The benefits and harms of flaxseed oil for human health

Flaxseed oil is considered one of the most useful products of plant origin, which has a mass of healing properties. It is often called women's oil, because it is useful for women's health and helps to preserve beauty. The composition of the product can be compared with fish oil, but without an unpleasant smell. Before taking such a natural remedy, it is necessary to study its benefits and harms, as well as ensure that there are no contraindications.

The useful composition of flax oil

Flaxseed oil is superior in value to all other species due to its unique composition:

  • various fatty acids;
  • minerals and vitamins;
  • enzymes.

The composition of the natural product also includes phytosterols, vitamins E, K and choline, as well as calcium, zinc and phosphorus. In addition, this tool is considered a valuable source of lignans. In natural flaxseed oil, the color is usually bright yellow or dark brown.

How to choose and store flaxseed oil

In order for a vegetable product to be really useful, it is necessary to learn how to choose it correctly. You should carefully read the product label, which should contain 100% cold pressed oil. The quality product has a golden color, a pronounced characteristic aroma and slightly bitter taste.

It should be remembered that the oil should be stored in a tightly closed container and in a dark place. For this reason, many manufacturers produce herbal remedies in glass bottles. After opening the product must be used within a month.

Useful properties of oil for women and men

Flaxseed oil is considered the leader among herbal products in the number of healing properties and nutrients. Constant use of the product in food allows you to achieve certain positive results:

  1. The concentration of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the condition of the vessels improves. Fat contributes to blood thinning and helps fight disease such as atherosclerosis. The use of such herbal remedies helps to avoid blood clots, heart attacks, strokes and other pathologies.
  2. Stimulates the brain and protects the nervous system. To achieve this effect is possible due to the high content of omega-3 acids in the product. Flaxseed oil is simply indispensable for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and other degenerative disorders of the nervous system. In addition, it is recommended to take in diabetes and multiple sclerosis, because it helps to avoid nervous breakdown.
  3. Increases immunity and inhibits the formation of tumors in the body. Flaxseed oil is recommended for patients with cancer and it is especially effective in the treatment of tumors of the breast, prostate and rectum. Due to the immunostimulating properties, it is possible to speed up the process of recovery of the patient after the operation, and in childhood the fat helps to develop faster and more correctly.
  4. Restores the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, oil intake is prescribed for intestinal pathologies such as gastritis, colitis.
  5. It helps in the treatment of skin pathologies. Experts recommend taking inside the plant product for various acne, psoriasis and eczema. Application of the product to the skin with burns and various inflammatory processes helps to reduce the severity of the allergic reaction.

Flaxseed oil is simply indispensable for the female body. The fatty acids contained in it help to minimize the likelihood of developing breast cancer, as well as cope with the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Reception means inside allows to reduce the severity of pain during menstruation and improve the functioning of the uterus. In addition, the tool is effective in menopause, in the treatment of endometriosis and the fight against infertility.

It should be remembered that exceeding the specified dosage and incorrect intake of the product can lead to miscarriage. In addition, its composition contains a large amount of natural estrogen, and its accumulation in the female body can lead to undesirable consequences.

With flaxseed oil, you can maintain the beauty of your hands and face, as well as the health of your hair. Thanks to this product, working women can successfully resist stressful situations arising at work.

Flaxseed oil has a unique natural composition, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the male body. Due to vegetable fat, blood vessels are stimulated, which improves the excitation of the penis and helps to avoid problems with potency. Regular use of the product by men after 45-50 years old allows you to maintain a good erection for a long time.

The use of flaxseed oil for the male body lies in the fact that it improves the quality of sperm. The germ cells become as active and mobile as possible, increasing the chances of conceiving a healthy baby. Eating a natural remedy helps protect the urogenital sphere from various infections and remove harmful substances from the male body.

Indications for use

There are the following indications for receiving flaxseed oil:

  • lowering blood cholesterol and increasing vascular elasticity;
  • normalization of the digestive system;
  • increase the body's defenses;
  • diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system;
  • pathologies of the nervous system and thyroid gland;
  • disorders of the kidneys and bladder;
  • problems with potency in men.

Despite the effectiveness of the herbal product, it is recommended to take it after consulting with a specialist.

Application in cosmetology

External use of flaxseed oil allows you to speed up the process of cell regeneration with wounds, cracks, burns and various skin rashes. It is recommended to simply put gauze napkins, previously soaked with oil, on the inflamed areas of the epidermis. In addition, a natural remedy can lubricate the affected skin with warts and calluses.

Flaxseed oil softens, rejuvenates and heals the skin. It is useful to add such a product to various face and neck masks, as well as apply to improve the condition of the skin of the hands. Herbal remedy helps to improve the condition of the hair, make it shiny and lush. You just need to apply flaxseed oil to your hair 15 minutes before washing your hair.

Can I eat on an empty stomach?

Flaxseed oil is not only nutritious, but also a useful product. To obtain the desired effect, many experts recommend drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach. The fact is that in this period of time valuable substances are much better absorbed by the human body. It is best to take flaxseed oil as follows:

  1. Drink in the morning for 15-20 minutes before meals for 1 teaspoon of the remedy for two weeks, after which the dosage can be doubled. The treatment course should be at least two months.
  2. Take in the morning on an empty stomach 1 teaspoon of oil and before bedtime 2 hours after dinner for 6-8 weeks. After that, it is recommended to take a break and, if necessary, to repeat the treatment again.
  3. You can add 1 teaspoon of vegetable product to a vegetable or fruit salad or cottage cheese for breakfast.

Linseed oil can be drunk on an empty stomach for a long time, but it is better to take short breaks. Experts recommend drinking 1 teaspoon of vegetable product before breakfast for those patients who suffer from constipation.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the high value of flaxseed oil, if you take it uncontrollably or exceed the specified dosage, it can harm the body. It must be remembered that such a plant product quickly oxidizes when interacting with air and in the process of heating. This leads to the formation of free radicals in it, which pose a serious danger to the human body. In that case, if you use flaxseed oil for frying products, they become carcinogenic.

It is strictly forbidden to drink flaxseed oil if it has deteriorated. It acquires an unpleasant and bitter taste, and also emits a too sharp smell. In addition, it increases the concentration of peroxides, which causes the development of adverse reactions in humans.

If you take flaxseed oil incorrectly, you may receive:

  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction;
  • bleeding disorders.

There are some contraindications to the use of flaxseed oil, which must be taken into account. It is not allowed to take the product to patients who are being treated with drugs and antidepressants.

In addition, the product should be abandoned for people with pathologies such as cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, and gallstone disease. In case of hormonal disturbances and during pregnancy, it is allowed to take flaxseed oil only after prior consultation with a specialist.

Watch the video: Flax seeds. Amazing Health Benefits of Flax seeds. Natural Remedies (April 2024).