Effective ointment for getting rid of cold on the lip

A cold on the lips appears due to the virus, therefore, antiviral preparations in the form of an ointment are used for the treatment. Properly chosen treatment will allow you to get rid of an unaesthetic problem in a matter of days.

Why there is a cold on the lips

What is commonly called colds on the lips is actually a viral disease. Small bubbles that cause discomfort appear due to the action of the herpes virus.

Infection with this virus can occur through a household contact, but not everyone has the disease. Factors predisposing to the activation of a virus sleeping in the body:

  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • low immunity.

People often experience painful sores on their lips after suffering a flu or an infectious disease. Hypothermia can cause the development of the disease as a result of reduced immunity.

The disease begins with the appearance of small bubbles. After a few days, the bubbles burst, in their place a small erosion forms, which eventually becomes covered with a crust. Pain is often present at the vesicle stage, and itchy skin when crusts appear.

Having found the first bubbles on the lip rim, you need to start treatment as soon as possible. The virus is very contagious, so by your own negligence you can transmit the disease to close people.

Principles of treatment

A cold on the lips is of a viral nature, so treatment is carried out by antiviral agents. Preparations of this group are available in various forms, but for the treatment of colds on the lips, the best option is ointment. It is convenient to apply it dotted, while processing can be carried out in any conditions.

The appearance of wounds on the rim of the lips is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, the skin often becomes dry and cracked. The use of ointment in this case helps to get rid of discomfort more effectively than tablets, as it moisturizes, nourishes and protects delicate skin.

Antiviral medication is selected taking into account the pathogen. Since the common cold appears due to the herpes simplex virus, treatment with drugs that are effective against this strain is necessary.

Violation of the rules of hygiene, untimely and improper treatment can cause a secondary infection of erosion. In most cases, a bacterial infection develops, due to which the skin swells, possibly the development of suppuration. In this case, the treatment is supplemented with antibiotic ointments.

Review of cold ointment on the lip

The following ointments will help to cure the defeat of the lip rim:

  1. Zovirax;
  2. Acyclovir;
  3. Virolex.

These drugs are analogs, since they have the same active ingredient - the antiviral agent acyclovir. The most popular drug commonly used to combat the skin manifestations of herpes is a remedy called Zovirax.

The drug is highly effective, well tolerated by the body, but has a high cost (about 300 rubles). In addition to treating colds, the ointment is used for skin rashes of herpes nature, for example, for herpes zoster. Use of the drug: apply a dot on the affected area of ​​the lips every 2-3 hours.

The cost of Virolex medication is about 240 rubles. The drug is available in various forms (gel, cream, drops). It is applied, like Zovirax, up to 6 times per day.

Medicines with acyclovir have a number of contraindications.

Ointments can not be used during pregnancy and lactation, as acyclovir has a systemic effect on the mother's body and penetrates into the blood and breast milk.

In case of intolerance to acyclovir, Panavir can be used. The drug has a pronounced antiviral effect, and is used for the treatment of herpes sores, papillomatosis and for the prevention of viral diseases.

The drug has an immunostimulating effect and promotes tissue regeneration. The cost of the drug depends on the volume. A small tube (3 g) will cost 150-170 rubles. A large tub of cream costs about 1,500 rubles.

How to treat a cold on the lip with ointment Acyclovir, what is its price

Acyclovir in the form of an ointment or cream is produced by various pharmaceutical companies. The most popular products are Acyclovir-Hexal and Acyclovir-Acre. Both drugs are characterized by a similar effect and contain 5% of the active substance.

Acyclovir-Hexal is available in tubes of different weights (2 and 5 g), the cost varies from 70 to 150 rubles. Acyclovir-Akri is cheaper - a tube of 5 g will cost 25-35 rubles.

The cream is applied point on the area of ​​inflammation. Treatment should be carried out every 2 hours.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and, on average, does not exceed a week. Reduction of discomfort is noted already at the first use.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the composition. An antiviral drug overcomes the placental barrier, therefore, in the period of carrying a child, its use is prohibited. The drug also penetrates into breast milk, so you should refrain from ointment during lactation.

When processing skin ointment should be rubbed. To ensure the best effect, it is recommended to treat with a cotton swab, not your fingers. This will avoid accidental re-infection. Ointment should be applied carefully, without damaging the bubbles rash. Otherwise, recovery will be delayed.

In rare cases, symptoms of a hypersensitivity reaction to the components of the drug may occur - redness of the skin, swelling, burning and itching of the lips. If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to replace the drug.

Tetracycline ointment

For colds on lips, many people use tetracycline ointment. This drug is not an antiviral agent, therefore it does not affect the herpes virus. The drug contains an antibiotic and is used to treat diseases of the skin and mucous membranes caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

However, in the treatment of wounds to the lips with this drug, a quick positive result is noted, despite the absence of antiviral components in the composition.

This is due to the fact that the ointment enhances local skin regeneration and protects against bacterial infection. Suppression of the virus in this case occurs not with the help of medicines, but with the forces of its own immunity.

The ointment shows a good result if you start treatment at the first appearance of symptoms of a developing cold on the rim of the lips. The cost of the drug is very affordable - only 40 rubles for a small tuba.

The ointment is applied with a cotton swab three times a day. If the vesicles burst, only the edges of the wound should be treated, since the penetration of tetracycline into an open wound can provoke suppuration.

Before using the drug, you should consult with your doctor, as the ointment has a number of contraindications.

The best cheap lip anti-cold ointment

Domestic Acyclovir is the most affordable preparation for treating the skin of the lips with herpes.

Regular Acyclovir costs from 15 rubles. More expensive drugs differ only in auxiliary components, which soften and moisturize the skin of the lips.

The most inexpensive analogue with the same active ingredient in the composition is Gerperax ointment. Its cost ranges from 40-60 rubles. The ointment has the same indications and contraindications, can be used for various skin rashes, provoked by a simple herpes virus.

With timely treatment, cold symptoms subside the very next day. If therapy is started after the bubbles have burst, for the complete disappearance of the wound it is necessary to use the drug for 5-7 days.

Prevention and recommendations

Prevention of herpetic eruptions is to support their own immunity. To this end, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and promptly treat any cold or infectious disease.

Many make the mistake of trying to disguise a cold on their lips with tonal means.

In order for the wound to heal faster, you need to use the drug and stop using cosmetics during treatment.

Early treatment will help quickly get rid of a cold. A large number of antiviral drugs, presented in pharmacies, will help to choose the ointment at an affordable price.

A little more information about the treatment of colds on the lips - in the next video.

Watch the video: Cold Sores. How To Treat A Cold Sore. How To Prevent Cold Sores. How To Get Rid Cold Sore 2018 (April 2024).