2 weeks after the delay or the last sexual intercourse. The gynecologist will conduct an examination and write down the directions for analysis. These tests will not only confirm or deny the pregnancy, but also reveal the presence of viral infections. After the analysis is ready, it will take several days, and the doctor during the examination will be able to determine with full confidence the duration of the pregnancy. Many women are interested in doctors and ask for a referral to an ultrasound. This procedure is stressful for an unformed fetus, and is prescribed only if there is a risk of miscarriage.

It is better to undergo ultrasound when the fetus is already strong, not earlier than 2 months after conception. If you follow all the recommendations described above and make a test according to all the rules, then it will give an accurate result. Remember that doctors are wrong, too, and the results of tests can give the wrong result due to taking medication. The conclusion is simple: do not rush and do the test 2 weeks after ovulation, and then contact your doctor.

Watch the video: How Soon Can a Pregnancy Be Detected? (April 2024).