How to use castor oil for hair

Among the many available hair care products, castor oil is a significant role to play. Masks based on it will help to keep your curls in a beautiful form, giving them additional volume and accelerating their growth. The rules of castor oil are elementary, but a positive result can be obtained after 2-3 applications.

Castor oil: the benefits and harm

Each owner of a luxurious head of hair has repeatedly heard about the use of castor oil for hair, and many even had to use it on themselves. Useful properties of oil are known for a long time. This can be explained by the fact that castorca has the widest range of actions. Why do modern girls like this product? And why do most of them prefer cheap oil, rather than expensive hair care products?

  1. The nature of castor oil is organic, which means that it does not cause any allergic reactions;
  2. It can be used as a separate component, and included in the majority of household masks;
  3. The components of the oil can penetrate deep into the follicle, resulting in increased production of keratin and strengthens the structure of the strands;
  4. Castor has a moisturizing effect that makes it indispensable in the treatment of dandruff;
  5. Thanks to the masks based on this product, the strands become smooth and silky, and the hair is protected from breakage and damage;
  6. Using castor oil on an ongoing basis will keep the density and volume of hair;
  7. Masks with castor oil are ideal for frequent staining, thanks to them curls will look healthy and beautiful.

Mode of application

In itself, castor oil is slightly viscous, so before applying it to the hair (regardless of whether it is pure or as a mask), the oil should be slightly warmed in a water bath. After that, it is much easier to apply and distribute through the hair, and the result from it will be much more effective.

Depending on the composition of the mask, the oil on the hair should last for 15-60 minutes. After application, the hair is covered with a hat and wrapped with a towel.

Rinse castor oil should be using shampoo, and it is advisable to soap your head twice, because after the first time your hair is washed out badly. Water should not be too hot, otherwise the sebaceous glands will be stimulated. Hair that has a tendency to fat content at the end of the procedure should be rinsed with lemon juice added to water.

Try to dry your head naturally. Hair dryer use as little as possible. Also, do not keep a wet towel on your hair for a long time.

Dandruff hair masks with castor oil

The effectiveness of castor oil against dandruff has been tested for more than one decade. The most elementary method of application is the rubbing of pure heated oil in the root zone. Stay on the curls it should be about 20 minutes, then carefully washed off.

In addition to the classical method, there are several masks that will not only help get rid of dandruff, but also enrich your curls with vitamins.

  1. Oily. Combine olive oil and castor oil in the same amount, and then mix the mixture with the juice of half a lemon. The mask should be rubbed into the root zone, and then distributed over the entire length of the hair. Do not forget to wrap your hair with a package and a towel. After half an hour the mixture is washed off in the usual way;
  2. Castor oil and calendula tincture from dandruff. Tincture of calendula can be purchased at the pharmacy. It will be combined with oil in equal proportions. Rubbing the mixture into the skin approximately one hour before washing the head. It is necessary to use this mask every other day;
  3. Prophylactic dandruff mask. For its preparation, take equal amounts of honey, sour cream and castor oil. Then add to the mixture two chopped cloves of garlic and heat everything up a little. Apply the mixture to the root zone and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash your hair. This mask should be used once a week.

Accelerate the growth of hair

There are several options for masks with castor oil that stimulate hair growth:

  1. Growth stimulation with aloe and honey. Take an equal amount of castor oil and squeezed aloe juice. Then add a couple of teaspoons of honey to the mixture. Apply a mask to your hair and wait 40 minutes. After that, wash your head in the usual way;
  2. With garlic. Grind a few cloves of garlic and combine it with two teaspoons of castorca. The mask is applied strictly for 30 minutes, the most important thing is no more. After washing, you can rinse your hair with lemon juice, it will help to neutralize the unpleasant smell of garlic. Mask should be used twice a week for 2 months.

Hair loss - a solid "no"!

The most effective masks against hair loss are:

  1. With onions and aloe. Before aloe leaflets are used for cosmetic purposes, they should be kept at the bottom of the refrigerator for 10 days. Then chop the aloe with a blender, after removing the tainted edges of the plant. Combine it in equal proportions with freshly squeezed onion juice and castor oil. Cover the root zone with the resulting mask, and distribute the remnants over all hair. The composition should remain on the hair for about 60 minutes. Thanks to this mask, you can restore the water balance and strengthen the hair roots;
  2. Based on onion, honey and eggs. To prepare the mask, combine a teaspoon of castorca, egg yolk, juice from one medium onion, a teaspoon of liquid honey and a little shampoo. All carefully move and apply to the skin. The mask on the hair should remain for an hour. Please note that the mask produces a lot of onion juice, which can cause burning of the skin. In this case, the mask will need to be washed off immediately;
  3. With egg and brandy. Take an equal amount of castorca and brandy and combine them with egg yolk. After mixing, rub the mixture into the roots and wash it off after half an hour. This mask will help strengthen the hair roots and enhance their growth.

Other masks with castor hair

Castor oil has many beneficial properties, so it can be used to restore the entire structure of the hair. Let's look at a few more masks that are popular among many girls:

  1. Mask against section. Take a tablespoon of castor oil and vaseline in the form of butter. Stir them and heat slightly in a water bath. Then add to the mixture a little burdock oil and distribute the mask over the skin of the head and along the entire length of the curls. The mixture on the curls should remain up to 2 hours. Vaseline creates a special protective barrier around each hair, as a result of which the moisture will not evaporate, but will provide additional nourishment to the hair;
  2. Nutritious mask with the addition of salt and banana. Pound one medium banana into the mush and add to it in a tablespoon of sea salt and castor oil. Banana will enrich the curls with vitamins, and salt can increase blood flow, thereby activating hair growth. Also, sea salt helps to normalize the sebaceous glands and relieves dandruff. This mask is ideal for those whose curls are prone to fat.

How to use castor oil for hair with burdock

According to its properties, castor and burdock oil are somewhat similar between themselves. They are part of the majority of masks that are prepared at home, and the result of their actions does not take long.

Both oils can be safely used in the same mask, and they are added in equal quantities. For better performance, do not forget to heat the oil in a water bath.

Masks with burdock and castor oil should be done no more than twice a week, and for prevention it is enough one time. Before you start using them do not forget to make a test for allergic reactions.

How to rinse castor oil

Due to the high fat content of castor oil, it is sometimes very difficult to wash it off from the hair. To make this task as easy as possible for yourself, follow these rules:

  • it is much easier to wash off those masks, which include egg yolk;
  • to reduce the viscosity of castor oil, it can be combined with almond or olive oil;
  • Do not pre-wet your hair before applying shampoo after the mask. It is better to rub the shampoo into the hair with massaging movements and then rinse them with water;
  • after the mask based on castor oil, the strands should be washed twice;
  • at the end, rinse the locks with water with lemon juice or herbal extract.

Reviews of those who practice the use of castor hair

Oksana, Perm, 37 years old: I have been using castor oil for 2 years already. Thanks to him, I managed to get rid of dandruff and improve the overall condition of the hair. I apply a mask once a week one hour before washing my head.
Tatiana, Tver, 25 years old: I really like to experiment with images, so I often have to dye my hair. I think everyone has heard about how curls suffer after applying the paint. And here my castor oil became my assistant and lifeguard. Every week I make a mask based on castorca, eggs and honey. The result is very pleased.

So, as we have seen, castor oil can really save and restore your hair and at the same time it is affordable for everyone. In addition to therapeutic purposes, the oil can be used in the form of prophylaxis, thereby nourishing the hair with additional trace elements.

And in addition to the article - some more tips on the use of castor oil for hair in the next video.

Watch the video: See How Castor Oil Can Make Your Hair Grow In Just 30 Days (May 2024).